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I Gave Em A Chance


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New Member
Jan 2, 2002
OK Now i know all this will probably do is start another big damn flamewar.
But,EVERY MUSTANG OWNER I MEET IS A JERKOFF!!!! I was out driving around looking for new hood lifts and a parking light bulb on a sunday (nothing open).
So i just drove around a little and i was kinda looking for a race after i had a new benz riding my ass then try to pass me and i shut em down!! But anyway theres a stang passing me going the other way and revved the hell out of what at the time i thought had to be either (turbo'd Supercharged or Blown) couldnt tell which,or engine it was, one of the newer ones and sounded kinda healthy. So i pulled over to wait for him to turn around, I figured maybe we could talk i wanted to check out what he had done and maybe a race a lil (heehee), but he didnt turn so i kept driving around and i came across him again so i slowed and threw a little rev at him and as soon as he saw he he threw another huge rev, so i motoned for him to pull over behind me, He did and i pulled over and started to get out to maybe talk a little and give the guy a chance to not be a typical stereotypical punk rustang owner (no luck). But he just pulled alongside me (with his brakes squeeling horribly hmmm wonder if he knows how to change em himself)and started in with the "mustang attitude" "Oh, So ya wanna race for money you call me over here like you got a fast car or something BLAH BLAH BLAH" (Bad Attitude) So i just kinda laughed and looked at my friend who was in the car with me, He was like i knew that kid from school hes a jerk (or something like that). So even after all this bad attitude i tried talking and being nice i asked him what he had in it and hes like " A BLOWER" and threw another big rev, followed by more bad attitude again i just laughed at his ignorant ass and was kinda ignoring him, Because we ALL know its not a great idea to race these kind of a$$holes who probably can't drive worth damn anyway, and just end up killing both of you or costing way more than he is worth. (he later proved that by hitting the gas real hard when he had like 20 feet in front of him before there were three cars in front of him he couldnt get around just to show off and ended almost smashing his rustang) So i just pulled out and around him and left kinda disgruntled about all of this, I gave em a chance to be kool and change my mind about mustank owners in general and he just confirmed it for me i wish i could meet just one who is kool.

Ok enough venting let the angry mustang owners yelling and flame war begin OH WELL
Hey Dude,

Your not by yourself...Rustage owners cant help the way they act....Morons will be morons..Remember they act or should I say react when they see those horrible menacing looking buick tail-lgihts!! :D

Originally posted by MELOVEGN

He did and i pulled over and started to get out to maybe talk a little and give the guy a chance to not be a typical stereotypical punk rustang owner (no luck).

I gave em a chance to be kool and change my mind about mustank owners in general and he just confirmed it for me i wish i could meet just one who is kool.

Ok enough venting let the angry mustang owners yelling and flame war begin OH WELL

Where did this happen - Queens, NY? BWAAHAAHAAAHAHAAAHAAA!!

He's not a jerk because he's a Mustang owner; he's just a typical Queens New Yorker!! :D
HEEHEE yea todd i tried so hard to be nice

and yes it happen in queens and not everyone new yorker is a jerk

damn out of towners NY'ers get a bad rap oh well haha
Originally posted by MELOVEGN
and yes it happen in queens and not everyone new yorker is a jerk

Yes, I'm sure there are a few exceptions. :D
Originally posted by MELOVEGN
But anyway theres a stang passing me going the other way and revved the hell out of what at the time i thought had to be either (turbo'd Supercharged or Blown) couldnt tell which,or engine it was,
FYI: supercharged = blown
"FYI: supercharged = blown"

=They still check my tail lights. Mustang guys are generally cocky when they are ASPIRATED.

Although, just a supercharge or spray on a 4.6 or 302 usually only nets mid 12's or a little better, which is nothing to brag about if your going to street race and talk smack.

thanx for the info guys im kinda new ill admit it

Since your still new I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, try to refrain from the profanity. We do have people with kids who like to read this area as well. Our motto is "Going fast with Class" and using colorful descriptive slang words in IMO is far from "Class". Thanks for your cooperation, Geoff.
MELOVEGN, if the guy had class he wouldnt be in a pony car in the first place. He would have a Buick. There are a couple of Rustang owners on this board but they also have TR's. Next time, smoke him first and THEN talk to him.

Originally posted by Rollin

Since your still new I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, try to refrain from the profanity. We do have people with kids who like to read this area as well. Our motto is "Going fast with Class" and using colorful descriptive slang words in IMO is far from "Class". Thanks for your cooperation, Geoff.
Yea i should have just kinda like to know who im gunna race so i can kinda feel secure that he can somewhat drive and not hit me while trying to race

Originally posted by blackbuick87
MELOVEGN, if the guy had class he wouldnt be in a pony car in the first place. He would have a Buick. There are a couple of Rustang owners on this board but they also have TR's. Next time, smoke him first and THEN talk to him.

I am sorry to hear about your rude experience with a Mustang owner. I too have met many aholes, but it is not just a Mustang thang. There are aholes that drive everything. I have met way more cool stang drivers than rude ones. In fact, when I had my GN, I made friends with many Stang owners. Just keep at it, you will meet many cool stangers. NY has some of the coolest/fastest stang's in the country. You are sitting here complaining about how stang onwers act, yet you are always talking smack about stangs and stang owners. It works both ways.


Actually the Stangers are reacting to the menacing Buick headlights as they disapear in the rearview miror, 2 buslengths per second (bl/s). <--------- You should remember this abbreviation, you will need it to describe all of your loses to Mustangs.


Since when is Buick class? You make it sound like your car is equivelant to driving a Mercedes or something! :confused: Gotta love 'dem rattles! A Buick is about as classy as a Pinto! Ok, ok...maybe a Fairmont...bwahahaha!!!!!! BrokeUglyImitationCaddilacKrap <-----This is for the wizards that were about to pull out the 'ol Found-on-Road-Dead saying that we all just can't get enough of. :D
you started off so well and i thought you turned over a new leaf guess not wedgie Like the name of the post i gave em a chance
i tried to be friendly its not MY fault everyone of you guys i meet is a jerky including you obviuosly
OMG!!!! You sound like my 1 yr old neice trying to say my name. The only thing is, I think she has better grammar.

Hey man, I tried to be cool to you. What I said to the other guys had nothing to do with you. You were complaining about stereotypical mustang owner being *******s, and instead of setting an expample, you and a couple of others Ford haters fill the thread with insults about Stangers. So how would you expect to get any respect from a Stanger, when all you do is disrespect them.

So, now I will be the bigger man and still extend my appologies for the problems you have had with certain Stangers. But, now I almost have to wonder who the ******* is....

Originally posted by MELOVEGN
you started off so well and i thought you turned over a new leaf guess not wedgie Like the name of the post i gave em a chance
i tried to be friendly its not MY fault everyone of you guys i meet is a jerky including you obviuosly
i drive a 98 mustang gt as my daily driver....i can still attest to the fact that most mustang owners around here have attitudes...but usually only when im in my mustang....but when im in my gn...then....i usually get camaros and mustangs following behind me not trying to keep up because they know the drill.....
Gotta love 'dem rattles! A Buick is about as classy as a Pinto! Ok, ok...maybe a Fairmont...bwahahaha!!!!!! BrokeUglyImitationCaddilacKrap <-----

Now come on, lets be honest here. I am sorry I was putting all pony car owners in one group. I am a hypocrite. But this is just a rediculous statement. Sure my 15 year old Buick has a few rattles. But I have never ridden in a Rustang more than 3 years old and they ALL sounded like they were about to come apart.
c'mon wedgie you almost got it
you keep TRYING to be nice but also keep being a jerk too
i know you can do it
or will you continue to make yourself look like a typical stang owner

and as far as

So how would you expect to get any respect from a Stanger, when all you do is disrespect them.

LIKE I SAID i tried to be kool with him after ALL the other times i have experienced stang owners being *******'s i still tried only to come here to vent and have to her from your sorry A$$ talking trash

and also thanks wes at least i have met one stang owner who seems pretty kool THANKS

I agree, lets be honest....10+year old TR's, Fbodies and Stangs are all of the same build quality (sux). You were the one talking about how how a TR was class. Define class for me.


Every post I have read by you, you insult anyone who drives anything but a GN. I am sure you are also a racist. It fits your profile.

You started this thread with the intentions of instigating a flame war to pass the time till you get a driver license. You obviously are not old enough to drive. Also, someone as immature and young as you could never have picked a GN for a car, so I am thinking for sure that you do not even own one. Your dad probably does.

Oh, here is some advice. If by chance somehow your story is true, next time if someone is a **** to you, be a man and be a **** back to his face, instead of whining and namecalling on the net, showing who the true **** is. Confidence is key.

Originally posted by blackbuick87

Now come on, lets be honest here. I am sorry I was putting all pony car owners in one group. I am a hypocrite. But this is just a rediculous statement. Sure my 15 year old Buick has a few rattles. But I have never ridden in a Rustang more than 3 years old and they ALL sounded like they were about to come apart.
Originally posted by MELOVEGN

Settle down, Beavis!:D

Just how many mustang owners have you met? More than ten or less than ten? Judging by the way you have reacted to Reggie, you don't give a Mustang owner the chance to be cool. All postings in this thread considered, Reggie seems to be acting more like a Buick owner than compared to what you have shown.

Are you expecting some kind of obsequious respect because you own/drive a Buick? Otherwise the "other guy" is a jerk? Can I do & say anything I want and NOT be a jerk b/c I own TWO Buicks?:confused: