I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

Well guy's, I'm just not going to try and hang for a decision tonight, the media won't let it happen.

I guess we will talk tomorrow!

Good luck and may the best man win!
TX just flipped red. The liberal beatches from Cali ducking up Austin and Dallas. I need to move out of Houston.
A great idea!
My last trip to Houston was in the late 80's. It was sketchy then...
Great bbq, Mickey Gilleys, some wild women, and you about did Houston.
Can't imagine what it's like now. No doubt, like Atlanta. Maybe, even worse.
The usual jackin' around, here. These inner city "hillbillies" can't count to more than 10, without taking their shoes off. It's still a bit touchy. Looks like Trump will pull it off.
Given the trends in GA, MI, PA, NC., my tally is, he's in at 274. Waaay too close!
Take a look at the "spoiler votes" wasted on a bunch of morons.:mad:
Sure hope so!:unsure:
A great idea!
My last trip to Houston was in the late 80's. It was sketchy then...
Great bbq, Mickey Gilleys, some wild women, and you about did Houston.
Can't imagine what it's like now. No doubt, like Atlanta. Maybe, even worse.
People don't get it.
Houston is an energy city and runs largely on oil and has. When oil and gas are down, the Houston economy is down. People still voted for a candidate who said he will move away from oil and gas.

Now, if I look at the votes, Al Pimp Green and Sheila F**** Jackson won again. Guess what areas they represent? Voting on color alone is an emotional racist vote.
The Rosenbergs rode ol sparky, for treason.....

The rosenturds were executed for espionage, not treason. Don't really see the difference, they were citizens and went against their country so maybe the prosecutors thought they'd have a better chance of the death sentence with that charge.
as long as my pay check is the same and I still have my retirement and the country does not slide into depression...or Marshall law does not have to be instated ....food ,fuel, utilities and infrastructure remain same ...I will be fine taking care of the course and my assets....and most important my loved ones and friends ....and the law of the land remains the same and followed and enforced.....

Lets say old pos plugs is telling the truth, lmao, and only raises taxes on those making over $400k a year. He's also raising business taxes to the sky and owners won't pay them, you will with higher prices. $2 a gallon gas will go to $8 and heating- cooling your home very well could be prohibitive because the cost will too much, basically all the necessities will go way way up. Of course the elitists will have all they want.
Lets say old pos plugs is telling the truth, lmao, and only raises taxes on those making over $400k a year. He's also raising business taxes to the sky and owners won't pay them, you will with higher prices. $2 a gallon gas will go to $8 and heating- cooling your home very well could be prohibitive because the cost will too much, basically all the necessities will go way way up. Of course the elitists will have all they want.
In the old days, you could trust the media, and would need to physically hear a candidate speak to understand their plan. Nowadays we have the internet and you can hear exactly they stand for (not media but speeches) from your couch, if you listen. People are still uninformed or refuse to think for themselves, or maybe just not capable due to mass brainwashing.

The internet is used as a mass manipulation pathway, in every country.
He won around 11pm last nite. My buddy Styx does the math.

I stayed up till 2am to watch and by 11-12pm Trump had it in the bag about 320-218. Then the counting just stopped in the demon controlled states I guess to go find the votes they needed for plugs.
Virginia was about 99% in and Trump up by 6% and just like that it was literally reversed. Up by 700k in PA so that's why all the mail in fraud votes will be biteme.
This isn't an election between demonrats and republicans but one between good and evil. This country was founded and created in GOD's name, even the Pledge of Allegiance says, "One nation under GOD" so I doubt if GOD is going to give up that easily on us and have faith that He'll expose all the cheating that has been done since his people did their part and got out and voted for Good=Trump.
What I find utterly amazing is so many voted for this evil pair, a treasonous, hair sniffing pedo, sell his office to the highest bidder and conspire with his pos son for financial gain at the expense of our country. I suppose someone would vote for them if they believed in the same thing.
I'm 150% sure Trump has a massive victory that right now is being covered up. In the mean time if they continue to steal this election he should institute the insurrection act to prevent this country from falling into communist hands since our republic and constitution on in great danger.
In the old days, you could trust the media, and would need to physically hear a candidate speak to understand their plan. Nowadays we have the internet and you can hear exactly they stand for (not media but speeches) from your couch, if you listen. People are still uninformed or refuse to think for themselves, or maybe just not capable due to mass brainwashing.

The internet is used as a mass manipulation pathway, in every country.

All the information is out there for those not so lazy but most would just rather spend time posting pictures of their Taco Bell meal on fakebook. Yup, brainwashed by choice.
I remember taking an MBA class in 1988 called "Business, society of and environment". The professor spoke a lot about political correctness and how it would become a major factor.

Today we have all seen and understand some of the devastation created by political correctness.

There is a new phrase that many of you may or may not be aware of that we need to come to terms with. It's called "The great reset" and it's directly related to the new or one world order.

It's purpose is to reset the global economy by eliminating cash and moving to virtual funds such as Bitcoin. Handling cash transfers CV they proclaim.

This is a sign of the end times.
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Vote tallys always step change like this, right? Funny how counting froze last night(has never happened before), and then by golly just happened to find 130K votes in Michigan, all for one candidate and same thing in wisconsin, like 300K. I don't care if bozo the clown is running, only an absolute piece of shit thinks it is OK to win this way.
You guys are worrying about nothing. The senate is going to remain with the R’s. The house D’s. None of the off the wall shit is Not going to get passed the senate. End of story.
I remember taking an MBA class in 1988 called "Business, society of and environment". The professor spoke a lot about political correctness and how it would become a major factor.

Today we have all seen and understand some of the devastation created by political correctness.

There is a new phrase that many of you may or may not be aware of that we need to come to terms with. It's called "The great reset" and it's directly related to the new or one world order.

It's purpose is to reset the global economy by eliminating cash and moving to virtual funds such as Bitcoin. Handling cash transfers CV they proclaim.

This is a sign of the end times.

You are exactly right my friend. Getting rid of cash will give the nwo total control over your finances and with digital money if you don't tow the nwo line your access to your funds will be cut off. It all paving the way for the anti-christ and the mark of the beast, the tech is already here.
I'm waiting for the 3rd temple to be built in Jerusalem which a sure sign its started. There will be very tough times for our country during this period but not sure the a/c will be controlling us here. Remember the wheat and the tares rise up together and Jesus has been given authority over all of Heaven and earth.
You guys are worrying about nothing. The senate is going to remain with the R’s. The house D’s. None of the off the wall shit is Not going to get passed the senate. End of story.

All it takes a is a couple of turncoat rinos like mittens or collins to go the other way or abstain. I'd prefer a bigger margin than that.
Worrying, that really does nothing but frustrated and disgusted with how people refuse to research things to make an intelligent choice. End of story, not for while longer until it gets straightened out. Either way I find it amazing how the left coast went. I predict shortly they will have that earthquake that has been waiting for so long for as a punishment coming out of that area. Sad because there's still a lot of good people that live there that can't out vote the leftist communists of able to leave.
So how about an update on the Charger!
Not looking good right now..
Very easily, the entire deal could come down to Nevada, and it's 6 votes. It's lookin blue, right now.
The combo of GA, NC, PA, Wi, MI, could be both at 264...Then.
The corruption is no doubt, rampant.
Cinch up the saddle, this is gonna get real ugly!
All it takes a is a couple of turncoat rinos like mittens or collins to go the other way or abstain. I'd prefer a bigger margin than that.
Worrying, that really does nothing but frustrated and disgusted with how people refuse to research things to make an intelligent choice. End of story, not for while longer until it gets straightened out. Either way I find it amazing how the left coast went. I predict shortly they will have that earthquake that has been waiting for so long for as a punishment coming out of that area. Sad because there's still a lot of good people that live there that can't out vote the leftist communists of able to leave.
So how about an update on the Charger!
That is a very sore subject in my house. My daughter got pulled over on I-77 for racing some guys in a Mustang she was clock at a 114mph she was on the inside lane running about 65 she said they keep taunting her speeding up and slowing down. So she nails it and pulls away from them goes through a underpass and the HWP had a speed trap already set up on the other side of the underpass.this happen in a matter of seconds. There was highway patrol on both sides of the road. She pulled over right away. The cops had to chase down the mustang. So they lock her up. She was change with racing, and speeding 114 mph in 60 mph zone. The police i pounded the car. Had to pay $1,500 to get the car out. One of her friends bail her out. She calls me crying saying she really screwed up. Wife was mad as hell All The down to Columbia . I wasn’t saying much as it’s not like I haven’t done the same thing when I was young. Hell not that long ago in my Buick. I know it will cost a fortune to get her out of this. But I’m sure as hell going to try. My wife said how , she got caught red-handed. I said the lawyer said a young female by herself after dark being harassed by a group of men on the highway trying to get away. Knowing that part of Columbia is bad news. For $4,500 I hope so.