Any response from me on all the comments would start a war. Not worth it.
Has this been a disaster for me. . . yes. Have I produced several sets and shipped them out . . . yes. I will list all who have received them in a moment when I can sift through my pm's. I have also refunded a lot of people, some of which have even posted so.
I am in the middle of refunding several others but I have gotten threats put against me so at this point I have an attorney involved (personal friend helping out).
I have roughly 40 stamped sets of windows just sitting and offered to send a free set to any of the individuals who paid for a finished product to hold them over until mine were done. I don't remember anyone taking me up on that offer.
I produced 3 sets about 4 months ago and they were ready to go but I am still getting random issues with chemical bonding issues in the frit. The 3 sets looked fine but when I went back to box and ship they looked like crap. I would rather refund every individual then send out shitty product. Problem is I am funding this out of my own pocket. Since I lost every dime that everyone sent in when Shields screwed me over, I have to come out of my own bank account to refund people. I'm have a family to feed and that comes first, those who have received a refund got what little I scrap up each month. Not looking for sympathy as I know some smart@ss will come along commenting on this. Just stating simple facts.
Most of the people here have understood this but several have been extremely rude and have even threatened me. Not necessary. I promise I'm working as fast as possible. You may hate my guts and thats fine but I will make it right in the end.