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I miss my GN. Have you seen her?


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New Member
Dec 1, 2008
Back in 1995 I bought my first Grand National. She was perfect, never touched by anything but an oil filter wrench. I took her from a very young, innocent stock example and transformed her into a fire-breathing 11 second beauty that summer (with the help of a few "insiders" here in the Akron/Cleveland Ohio area - you probably know who I'm talking about). We had a lot of fun together that summer. There's that night we ran an 11.8 even though I had forgotten to turn off the a/c. There's the night we killed the supercharged LT1 Z28 who caught me swapping out one of the chips Red made for us. There was that test fitting of the prototype 3" downpipe that became quite popular in the years to come. There was the time we towed the jet-skis to the beach the very morning after she pulled an 11.6 at Norwalk. Oh, and the visit we made to Bowling Green where she was reunited with "family". What a great car, I miss her.

I'd love to hear what became of her in the years after we parted ways. I sold her (why, I'll never understand) to a co-worker who I heard lost her to the bank. I heard a while later that someone else bought her at an auction and I hoped that the new owner appreciated what he got.

A lot of years have passed since then and the FLYS-LO plate has found it's way to many other performance cars throughout the years. No matter what car has been pulling that old plate around it doesn't hold a candle to when it was so proudly displayed on that 87 Buick.

Does anyone know what ever happened to my first (Buick) love? I have a heated 6 car garage that would gladly welcome her back into the fold.
And if the current owner loves her like I did, maybe I can answer some questions or fill in some blanks in her history.

Her details:
1987 Buick Grand National
no power anything
general bolt-on mods
roamed the streets around NE Ohio

And yes, I have the VIN.
probably easier if you post the vin here or over on the vin exchange/stolen forum. Members do free checks when they get an account. Welcome. If you can't find yours consider getting another as the old memeories do come back when under boost;)
hope you find out...I love the pulled the jet ski part:D

Yeah, yeah, what he said....too cool. Never know, it could be on the next block over from you. These car even though quite rare, pop up out of no where. Hope you find her again! BTW, nice write up, I can hear the tone in you voice:smile:
Received a PM with CarFax information stating that it has made it's way up north to the Detroit, Michigan area and was registered in July. Anyone on here just register a car like this in Detroit?
That is to cool!
I wish I coud find my Dad's 64 Falcon. Last I heard it was in Winter's Ca
Good luck and be sure to post on as well. There are a few who find that site and may not come on here.
That's cool! I too bought my first GN in 95. It has recently been registered in Roseville, CA and has had 4 or 5 additional owners since me :eek: I was number 2.