Ok... before you guys get arguing over what a TR will or will not do, or want to gripe about whether the car has an electric cut-out or not, you've got to remember one thing...
THIS IS A SEMI-FICTIONAL story, based on real events. But some of it is added drama and I think most people get this.
If you would go back and re-read how this 'night at the strip' began, I talk about it being in March - but it's January right now, right? I also talk about running an '08 Viper which is not out yet but is due out this summer. But - 99% of the stuff in my stories is based upon actual events I've experienced or others have experienced and relayed to me.
Guys - this story is for entertainment purposes and good reading. Enjoy it for what it is. I would love to get this stuff published and better yet, have it used for a movie script -that would be incredible. For now, I write because I enjoy it, I love the subject matter and I love sharing it with people like you who enjoy it.
Yes - TR's have indeed ran 10's on the stock motor with the right mods. You noticed that I did not expound yet on what the car might have had done with it since the stock motor was put back in, right?
Yes - in this story, the exhaust for the stage motor left the car with the engine. Thus the cutout issue differences in this story for the two motors.
But thanks for paying attention to details - just don't get TOO hung up on them. I do not go back and re-edit stuff or check for continuity - this is all written as I think it and is not gone over with a fine tooth comb. I just sit down, fire up the computer, and write.
Now, get back to reading and enjoy!

And keep the comments coming!