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"lord be with me"
Jul 12, 2001

I have my cars alky set up to #8 on the pump during the hot summers here in New Mexico (dont laugh guys in Arazonia) becuase i think you guys are nuts well anyways all i can say is if

your car with alky ever feels like its falling on its face or like the motor is reving but not going anywere from a launch

turn the dam speed down i didnt relize how much the cold air affects alky

Ive had the speed turn up to about 8 or 9 with 16pounds and the car buck and sputter so i knew the syptoms of tooo much alky so i thought

well back to 25pounds 5psi launch no knock

dam i love it so in the summer back to #8 insted of #5-6 in winter

I hope this help someone
Thanks for the post about your tuning/adjusting of the Alky!

Do you have any ETs yet?

Happy Holidays!

im not sure but im hoping for mid 12 to low 12 and prey for an high 11

you have to remember we are 5700+ altidude


put it this way

a 2003 vette will most likely run mid to low 14
if your car with alky ever feels like its falling on its face or like the motor is reving but not going anywere

I know exactly what your talking about, only problem is that I cant turn down the pump speed, I dont have one of the "new fangled" kits. I didnt have this problem as much when I was using a weaker Mercedes windshield washer pump, but with the 90psi F150 pump its BAD.
All I can think of is putting a smaller nozzle in and having it come on later, which probably means turning up the boost if I want to use alky....hmmm :D . Dont know if maybe a different mixture would help with this :confused: .
im not sure i would guess that the spray would be the same at low or high (or close) but the volume is what is considerable that is why when i bought my kit playing with differnt nozzles is cool to get the atomzation better but one key factor that steve said was volume with that much boost

in your situation using smaller jets to compasate for uncontrol volume until is the way i would go untill you get it close or right but try to figure out a way to adjust its nice


my 2cents

also i dont think mixture is key in this situation