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The bottom line is you and I both need to learn to agree to disagree and leave it at that cause this is going nowhere fast!
Re: Okay I'm back because I want to shut him up....

Originally posted by 86brick
Lyonsd, first of all I don't always call BS when a Mustang wins (I have actually only called BS once in this kill section, but you want to make it sound like I do it all the time),

I'll give you that.

however, if I believe the kill doesn't sound right I voice my opinion and in the last case the driver of the LS1 F-body must have been a very poor driver in my eyes for a '93 Cobra that has 80 less rwhp to win! FYI, I have seen bone stock LS1 F-bodies dyno 300-320rwhp and in the last kill story the guy Terry with the '93 Cobra said he dynoed 240 at the rear wheels so how in the hell else would he beat a car that is a second faster with a good driver!

Simple. LS1s are known to run low 13s, even high 12s off the showroom floor. But is that the case for every single time a LS1 goes down the track? No. Those are best cases. On the other hand, a '93 Cobra's best case is mid-high 13s.

You and your buddy have a lot of nerve calling BS on somebody who you don't know. And that's not a very positive display of class.

The problem is you "Serious Mustang" guys can't take it when somebody calls BS or questions a kill by saying "that car wasn't running right, he couldn't drive, etc.) You and your Mustang buddies get very defensive when somebody questions the performance of a Mustang or Ford and that is the root of this problem, not me having class or anything having to do with my character whether you want to admit or NOT!

First off, I'm not a "serious Mustang guy". And I don't have a problem with somebody calling BS on a story. But at least one of you two boys (should I say Tweedle-Dumb and Tweedle-Dumber?) are there calling BS every single time. You yourself might not call BS, but you've always got your counterpart's back. Now that's what I call being defensive. Give it a break!

Why can't you just take the guy's word for it and pat him on the back instead of making a big deal out of it? If you're really that insecure about a Turbo Regal getting beat (and/or a Mustang winning), then I suggest some getting some counseling or something.

BTW, I happen to own a Mustang, a Turbo Regal and a Chevy. So using the argument that I'm some sort of serious Mustang guy is null and void. You're going to have to do better than that.
Lyonsd, you bring up some good points about me and my counterpart, but you and I both know that you usually stand up for the Mustang guys no matter what.... I usually tend to agree with what Alex says (not always) and when I do I back him up just like you would back up a Mustang guy on this forum like Bob Cosby or Terry.... From now on I will try to just say good kill whenever a Mustang guy wins instead of questioning why the Mustang won (even if I think there is good reason to question the kill), and I hope you won't be so defensive when somebody decides to question why a Mustang beat a Regal/F-body cause as long as a flame war like this one does not get started it's usually a good debate IMHO!:cool:

My 2 sence

The bottom line is you and I both need to learn to agree to disagree and leave it at that cause this is going nowhere fast!


I usually set back and evaluate what what is written on are beloved board's before making a comment. In saying this, we are only human, and it's only natural to argue one's point to the extream too insult one another to the point temper's flare. :D In saying this, there is always going to be a diffrence in opinions. Thats not a bad thing! But, don't let this work against you guy's. Your knowledge and know how, weather in the Buick community, or Ford community, will benifit us all in the future of racing. There is alway's going to be somebody faster than the next man.......;) Just as long as the rice community dosen't catch up with good ole American muscle...... :D
Originally posted by 86brick
but you and I both know that you usually stand up for the Mustang guys no matter what.... I usually tend to agree with what Alex says (not always) and when I do I back him up just like you would back up a Mustang guy on this forum like Bob Cosby or Terry....

I don't back people up because they might be a "Mustang guy". Especially "no matter what". If I back a person up, there's a good reason for it. If he happens to be a "Mustang guy", then that's just a coincidence. In Terry's case, I didn't back him up at all. I just told him to ignore the Mustang-haters (which I was referring to you guys). And that was my only post in that thread.

From now on I will try to just say good kill whenever a Mustang guy wins instead of questioning why the Mustang won (even if I think there is good reason to question the kill), and I hope you won't be so defensive when somebody decides to question why a Mustang beat a Regal/F-body cause as long as a flame war like this one does not get started it's usually a good debate IMHO!:cool:

Well shipmate (a little "Lieutennant Bob" lingo there), I don't care when a Mustang wins or loses, and I certainly don't get defensive about it one way or the other. The problem is this: A story about a Mustang beating a TR/F-body seems to be the only "good reason" for one of you two to "question the kill". It's as if the impossible just occurred in your mind. It's pretty obvious that you don't want to believe it, so you start "questioning the kill".

Suppose a story is posted about a stock 5.0 beating an LS1. Yes, there had to have been certain circumstances involved for that to happen. But that doesn't mean it didn't happen. Poor driving on the LS1 owner's part was probably the major factor. There is no need to attempt to let all the air out of the 5.0 driver's balloon by calling BS (which is basically just calling somebody you don't know a liar). By doing that, you're showing a lack of class and you're being defensive.

I don't know, but I'd bet that if you were driving a 5.0 and you had the rare pleasure of beating an LS1, you'd be pretty gosh-darn happy about beating a car that's as much as a whole-second faster than you. And how would you like it if you posted the story here and people you don't even know start calling BS on you?

I beat a 2002 BMW E46 M3 and was pretty proud that I beat a "faster" (well, more expensive anway) car, so I posted it on this board. If somebody called BS on me, I might have gotten pissed about it. My suggestion is to try to be a little more open-minded and accept that fact that any car (even if it's a Mustang) can beat a quicker one.

Of course there are trolls and chronic liars, too. They are pretty obvious and deserve all the criticisms they get. Don't assume he's a troll and/or liar unless it's blatantly ridiculous: "I smoke Grand Nationals all the time in my Accord." Even if he's got $20 grand into that Accord and runs low 12s, he won't be smoking GNs "all the time" because the chances of lining up at a red light with a GN are slim in the first place. Obviously, such a statement would come from a troll and/or liar.

Last but not least, I would like to apologize to you and "shoebox" for being a little harsh on you at times (tweedle-dumb and -dumber, etc...). You know, those kind of things. Whether you were offended or not, I am sorry.
Can I EVER start a thread w/o there being a big arguement?:o

This isn't directed to a specific person, so noone get sensitive :D
You guys crack me up. It seems like whenever a Mustang / GN race pops up on this board an argument occurs. TR's smoke Mustangs everyday. Mustangs smoke GN's everyday. It all depends on what you're packing under the hood. There are plenty of us here who get fired up about TR's losing. Iyonsd, I remember one time when you raised the BS flag to one of my posts about a Mustang kill in my '92 300ZX that I used to have. You figured I couldn't tell the difference between a V6 and a 5. sloooow. Yes, the 300ZX is an underpowered pig, but it'll still smoke a poorly tuned Rustang. Hell, I've smoked Mustang GT's in my '77 280Z, my '00 F150, and yes, even my '97 Cavalier (it was an '84). I've also lost to just as many in my GN. I usually don't pick on 'em unless they sound healthy.

Remember, it's all in good fun and there's no need to get defensive. :)
Originally posted by BuickMike
Iyonsd, I remember one time when you raised the BS flag to one of my posts about a Mustang kill in my '92 300ZX that I used to have. You figured I couldn't tell the difference between a V6 and a 5. sloooow.

I don't remember calling BS on any such kill. Are you sure it was me? Or are you attributing somebody else's post to me because I posted in the thread?

The only 300ZX thread I could find where I posted in it this one:

I do believe you are confusing me with somebody else.

EDIT: Here's another:

Nope, couldn't have been me. I wouldn't have accused somebody of not knowing the difference between a 5.0 and V6 because the Fox Mustangs only came with a 5.0 or 4-banger. Now the '94-'95s (SN95) came with a 5.0 or 3.8 V6, but when somebody talks about a 5.0 (or 5.slow) I assume they are talking about a Fox, not SN95.
This was a looooooooong time ago. Back before temporarily went down. You won't be able to find the thread because all the data was lost when the website went down.

I think I made that post back when I was living in California, so it was almost three years ago.
I still think you got me confused with somebody else. I doubt I would call BS on a story about a 300ZX TT beating a 5.0 because I can believe it. The Z is a quicker car, no doubt about it. And I definitely wouldn't have accused somebody of mistaking a 5.0 for a V6.
Trust me, it was you. My Z was N/A, not TT. That's why you had a hard time believing it.
Now that you mention a story about a "naturally aspirated" 300ZX beating a 5.0, it rang a bell. I do seem to recall having a problem with it, and back then I was a little more "rambunctious" than I am these days. Sorry.
No big deal. Most 300ZX's are in bad shape and couldn't outrun a lawnmower. Mine had the usual crap; exhaust & K&N, but I also advanced the timing 4 degrees, removed the coolant lines from the throttle bodies, and I took out the manual fan to replace it with an electric fan. Most people in the Z community argued that the last 3 mods wouldn't help until they rode in my car. I actually pulled a car length on a bone stock '91 TT 300ZX with an auto. It's funny how the ricer crowd will deny that free / cheap mods can sometimes make more of a difference than the high $$$ ones. ;)
Originally posted by lyonsd
I wouldn't have accused somebody of not knowing the difference between a 5.0 and V6 because the Fox Mustangs only came with a 5.0 or 4-banger.
That's not entirely correct. You could get a 6 cyclinder in the very early Fox bodies. I had a 1980 Mustang with a slug of a motor 3.3 inline 6. That thing was such a dog. It wouldn't go any faster than 75 MHP. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by BuickMike
Mine had the usual crap; exhaust & K&N, but I also advanced the timing 4 degrees, removed the coolant lines from the throttle bodies, and I took out the manual fan to replace it with an electric fan. .... I actually pulled a car length on a bone stock '91 TT 300ZX with an auto.


Just kidding!
I happen to think that shoebox and brick are very very cool:cool:they are cooler even than Fonzie,and all of my closest freinds feel the same way.We could even do a poll to prove it.Right on guys!Keep up the good work!You guys rule!WHOO HOO!Yeah!YEEE-HAAAW!
Thanks for the kind words!:D ;)

Myself, shoebox, lyonsd, and Bob Cosby do our best to entertain everybody on the board with our little debates about Mustangs and Fords:) :cool: