how would you react if another turbo buick pulled up next to you?

Vendor Defendor

Out the window
Nov 25, 2002
just wondering how you would react if you were driving along and another turbo buick pulled up next to you? just wondering... because when i see another TR i get all giddy and what not... makes my day for the time being...

but thats me, and we all know i am a weirdo.. but this has happened to me twice that i can remember, one time i was driving down this road and ahead of me i see this dark blue regal.. get up next to it, sure as hell its a TR, he looks over, but doesnt really seem to acknowlege that i even exist.

second time (actually it was the first), i was driving down my very street, not even 4 houses away from my house, on my way home from school, and right in front of me, heading the other way, i see an 87 GN.. :eek: i think, we are at an intersection, we both are at opposite stop signs, i creep up to him, my windows were down, i was going to say whats up, but when my window gets next to his, he speeds away :confused: kinda odd i thought.

so i was just wondering, what do you think or do when another TR pulls up to you, do you just look ahead and pay no attention to him, or are you like me and get kinda excited and wanna say, hey, nice car...

thats me though, like i said, im a weirdo..

i am like you i wnat to go say nice car or hows it going, if i see one parked somewhere and the driver is around i usually go up and tell him he has a nice car, or talk to him for a bit.
HA! Just 3 weeks ago, I pulled up next to a GN at a stop light. The light turned green just as I stopped and I stuck my head out the window and yelled "Your car is a dog!". We both hammered it from the roll, squealed tires, and stuck side-by-side up to about 70. I waved him over and we chatted at the gas station for 30. Gn was new to him, but he had a T once before. Cool guy and glad to have another local driver TR around.
I think it's a perfect normal feeling to wanna get to know and socialize with other Buick owners, regardless if it's a T-R or a V8 Buick.

Afterall, we Buick people always have been and always will be minorities and we MUST stick together.

I know (to my knowledge "just about") every T-R and V8 Buick owner and enthusiast in middle TN. I feel it's my job.

Ran across a guy from the 'Boro last night @ the track in Huntsville Ala of all places. He had a original 110,000 mile '69 Lark 350 with single exhaust, manifolds, y pipe and all running 8.30s @ 83-84 MPH. It was good to see him "representing". Talk about a sleeper, this car had original wheels and dog-dish caps all around with shine bumpers and smooth paint. Looked like the little old lady from Pasadena car.:cool: Definetly disturbed a few Chevy and Stang boyzs. :D
Originally posted by 87blackbuick
i am like you i wnat to go say nice car or hows it going, if i see one parked somewhere and the driver is around i usually go up and tell him he has a nice car, or talk to him for a bit.

Same here I'll go out of my way to talk to another Buick owner I see on the street.:cool:

Most of the time it's just trying to figure out if I already know them are not. Those dam black cars all look alike:D
I think it is cool. Dosen't happen much anymore. There used to be quite a few TR's. cruising around here. About three years ago there were 2 T's and myself ( I had my GN at the time ) out cruising around at the local hot spot so we started talking and we all had similar mods ( low 11 second cars) so we decided to leave at the same time and see if anyone was BSing about performance. It was cool to be in a knock down drag out street race with 2 other turbo cars. We went at it from a roll and stayed in it till about 80 or so. Great race with one of the T's putting about 1/2 a car on me and the other T not far behind me. Big fun.
I see them a lot on the highway. Although, typically TWO things happen. Either the person is going the other direction and I simply interupt my sentence if somebody is in the car and say "Turbo Regal" and point. By the time the person I'm talking to realizes what I'm talking about the TR is out of sight. OR.. if I do see a TR going my direction, almost EVERY TIME I'm not in my GN, but driving my truck. Of course, there is no way somebody could know that I'm a TR owner in the truck. *SIGH*.

The latest two encounters of running into people with TRs (in the US) was one time at a gas station. I stopped and talked to a friend of mine who was working there. If I hadn't stopped, I wouldn't have seen a GN pull in 5 mins later to air up the tires. I spoke with that owner for a short time. My other encounter was with a TR owner who had broke down on the side of Rt. 29. The owner wasn't around, and I wasn't in my TR, but I left a note with my cell phone number so he could contact me. Several days later, the guy left a message on my phone thanking me for stopping. But we never actually got to talk. So if you're out there... send a PM, my cell phone doesn't work here.

One quick side note about getting all 'giddy'. In June, I was driving home from work (here in Germany) and I saw a Typhoon going the other direction. He was going the opposite direction. I have no idea how my car stopped at the traffic light because I was fully turned around head out of the window gaulking at it!
the only time i've seen another TR driving i was in my friend's formula and when the guy got in front of us we both said "turbo regal!" or something similar. after a few miles we caught up to him at a stop light and said hi. and did a little stop light to stop light action. it was neat.. only other time i've seen a TR in town was a week or two ago there was a GN (i think.. no badges, can't remember if it has the steel GN wheels) parked in someone's driveway in wingfield springs. no one around and i'm not going to stop and ring someones doorbell to say "hey nice Buick."

i suppose if i was in my car and another one pulled up next to me i'd feel a little "giddy"
".....and i'm not going to stop and ring someones doorbell to say "hey nice Buick."

HAH - I have done just that :)

Saw a GN in a driveway.....turned around, parked in the church lot next to the house and rang the bell. Guy was a little spooked at first until I pointed mine out and then the ice melted. We chatted for about an hour.

I get very excited when I see another TR on the road. It is like being in a foreign country and seeing another American.

When I rode my motorcycle I learned to wave at all other bikes....just something bikers do. I have started doing that when I see another TR. Just sort of saying "hey bro.....good ta see ya!"

Every time I see a TR I'm never in the regal. I say, "hey nice car" then they do something like this:rolleyes: I guess neon's, and turbo buicks don't mix well.
Originally posted by Vendor Defendor
just wondering how you would react if you were driving along and another turbo buick pulled up next to you? just wondering... because when i see another TR i get all giddy and what not... makes my day for the time being...

but thats me, and we all know i am a weirdo.. but this has happened to me twice that i can remember, one time i was driving down this road and ahead of me i see this dark blue regal.. get up next to it, sure as hell its a TR, he looks over, but doesnt really seem to acknowlege that i even exist.

second time (actually it was the first), i was driving down my very street, not even 4 houses away from my house, on my way home from school, and right in front of me, heading the other way, i see an 87 GN.. :eek: i think, we are at an intersection, we both are at opposite stop signs, i creep up to him, my windows were down, i was going to say whats up, but when my window gets next to his, he speeds away :confused: kinda odd i thought.

so i was just wondering, what do you think or do when another TR pulls up to you, do you just look ahead and pay no attention to him, or are you like me and get kinda excited and wanna say, hey, nice car...

thats me though, like i said, im a weirdo..


Pull up next to me at a light, and I'll smile and say hi.

And then begin to build boost :cool:
There will be no smiles till I am ahead of the guy, or gal for that matter. I have never pulled up next to a TR, we have always been racing!!

Lost to only one. I was bone stock, whatever that means!
Like everyone else, it always works out that I see a turbo Buick driving down the street when Im not in my Buick. But when I am in the Buick and the few times I encounter another Buick, they are always the beat-up abused TR's. I never see any nice TR's.

Another thing that Ive noticed is every TR driver I try to talk to has a prick attitude, when I say "nice turbo Buick" they look over with that attitude like I do know what they are driving.

I also have gone up to someones house and rang the door bell because they had a Turbo Buick in the driveway. Just to BS and see if they want to sell it. Sometimes I take the Buick out driving just to see if I can find another Buick crusing........I never find one though
Originally posted by gn85
........I simply interupt my sentence if somebody is in the car and say "Turbo Regal" and point.

:D Me too. My girlfriend wonders how I can spot one so far away sometimes. I stop talking and say "Turbo BuicK", and then continue the conversion when I am done eye humping it.

In Amarillo where I just moved from there is a good amount of these cars for the population I guess. It is a common deal to pass one with a thumbs up sticking out the window. My friends say it's like a cult. Or like dorky Saturn owners when those things first came out.:rolleyes:
Try pulling up to a TR with a TTA!

All I got was a look up N down like I was dog sh!t.

I blew his doors off and we parted ways.

I also chased down another TTA and talked to that guy for an 1hr in a parking lot of a race shop.

I also get asked quite often if my car is a real one???:confused:
or if I still have the turbo on it???:confused:

Anywho, I get TR giddy all the time. Ask my wife... she loves sitting for an hour in a parking lot learning a different language:rolleyes: Naw, she's cool about it.:cool:
Well that's lame. The way I see it is that the TR got a vicarious last hoorah with the TTA, in a package that suited the LC2 better anyway. Maybe you took his ego down a notch. :confused: