I heard about it. I'm originally from Indy, and grew up 7-8 miles east of where the blast occurred. My folks still live there. I agree they were clearly not very smart in planning. Several facts raised red flags in this case:
The owner and her boyfriend went to a south Indiana casino overnight, and "boarded their cat"...really? cats are self sufficient creatures. Plus this happened not once, but twice.
The couple recently increased their home owners insurance.
The house was recently on the market, and was quickly pulled off the market.
The owner had filed for bankruptcy earlier this year.
The owners boyfriend has a criminal record, for fraud and for possession of cocaine. A friend of the owners boyfriend claimed that he was also known to surf the internet/find/date older women, borrow cash from them and never repay them. Apparently the owner was fine with her boyfriend doing this as long as he didn't sleep with them.
The owner wept on camera but didn't shed a tear. She tried to claim her tear ducts didn't work.
The boyfriend of the owner, told a friend on Nov 2, "the house blew up", and that "the house and it's valuables are insured at $300k" and that "he'd be getting $100k of the insurance money". He also mentioned looking online to purchase a Ferarri. However, the house didn't actually explode until Nov 10. Which indicates they tried this stunt once, and it didn't work, so they tried it again, and this time, it worked.
They boyfriend also admitted, in another source, to losing about $10k at a casino 3 weeks prior to the explosion.
The owners boyfriend recently changed the thermostat from the digital style to the older analog slide-style that actually creates a small arc when it kicks on. Mind you this home was built in 2003. Gee why didn't he just replace the thermostat with another digital style? Hmmm....
On both occasions where this stunt was attempted, both the owner and her boyfriend were at the same casino, the owners 12 year old daughter was at the same friends house, and both times the cat was boarded.
A white Ford cargo van was seen near the house hours prior to the explosion. A man fitting the description of the boyfriends brother was driving the van. The boyfriend tried to say he hadn't seen his brother in 4 days, but surveillance cameras caught the two together 2 days prior to the explosion.
After the investigation, it was revealed the microwave was found "blown out from the inside" and that the step down flow regulator had been removed on the gas line. Also the on/off valve to the gas fireplace was removed. The microwave was determined to be a type with a timer that doesn't allow the microwave to come on for some time.
Citizens Gas concluded there were no gas leaks but did determine there was a huge gas usage for the home at 8349 Fieldfare Way, in Indianapolis.
But all the while, the three claim their innocence and the owner "feels like the world is out to get her". Well, Ms. Shirley and the the Leonard brothers, I don't think the jury is going to have much trouble convicting you. Hope you enjoy your Christmas stay behind bars.