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Illinois speed limits


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What should the speed limit be on IL expressways?

  • 55mph

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • 65mph

    Votes: 12 41.4%
  • 75mph

    Votes: 14 48.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Obey the law and you have no worries. I dont remember where speeding or not wearing your seatbelt were legal these days. Do I speed? Sometimes. Do I not where my seatbelt? Sometimes. Do I whine when I get caught? No! Sorry, no sympathy here. Lots of Troopers in my family. If people would ALL slow down to the speed limit, merge properly, and be curteous to each other you wouldnt have half these issues. Heres a picture of my cousin Richs squad after an inatentive driver failed to merge left for an emergency vehicle on the shoulder.

HOLY SHEEEET! Im assuming he wasn't ejected prior to the crusier being crushed. Otherwise RIP I guess. Wow.
plenty of cops(6) in my family and i for one will say they are all d*cks, with the exception of one. one of them my buddy diazs' brother works with. sometimes i wonder just what goes thru cops minds when they pull people over for say turning on red or running a light then i watch them doing it over and over again for no other reason then they just don't want to wait. where i live you can watch it over and over again
He climbed out himself, dazed. Someone was looking out for him. He's still out there today after some neck surgeries and a long rehab.

Obey the law and you have no worries.

"Obey the law and you have no worries." So you obey all the laws? How about these....

Illinois Crazy Law
# The English language is not to be spoken.

# You may be arrested for vagrancy if you do not have at least one dollar bill on your person.

# You must contact the police before entering the city in an automobile.

# You may be convicted of a Class 4 felony offense, punishable by up to three years in state prison, for the crime of "eavesdropping" on your own conversation. -720 ILCS 5/14-2.

# It is illegal to give a dog whiskey.

# In the Pullman area, it is illegal to drink beer out of a bucket while sitting on the curb.

# Law forbids eating in a place that is on fire.

# Kites may not be flown within the city limits.

# It is forbidden to fish while sitting on a giraffe's neck.

# Spitting is forbidden

# It is legal to protest naked in front of city hall as long as you are under seventeen years of age and have legal permits.

# One may not pee in his neighbor's mouth.

# Humming on public streets is prohibited on Sundays.

# Cars may not be driven through the town.

Des Plaines
# Wheelbarrows with For-Sale signs may not be chained to trees.

# A man with a moustache may not kiss a woman.

# It is illegal to go trick-or-treating on Halloween.

# Bowling is forbidden.

# It is unlawful to change clothes in an automobile with the curtains drawn, except in case of fire.

# It is unlawful for "negroes" to be within county boundries from sundown to sunrise.

# It is illegal to expectorate from any second-story window.

# There is a $1,000 dollar fine for beating rats with baseball bats.

# It is against the law to use a slingshot unless your are a law enforcement officer.

# Town fathers, reflecting the pet peeve of hearing their town's name mispronounced 'Jolly-ETTE' when all local folk know it's pronounced 'Joe-lee-ETTE', made pronouncing it Jolly-ette a misdemeanor, punishable by a $5 fine.

# A rooster must step back three hundred feet from any residence if he wishes to crow. Hens that wish to cackle must step two hundred feet back from any residence.

# Bees are not allowed to fly over the village or through any of Kirkland's streets.

# Ice skating at the Riverside pond during the months of June and August is prohibited.

# There is a ban on unnecessary repetitive driving on 23rd Avenue.

Morton Grove
# You may not own a handgun

# It is against the law to make faces at dogs.

Orland Park
# No pool tables are allowed in a public establishment, because it supports gambling.

# Spitting on the sidewalk is a criminal offense.

Park Ridge
# Trucks may only park inside closed garages.

# Basketball hoops may not be installed on a driveway.

# It is illegal for anyone to give lighted cigars to dogs, cats, or any other domesticated animals.

Not everyone voted for the current speed limits so we have the right to bitch about them and if we get enough people to agree, change them.
You are right Chuck, you have that right and so do I. But dont blame the enforcers of the laws, blame the legislatures. This is a public forum, and I to voiced my opinion. Go back and read carefully, I clearly stated that I didnt obey ALL the laws all the time, you must of missed that part. My point was that if you are going to break the rules, dont whine to the police when you get caught. Take your medicene like a man. If you want to take it too a higher level go for it, thats your right. Good job taking it out of context though, you ought to work for "state run media."
My point was the whole your shrug shoulders obey-the-law-and-you-have-no-worries mentality is a problem. I believe that too many people enforcing the law have that attitude as well. Way too many people just roll with things and say well that's the way it is and it doesn't have to be that way. I have friends and family that are police officers and politicians and in my opinion way too many of them have the "just doin' my job" attitude. Maybe I'm a dreamer but I think being a cop, fireman, politician or any civil servant should be a calling. Those jobs should be held by people who look at them for what they are...a service. They're job is to serve the citizens of this country.

If police officers got together and actually stood up and screamed we're here to serve and protect not hand out tickets and generate revenue then the people would also rally behind them as well. Law makers and politicians would have to listen. I'm all for taking your medicine like a man. I understand certain actions have consequences and laws are there for a reason but I feel too many people are pushed around by our own government and that kind of riles me up a bit.
I share your passion and couldnt agree more with your last post. Up to that point no one had articulated that point whatsoever. The original point of the thread was what the speed limit should be, after a few people turn ignorant toward the police, I was riled up and made my post to evoke a response from them. Your most current point is the reason our country is in the shape its in today. People in general share no consideration for their fellow man whatsoever. They want to get theirs and thats it. My father was a banker when he got his calling for the State Police. He spoke of how things had changed 30 years later and the guys on the job didnt share the same passion. I would say the preception of the police had also changed during that time period, the respect for police was lost. Which happened first, and why, I dont know.

I feel this is bigger than just a feeling of government control. The morality of the world is off its axis and its not the same as when us older folk grew up. I'm getting way off track, I appoligize....

The current speed limits seem fine. If joe citizen wouldnt push the limits of the law, we wouldnt have this concern. 7 miles over the limit was always exceptible, unless you were in a construction zone, school zone, or residential area. People today, drive whatever speed they want, when and wherever they want. Looks as though we all suffer for the actions of a few. For now anyway.
Sorry that happened to your cousin but sometimes it seems the cops don't pull over all the way onto the shoulder on the highway. On local streets, they seem to pull people over right on the street in the right lane, how hard is it to move into a parking lot or side street so you don't get rear ended.

Back to the subject, I drive south on IL-53/I-290 everyday and 95% of the people drive over the speed limit. That tells me the 55 mph speed limit is too low and should be raised to 65 in the city and 70 or 75 in rural areas on the interstates. My family drives to Toronto 2-3 times a year and we drive through Michigan, the speed limit is 70 there and you can drive around 75 without fear of getting pulled over. In IL, you will definitely get pulled over for doing 75. Are the Michigan roads any less safe at 70 as opposed to IL roads at 55/65? I doubt it.

Obey the law and you have no worries. I dont remember where speeding or not wearing your seatbelt were legal these days. Do I speed? Sometimes. Do I not where my seatbelt? Sometimes. Do I whine when I get caught? No! Sorry, no sympathy here. Lots of Troopers in my family. If people would ALL slow down to the speed limit, merge properly, and be curteous to each other you wouldnt have half these issues. Heres a picture of my cousin Richs squad after an inatentive driver failed to merge left for an emergency vehicle on the shoulder.