howard stern off the air


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Thats right today the FCC got there way and ended the Howard Stern show. The company that broadcasts the show bowed down to the threats of fines and pulled him off the air. In an interview with stern he said 'it was a witch hunt by Bush to eliminate free speech". The land of the free and home of the brave? YA RIGHT
Gees, let's have a moment of silence.................................

The pervert's off the air. :(

More democrat propoganda. Bush didn't like the show. :rolleyes:
Maybe there is hope after all. The majority are tired of seeing our culture drug down into the sleeze and slime even further. No one is depriving Howard of one bit of free speech. He can stand on a street corner, bring along his cavalcade of skank strippers, belch, and make all the boring fart jokes he wants. He just can't do it on the public airwaves.

Some of Howard's listeners might be better served to spend their time tuning into Michael Savage instead. Might raise up their collective IQs a few points.
Originally posted by TRBON8R
Some of Howard's listeners might be better served to spend their time tuning into Michael Savage instead.

Doing it at this very moment myself.
Howard Stern listeners aren't exactly known for being the smartest bunch.I think it says alot about your maturity and intelligence level by making a big deal about it.I have always hated Howard Stern too,how many times can you make fart jokes and talk about boobs until it gets lame.I would not even be proud to say I find that CRAP entertaining.Like was said,GOOD RIDDANCE!
when was his last morning? I used to listen years ago but gew tired of him.. I was jsut wondering HOW they ended it?
he was a slimeball, but if people wanna listen and advertisers wanna pay, who cares?

we cannot protect ourselves from ourselves.......
HOWARD IS NOT off the air...

The announcement today is that Clear Channel Communications has PERMANENTLY dropped his show instead of suspending it, after being fined $495,000 by the FCC. They were the guys who suspended him in 6 markets... Relax Howard will be back next week from vacation, hes not going anywhere anytime soon...

BTW Im a hardcore Republican but I think this is FCC thing is a sack of crap! LONG LIVE HOWARD STERN!
Originally posted by striker_29
One less deginerate in the limelight. Good riddance.

I'm with you on that.
It's a shame that it takes fines and legislation to do the job. At some point even the liberals should say "you know, that's pretty much worthless, let's just let that go". The nation as a whole has gained a few IQ points by trimming the fat that guy represented.
I don't like Howard Stern at ALL. I dont even find him funny.

BUT - he has a right to say and do what he wishes, just like I have a right to TURN THE DIAL.

As soon as we draw a line in the sand as to what is OK and what is not, we are done.

You see, something you like and enjoy may be deemed "offensive" to someone someday. And think about how you would feel.

I am a conservative, but believe the only way we can keep things like our government in check is to have things like liberals always whining, conservatives always being conservative. Its a balance that must be maintained. As soon as we go too far left or too far right, the country will not survive.

I believe that when you are a kid and go to college you should be a Democrat liberal. You should be idealistic, think that if you give a man a sandwich and a home he will pick himself up and be a good citizen. You should want to save the whales. The US needs that idealism,....

Then when you get older, and own something, you decide "Wait a minute, I EARNED that. Why should some bums just keep getting everything for free. They NEVER work because there is no incentive. Keep the downtrodden stupid and feed them cheese and they will vote for you. Its a liberal ideal. They just can't see the irony of living in their million dollar houses while telling me in my 200,000 house to give more welfare programs money. If they TRULY wanted to help, they would peel a few hundos off their stack, give it to the needy, and move into a regular house. THEN I might believe in them.

I would prefer to TEACH the needy to fish, rather then just give them a government subsidized one.

But, I am mature enough to realize, if ALL we had were conservatives, the USA would be just as bad off as if the liberals ran the show all the time. Its a balance.

Anyway - I may not like Stern, but I also turn him off. I respect his right to have a show. If its bad enough, many people will stop listening, and he will go away anyway. I do NOT want the some FCC dude deciding what I should listen to.

But remember, Clear (Fear) Channel owns the satellite radio. So, it is in their vested interest to get the money maker shows off the free radio and onto satellite only, so they can control the market better and make us all pay $10 a month.

But, then it will be $20 a month..l..

Remember cable TV???? Well, you pay, but their is no commercials! Look what happened there. You almost can't live without cable now, and there are tons of commercials on every station.

Same with radio - its coming folks.....

You see, as soon as free speech goes away, the guns are next, and welcome to Democrat (socialist) heaven.

So, go on, post your liberal stuff - don't bother me. I don't agree, but I agree we need you wacky liberals to keep us conservatives in check.

I guess I am Libertarian by nature (less government). But, they will never win in my lifetime.
Good post Todd,
The Neo conservative sheep don't realize that they speak out of both sides of their mouths. Less Govt; but wait more govt: to remove Stern? Just turn the dial dummy. I am registered Dem, I am not a big lever puller though. I often split my ticket. I am against huge welfare rolls. If you can work, work. Also misunderstood is that in GOP the welfare is shifted to big business with giant tax breaks for corporations.

Down to brass tacks: Dems favor the little guy/ impoverished. GOP favors the wealthy and big business.

I guess it makes people feel better/ wealthier to align with the GOP than the poor/ less fortunate.

Read Paul O'Neill's book he was in 3 GOP cabinets, he has no ax to grind but tells it like it is in Bush's white house.

Let the Flames begin.....
I'm pretty sure that Clear Channel just owns stock in one of the satellite radio companies. They don't even come close to a majority ownership percentage. You are right however they would love to charge for commercials while you the listener pay to listen to them.

Also I heard Buick GN owners are only redneck, mullet having, white trash. Oh I'm sorry I'm I generalizing characteristics of a few individuals on entire population? Yes the people that call in to Howard Stern and go on the show are often idiots, but to state that listeners have a low IQ :confused: come on.

If some of the people that constantly criticize would actually listen to the show (which usually doesn't happen, they speak on hearsay), then many of the misconceptions about the show would be crushed. Yes he makes fart jokes, yes he talks about breasts, but does he do it for 4 hours straight? No. You can't have the ratings he has with a 4 hour fart joke (30 minutes max). :D

Anyway I'll step down, but if you bad mouth Russ Martin I'll have to come over there and kick you "square in the nuutts" (yeah I like South Park too)
Originally posted by Red Regal T
Gees, let's have a moment of silence.................................

The pervert's off the air. :(

More democrat propoganda. Bush didn't like the show. :rolleyes:

NO, the head of the FCC that Bush put in office didn't like the show. Lets keep the facts straight John.
Sorry Stern lovers

The people YOU voted for in both houses of congress don't like the current dialog on the regulated airwaves. They demanded change.

That would be Democrat as well as Republican. There is NO one party pushing this change.

YOU CHOOSE to say it is President Bush.

Howard seems to have a lot to say currently and a press market very willing to print it.

What Howard lost was a job. His employer decided Howard was not worth it. His employer could have come to his defense. Was there any mention of an appeal? When did they? I don't see press releases from them, only Howard.

So cry those big tears for Howard if you want, but nobody has shut him up.
You can't appeal when your fighting the government, while you appeal, they seem to have the habit of losing paperwork which causes your broadcast license to expire, which puts you out of buisness. Kind of convient for them, when they are the ones fining you, you fight them, suddenly your income is gone. If your going to talk about appeals, you should do some research before you start post, but then, why start now.