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i Got Suckered By A Fellow TR Guy in this site.


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no way would I put a torch on a gas tank .. its takes a while to air them out ..:eek: :frown:

I agree..

I know a guy that flushed his tank with water.... even boiled it I think..... he had it aired out and dry in his old shop.... he took his torch and lit it.... he said..... and I quote "I knew when I waved (horizontally) the flame over the hole... and the flame went into the hole.... that I had screwed up" It exploded... and opened the tank like a loaded cigar.... he said 20 years of dust shook off the rafters in the shop.....

Luckily... he was unhurt.... less one Willis Jeep gas tank....

You have been warned....

Sucks you have purchased a poor tank. I bought a pass seat bottom from him a year or two ago... no problems... Maybe he will reconsider and give you a refund....
Actually if it isn't leaking now or after you sand away the rust I'd just coat it (sanded thin areas) with some epoxy gas tank goop and then re-paint it.

Obviously you drain the gas out of the tank completely so you don't hear any drips or sloshes, use a rag in there on a stick, then add the water to fill it and float out any remaining surface liquid and the fumes.

Then do it again with water and let it sit full overnight then drain it all out.

There won't be any more fumes excepting on your lawn. :p

I've only torched 3 this year and none have "blowed up real good" just yet. ;)

Looks like most 20 year old New England stockers excepting the crappy silver paint job.

Worst places for leaks are the dented spots and under the straps where water, sand, and salt, collects in the rubber. :(
it sucks that we have someone who won't even work with you, if he's strap'd for cash right now, he should at least try to make some type of agreement, i would like to know who this guy is also, i would'nt want to buy a part , recieve a broken or bad item and get the same treatment. It's a hard lesson to learn but i would have checked with gbodyparts or fullthrottle or any other buick vendor. I hope the guy steps up but he does'nt really have too.
fuel tank

i went to the local rad shop and the old boy made me wash my tank out
before he welded on it and i said you got some big boys in you shorts
to weld on any gas tank he told me that i could do it myself and if you ever have any doubt about welding on a gas tank to blow air in to it with a blow gun into the tank while you weld on it he has been doing it fo 40 plus years
just my 2 pennys
hope you can get you $$$ back
I am a little torn on this one. You did have the opportunity to see it first. If he would have mailed it and send pictures of a new one or something, I would be more understanding. I can tell from pictures is was freshly (and crapily) painted. That would at least make me look it over careful. Why couldnt you put it on the ground and flip it? Maybe it wasnt nice - but he did sell you a "currently" usable tank for less money then a new tank.

However, I must also add that if a customer was unhappy with a purchase from me, no matter what - I ALWAYS offer to refund money or send another one if possible - thats just good karma, IMHO....

The world is screwed up enough - you dont need people going around spending their energy being pissed at you....

One further note - just because someone can put 5000 posts on a website doesnt mean they are ethical, honest, or over 18..... It means they have a lot of time on their hands.....
I left a negative feed back for 49-Blues last night.

I left a negative feed back for 49-Blues last night.
I really didn’t want to, as I would have much rather not left any feed back if he had done the right thing.
I probably would have even picked up a few other things from him.

I would like to Thank you guys for all of your opinions on this matter.
I will definitely be very skeptical of parts for sale, it really sucks the effect crap like this has on people.
Today I looked at some other parts in the for sale section but I could not bring my self to go for it.

Before I couldn’t understand why people would ask for pictures of a “like new scanmaster” (example) as we all know what a “scanmaster” looks like. Now I understand why and I will be on the same boat.
Thanks Guys.
I had the same thing...come to my house in the early AM it was for a steering column after starting to get the bolts out he was like oh its actually my friends car I cant move the car out of the driveway so I cant let you take the column

dont forget its like the crack of dawn here

he had wanted to take the column out but he also then wanted to push the car on the street so the city would tow it after that

needless to say I didnt go alone, and both of my friends were very pissed off as was I

I never got the steering column, and I also questioned on the way home why would someone be selling parts at the crack of dawn off of a friends car that was then to be abandoned on a city street

oh well

Dont know why I just didnt stick with Bob H ... I ended up getting the column from Bob anyway .. Bob is the man
I left a negative feed back for 49-Blues last night.
I really didn’t want to, as I would have much rather not left any feed back if he had done the right thing.
I probably would have even picked up a few other things from him.

I would like to Thank you guys for all of your opinions on this matter.
I will definitely be very skeptical of parts for sale, it really sucks the effect crap like this has on people.
Today I looked at some other parts in the for sale section but I could not bring my self to go for it.

Before I couldn’t understand why people would ask for pictures of a “like new scanmaster” (example) as we all know what a “scanmaster” looks like. Now I understand why and I will be on the same boat.
Thanks Guys.

I just sold a Duttweiler neck to a member today, before any money was exchanged I gathered it all up, got a box, and took a pic and sent him so he could see it. If you want to sell things on the web, you should be as organized and upfront as possible and include pics prior, IMO.

I would like to Thank you guys for all of your opinions on this matter.
I will definitely be very skeptical of parts for sale, it really sucks the effect crap like this has on people.
Today I looked at some other parts in the for sale section but I could not bring my self to go for it.

Before I couldn’t understand why people would ask for pictures of a “like new scanmaster” (example) as we all know what a “scanmaster” looks like. Now I understand why and I will be on the same boat.
Thanks Guys.

I am glad you got to take your recourse in the matter. I'm still sorry it came to that.

As far as pix go, then at least the seller might have the item if they didn't go to the net and copy some pix.

This is a 'tight' community and those giving the shaft aren't soon for gotten. Funny thing is car guys are all over and this type of behavior has a bad habit of 'bleeding' onto other sites as well. It's all on the wheel, what goes around, comes around, as they say.

On a side note a new tank with the proper baffle seems to be available.


I believe you want the SPECTRA PREMIUM Part # GM307C
You might want to look into a new one.
Heres the other side of the story- I had the tank down last year to put a new walbro 340 in it-the tank still looked good and never had any leaks- i coated it with two coats of eastwoods tank tone to keep the tank nice.i traveled 200 miles in between shifts at work to get the tank for him from my other house. when i took the tank down i realized i still had about 16 gallons of hightest in it which i had to pump out knowing i had to travel with it in my van.the tank stayed in my van for2-3 days with me breathing some of the fumes waiting for him to make arrangements to pick it up-which happened on sunday. all i can atest for that it is a 87 tank that didnt leak and he said he was going to por-15 anyway so i told him you wont have any problems with it.a day later after gouging it with a screwdriver he wants to give it back. Sorry.
i coated it with two coats of eastwoods tank tone to keep the tank nice

I think it did a very good job of keeping the rust nice.:rolleyes:
Because I “was going” to coat it with por-15 that doesn’t mean I want to do it to a POS tank.
And the BS about having the tank in your van for 2 weeks Yeahh right.
That’s about how long it takes for East wood to ship out.
I made a big mistake and trusted you a fellow TR guy and ended up getting $125.00 stolen from me.
You should be care full of who you steel from in the future they may not be as thought full as me and react in the manner in which you deserve.

This is the last time I will address you. Wile you still have my money. I advise you not to address me at all, unless you are holding out your hand with my $125.00

I am done with you for good.

I just hope other people read this thread before they buy from you.
when I was there to "get my steering column" my two friends were so pissed
I had to seriously calm them down after I left there without it

I wont go into any details

Go with Bob H, weavey or any of the other fine vendors/members we have on here

sucks we got the short end of the stick but I'm sure it will happen again to someone else
If you think you're right, let a judge decide. That's what small claims court is for. You can also recover the cost of suing and possibly any mitigation on your part.
If you think you're right, let a judge decide. That's what small claims court is for. You can also recover the cost of suing and possibly any mitigation on your part.

BTW if you can please look at the pictures and tell me what you think?