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I always back the Blue...but not these two cops. This is beyond disgusting...and these two cops need to be

PUNISHED for PLAYING HOCKEY: Calgary police threaten to TASER young skater at outdoor rink - YouTube

Need to go back to having peace officers, not police officers.
I can tell you what 90% of the problem was with this particular incident, 2 squaw cops that are envious because they don't have a penis. If he had actually fought back they'd of gotten their keisters handed to them.
I always back the Blue...but not these two cops. This is beyond disgusting...and these two cops need to be

PUNISHED for PLAYING HOCKEY: Calgary police threaten to TASER young skater at outdoor rink - YouTube
Scoob, I'm usually with you 110% but I would be interested in the other side of this before I release the hounds on the officers. In these cases there's always more to the story. Did you watch this whole video? I normally like Rebel Media but this time I think their reporting is very biased. I agree that the reason for the officers being called is bunk with the covid guidelines being total "communist doctrine governing" but the written police statement they briefly show said that there were over 40 people on the ice and not the 15 that the guy claims. Also this young skater happens to be 21 which is considered an adult by any law that I am aware of. He said that a Peace Officer gave everyone a warning that the police had been called and were on their way and his group decided to remain. He admits he approached the police and put himself into their business, interfering with the officers while they were talking to another group. I don't know why the decision to arrest him in particular was made but he also admits to refusing the officers orders and he is definitely resisting arrest in the video. The threat of deploying a taser to gain compliance and the actual use of the taser could very well be authorized in this situation depending on the particular department's use of force policies. Tasers are a tool given to the officers for such situations as they see themselves in at the moment. Now I am sure the officer's language is not in accordance to policy but here are two female officers, which should not matter but we all know that in reality, does, who are having to assert their lawful authority in a group of males lead by one who has already challenged said authority. It does appear that one officer has gotten angry but chances are the guy was probably being a pecker long before this video started but yes, she should have had the composure to not let that show. Now, lawful authority should not be abused and we can debate if the reason for the initial interaction is lawful or not but once the contact is made, the street, or in this case, the rink, is not the proper venue to fight said authority. That is what the courts are for. Bottom line is he made a conscious decision to put himself into the situation and escalated it by refusing to obey lawful commands. The police statement said he refused to identify himself to be issued a ticket so arrest would be the logical next step. He refused to surrender for arrest which would make a higher level of force authorized. Of course the media portrayed this in a manner that would promote their own agenda but as biased as it appears to me I wouldn't be surprised if they run a follow up story saying if the guy was black, they would have shot him.
An interesting bit from the Chec Republic?
"The danger to America is not Joseph Biden, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a Biden presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Biden, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Biden, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president."
There is a lot of truth here but the one thing they don't mention that I believe is important to us is that more than half of the country that voted, did not vote for the prince of fools so hopefully there is hope for our country yet.
Scoob, I'm usually with you 110% but I would be interested in the other side of this before I release the hounds on the officers. In these cases there's always more to the story. Did you watch this whole video? I normally like Rebel Media but this time I think their reporting is very biased. I agree that the reason for the officers being called is bunk with the covid guidelines being total "communist doctrine governing" but the written police statement they briefly show said that there were over 40 people on the ice and not the 15 that the guy claims. Also this young skater happens to be 21 which is considered an adult by any law that I am aware of. He said that a Peace Officer gave everyone a warning that the police had been called and were on their way and his group decided to remain. He admits he approached the police and put himself into their business, interfering with the officers while they were talking to another group. I don't know why the decision to arrest him in particular was made but he also admits to refusing the officers orders and he is definitely resisting arrest in the video. The threat of deploying a taser to gain compliance and the actual use of the taser could very well be authorized in this situation depending on the particular department's use of force policies. Tasers are a tool given to the officers for such situations as they see themselves in at the moment. Now I am sure the officer's language is not in accordance to policy but here are two female officers, which should not matter but we all know that in reality, does, who are having to assert their lawful authority in a group of males lead by one who has already challenged said authority. It does appear that one officer has gotten angry but chances are the guy was probably being a pecker long before this video started but yes, she should have had the composure to not let that show. Now, lawful authority should not be abused and we can debate if the reason for the initial interaction is lawful or not but once the contact is made, the street, or in this case, the rink, is not the proper venue to fight said authority. That is what the courts are for. Bottom line is he made a conscious decision to put himself into the situation and escalated it by refusing to obey lawful commands. The police statement said he refused to identify himself to be issued a ticket so arrest would be the logical next step. He refused to surrender for arrest which would make a higher level of force authorized. Of course the media portrayed this in a manner that would promote their own agenda but as biased as it appears to me I wouldn't be surprised if they run a follow up story saying if the guy was black, they would have shot him.
This isn't about health, it's about control. This is tyranny...plain and simple. These two cops were on a power trip. If I was a cop, and I was told to go bust people for playing hockey, I would have said no. You've got Sheriffs all over the US who are standing up and not following mandates from these dictatorial Mayors and Governors. This has got to stop...and it starts with us resisting.
He admits he approached the police and put himself into their business, interfering with the officers while they were talking to another group. I don't know why the decision to arrest him in particular was made but he also admits to refusing the officers orders and he is definitely resisting arrest in the video.
Try that shit around here.....One can expect to either get tasered, knocked the fuk out, or both.
Given the nasty treatment, injuries, death, these officers face every day, I'm surprised they are as restrained as they are. There's only so much, most reasonable people will tolerate, before "a little less talk, and a lot more action" comes into play.
Not arguing the "rules" during this covid BS. The Leo's were doing what they were told.
That punk has watched too many news clips, of Antifa, BLM punks, getting away with their shit, and having no consequences put on them.
My dad had a good policy.
Ask once.
Tell you once.
3'rd time, you best be out of range!

The way it should be done....;)

View attachment
Try that shit around here.....One can expect to either get tasered, knocked the fuk out, or both.
Given the nasty treatment, injuries, death, these officers face every day, I'm surprised they are as restrained as they are. There's only so much, most reasonable people will tolerate, before "a little less talk, and a lot more action" comes into play.
Not arguing the "rules" during this covid BS. The Leo's were doing what they were told.
That punk has watched too many news clips, of Antifa, BLM punks, getting away with their shit, and having no consequences put on them.
My dad had a good policy.
Ask once.
Tell you once.
3'rd time, you best be out of range!

The way it should be done....;)

View attachment 361001
Chuck, you have no idea of what's going on up here. They sent those two female cops out cuz I guarantee no male cop would follow such a stupid order. We're now being put into a complete lockdown on Christmas Eve here in Ontario. This same thing is going on in Dem run States down there. Why do you think Sheriffs down there are pushing back and not following the tyrannical China virus mandates from dictatorial Dem Mayors and Governors. And why do you think people are fleeing NY and California. This China virus is being used as a guise to gain control over people and they're using the police to push their agenda. I back the Blue, but not when they pull crap like this.
This China virus is being used as a guise to gain control over people and they're using the police to push their agenda. I back the Blue, but not when they pull crap like this.
China virus or not, disobey a police officer, get tazed... Real simple concept.
I agree, the virus is a "coverall" for population control.
It's getting worse, instead of better...
UPDATE 2-Air Transport in Turmoil as Flights from UK Banned |

Now, throw in a "new strain", and watch for the govt to warn that the vaccine, as it is now, won't work.
UPDATE 3-'Sick Man of Europe': UK Cut off over Fears about New COVID Strain |
China virus or not, disobey a police officer, get tazed... Real simple concept.
I agree, the virus is a "coverall" for population control.
It's getting worse, instead of better...
UPDATE 2-Air Transport in Turmoil as Flights from UK Banned |

Now, throw in a "new strain", and watch for the govt to warn that the vaccine, as it is now, won't work.
UPDATE 3-'Sick Man of Europe': UK Cut off over Fears about New COVID Strain |
Communism. It's a real simple concept.