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I Gave Em A Chance


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Ok well i will ignore the petty nonsense and name calling and stupid insults and just say my piece
this is for reggie and nc greg
I have met enough jerky mustang owners to be allowed to rant a little and if you guys didnt notice i have been saying i TRIED to be nice
i like lots of other cars i have owned a camaro and a skylark and a pontiac 2+2 and have driven many other cars there are a lot i have liked and would like to own them but i DO OWN a GN now and absolutley love it
as far as being a rascist you dont know me and dont accuse me with ignorant statements
And i started this thread with the intention of me letting off some steam and maybe getting other peoples opnions on stang drivers because i havent met one yet that was kool except one guy who posted here (Wes) he seemed to understand where i was coming from and also youre telling me i should be a jerk back and act like im 10 years old in a school yard and beat him up VERY mature
and im not looking for special consideration because of the car i drive even though its awesome :)

so whatever im sure there will be more childish retorts the only other stang owner so far on this thread i respect is Wes and thanx for not being like these guys
Originally posted by MELOVEGN

and also youre telling me i should be a jerk back and act like im 10 years old in a school yard and beat him up VERY Mature

I didn't tell you to beat him up. I basically told you to be a man. I guess we should all look up to you as an example of mature:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Relax everybody, step away from the keyboard, and chill.:)

MeloveGN-Don't you know mustangs and their owners rule the world and own the streets when it comes to drag racing.:rolleyes: ;)

Reggie-Haven't seen you on here for a while. You blow that rustang up yet with that big shot of n20?? Did you see the Grebeck crash in person??

My opinion-there is good and bad in any group, mustang owners seem to have more good then bad, but that all depends on your point of view and what you drive, im sure they say the same about ls1, buick, and other car owners..

Put all the bickering aside and go race, usually the shuts up one side of arguement real quick.

Re: Jezz..

What up Shoebox? Glad you told MELOVEGN the way it is :D

My car still runs. It does need a rebuild though. I think I am gonna sell it and buy a turbo kit for the 01 GT. Maybe. Too many choices. I did blow up a friends Supra though if that makes you feel any better! :D

As far as taking it to the track, I'd love to. Even before the rebuild/turbo install/whatever I decide to do. I might even get me a turbo 6 (Supra). I think I could take MELOVEGN with my stock 01 GT though. :cool:

I didn't see Grebeck die in person. I ended up not going so I could go to a different race in Houston. That was a tragic event. Were you there? I have a video of it and it was pretty unreal.

Originally posted by blackshoebox
Relax everybody, step away from the keyboard, and chill.:)

MeloveGN-Don't you know mustangs and their owners rule the world and own the streets when it comes to drag racing.:rolleyes: ;)

Reggie-Haven't seen you on here for a while. You blow that rustang up yet with that big shot of n20?? Did you see the Grebeck crash in person??

My opinion-there is good and bad in any group, mustang owners seem to have more good then bad, but that all depends on your point of view and what you drive, im sure they say the same about ls1, buick, and other car owners..

Put all the bickering aside and go race, usually the shuts up one side of arguement real quick.

Mustang owners

Yeah and try to be President of a Mustang club and not own one anymore, I get harassed, but it is all in good fun. I keep telling em that when she is done she will bust em down.

Generally, down here in Florida it doesn't matter what you drive as long as it is quick/fast and you can back up the smack talk.:cool:
Once upon a time...

I was a young sailor stationed in Pascagoula Ms (well, I wasn't really stationed there, but I digress)

Me with my first T-type, there were no other Buick owners with which to hang out with. Good thing the mustang guys were not jerks, b/c there was no one else to hang out with. I usually get along fine with people in person - though I wonder sometimes how it would go with some of the jerks I've encountered through the internet...:D

I was not there, and have seen the video. The reason I ask is I remember you saying you were going to be attending that event(NMRA@Orlando Speedway). So I figured you may have been there.

Your idea's for the turbo mustang sound sick. Turbo v-8's run very strong with small amounts of boost(6-10 psi). Although tuning is an important part of keeping high compression, v-8, turbo motors in one piece. Nitrous is often more user friendly from what i have been told, but im sure you know that.

TT Mustang GT

We have a 86 TT Mustang GT running 10.80's in the club, it is very quick. I believe it has ICON TT on it, very stealthy too...

MELOVEGN (name???),
I take it then that you'd be a little upset about meeting some of the Queens crew then... Let's see, we've got a 12 second Honda (mine) and two healthy "mild" Mustangs... :confused:
I have yet to meet an "ah*le" on the street or at the track, even with my "So many Mustangs, So little time" license plate frame. They'll give you respect if you show it to them with sincerity right off the bat.
In fact, I'm friendly with every Mustang on the boulevard (Franny Lew), but it helps that word got out that they stand no chance against my car... :p
Regardless, always try to go Fast with Class.
Take care,
TBQC Big Cheese ;)
name is Rich
hi erik,
it really doesnt have anything to do with what they drive i like anything thats fast just i hate when people feed the stereotypes it sucks like i said i tried to be nice and talk to the guy and he was a jerk thats all im sayin
Hey Erik,

Did Turbo People do your car? Details please. Sounds like a beast.

Originally posted by 1QuickV6
MELOVEGN (name???),
I take it then that you'd be a little upset about meeting some of the Queens crew then... Let's see, we've got a 12 second Honda (mine) and two healthy "mild" Mustangs... :confused:
I have yet to meet an "ah*le" on the street or at the track, even with my "So many Mustangs, So little time" license plate frame. They'll give you respect if you show it to them with sincerity right off the bat.
In fact, I'm friendly with every Mustang on the boulevard (Franny Lew), but it helps that word got out that they stand no chance against my car... :p
Regardless, always try to go Fast with Class.
Take care,
TBQC Big Cheese ;)
How can you say all Mustang owners are jerks? I own one. So I must be jerk too, even if you have never met me. :confused:

With that attitude and God complex, you should head on over to supraforums. :D
no dude you guys are getting me all wrong im not saying that you all are im saying i feel that way because everyone i meet is i have BAD LUCK or something u guys aint getting me FORGET IT I GIVE UP
I cant meet any nice mustang owners
every one i meet is a jerk to me and i was frustrated so i was blowing off steam and if u guys didnt notice i said i gave him a chance to maybe talk or checkout his car
I was trying to be nice!!!!
but whatever I GIVE UP
I gotta respond...

I definitely agree that "letting off steam" is a good thing (compared to trying to push it down & squeeze it into a little tiny ball, etc) but I think you can see that there are people here who are going to give you their opinion, even if you don't want to hear it (it's only fair, you gave us yours)

I've acted like a jerk, yes. And it was to prove a point - (that you seem to agree with) that is that owning a mustang doesn't make you a jerk, and owning a Buick (or two;) ) doesn't make you not a jerk.

I'm not losing any sleep over this (and I imagine that you are not either) but it does rub me the wrong way when you say that every mustang owner you have met was a jerk. If you've met less than 5, all on the street, then I can accept that statistical probability, but if you've met 20 or more, then I would expect that you would have met at least one that wasn't a jerk.

Anyway, as you can tell, I can get long winded behind the keyboard (and knowing how to type relatively fast doesn't help the BW either) I generally don't make it my practice of being a jerk, but in this case, I was hoping to broaden your horizons a little bit.

If you really want to prove to yourself that cool mustang owners exist, you probably will have a better ratio of cool/jerk mustang owners at the track - but on your part, excercise some consideration - any racer in the pits with tools in their hands are probably trying to repair something in time for the next round and I doubt they are going to drop their tools to talk with you about how cool Grand Nationals are.

Good luck in your search (if you choose to do so):)

Yea greg i am going to continue my search but anyway im kinda done with this whole thread i was just pissed and wanted to rant a lil but everyone took what i was saying wrong and stuff but whatever

ok selling my mustang now because im sick of the non-comrodery....(sp??) ....... ok im not selling it because of that...just because...its not really fast...and it would cost too much to put any real power into it still getting another ford tho...a 2002 f-150..... i needed something to trailer my gn when i move anyways ;) so out with the rustang!!!! im sick of getting ****ty looks from other guys with mustangs......friggin lame-o's
I'm a Mustang owner and I don't suck or have a bad attitude. To be honest, the people with bad attitudes around here are the people with the Camaros, Trans-Am, Ricers, etc. that think they can beat me. I have yet to meet a Mustang owner with a bad attitude though. Haven't met any mean people at the track yet. I must say though, the best people to have conversations with are Syclone owners. Oh yeah, unlike other people...I won't sell my car for the world. Then again, a 5.0 is a lot different than a 69 Fastback. Rarely ever see a 5.0 win at the track, but then again there's people in San Diego that think that their 225 or 245 HP Mustang is fast....go figure.

Ok kool, this is what i had hoped for a few kool mustang owners showing up and being nice i like it this is what i needed
thanks guys
Not all Stang owners are idiots, one of the guys I go racing with has an 88 Mustang (turbocharged & intercooled) and he is one of the nicest guys you could meet, just don't start talking crap to him or he will shut you down. I have an 86 T and would sell everything except the T to buy a nice stang. Does that make me a jerk? Maybe the Stang owners think you are a jerk because of your GN, thinking it is the cock of the walk. Maybe you can beat on some Mustangs but remember one thing, not all Mustangs are created equal. Just throwing my two cents in, not trying to put you down MELOVEGN.