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Indianapolis home explosion arrest!!!!


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Active Member
May 1, 2009
I don't know how much people outside Indianapolis heard about the house that exploded in Indy that killed two people but they made an arrest.

The lady who owned the house and her boyfriend and another guy were all in on it. They removed a gas valve from the gas fireplace and set the microwave to turn on at a certain time and boom. They tried to get it to happen the week before. They were very dumb about how they researched it as well. One of the guys actually asked the gas company about gas explosions. The lady raise her insurance policy and she has $64,000 of credit card debt. Either the ATF or police checked the Internet history and the boyfriend was trying to buy a Ferrari with the insurance money. How did they think they wouldn't get caught?
I heard about it. I'm originally from Indy, and grew up 7-8 miles east of where the blast occurred. My folks still live there. I agree they were clearly not very smart in planning. Several facts raised red flags in this case:

The owner and her boyfriend went to a south Indiana casino overnight, and "boarded their cat"...really? cats are self sufficient creatures. Plus this happened not once, but twice.

The couple recently increased their home owners insurance.

The house was recently on the market, and was quickly pulled off the market.

The owner had filed for bankruptcy earlier this year.

The owners boyfriend has a criminal record, for fraud and for possession of cocaine. A friend of the owners boyfriend claimed that he was also known to surf the internet/find/date older women, borrow cash from them and never repay them. Apparently the owner was fine with her boyfriend doing this as long as he didn't sleep with them.

The owner wept on camera but didn't shed a tear. She tried to claim her tear ducts didn't work.

The boyfriend of the owner, told a friend on Nov 2, "the house blew up", and that "the house and it's valuables are insured at $300k" and that "he'd be getting $100k of the insurance money". He also mentioned looking online to purchase a Ferarri. However, the house didn't actually explode until Nov 10. Which indicates they tried this stunt once, and it didn't work, so they tried it again, and this time, it worked.

They boyfriend also admitted, in another source, to losing about $10k at a casino 3 weeks prior to the explosion.

The owners boyfriend recently changed the thermostat from the digital style to the older analog slide-style that actually creates a small arc when it kicks on. Mind you this home was built in 2003. Gee why didn't he just replace the thermostat with another digital style? Hmmm....

On both occasions where this stunt was attempted, both the owner and her boyfriend were at the same casino, the owners 12 year old daughter was at the same friends house, and both times the cat was boarded.

A white Ford cargo van was seen near the house hours prior to the explosion. A man fitting the description of the boyfriends brother was driving the van. The boyfriend tried to say he hadn't seen his brother in 4 days, but surveillance cameras caught the two together 2 days prior to the explosion.

After the investigation, it was revealed the microwave was found "blown out from the inside" and that the step down flow regulator had been removed on the gas line. Also the on/off valve to the gas fireplace was removed. The microwave was determined to be a type with a timer that doesn't allow the microwave to come on for some time.

Citizens Gas concluded there were no gas leaks but did determine there was a huge gas usage for the home at 8349 Fieldfare Way, in Indianapolis.

But all the while, the three claim their innocence and the owner "feels like the world is out to get her". Well, Ms. Shirley and the the Leonard brothers, I don't think the jury is going to have much trouble convicting you. Hope you enjoy your Christmas stay behind bars.
What amazes me is they they actually thought they wouldn't get caught.

From the beginning everything seemed a little fishy. The boarding of the cat was very strange for a weekend. We go camping for four days and leave the cat at our house. A weekend is not worth boarding a cat. The boyfriends brother had talked to a gas company employee about natural gas explosions before they attempted their retarded plan.

The state is trying to push for the death penalty but I highly doubt they will get it.
That shouldn't even go to trial. There is overwhelming evidence
i know of a guy that had his house burn down- right after they took all the valuable stuff out of it and put it in storage... he always parked his precious collector car (a 78 Thunderbird- fancy, eh?) in the garage, but just happened to park the car at the end of the driveway about 100 feet away from the house on the day the house went up instead of in the garage that was 10 feet from the house.. the house just happened to catch on fire about 15 minutes after he left the house.. this was in the late 80's and he was BFF's and drinking buddies with the police chief and mayor of my little town of 1000 people, so i don't think they investigated too deeply before calling it an electrical fire.

he got a brand new house, garage, and in ground swimming pool out of the deal... he was the manager of the trailer court in town, and i found out when i moved into a trailer there that he was charging $50 "late fees" to anyone that paid their lot rent after the 3rd of the month.. he made quite a bit of money every month off the "late fees", because he once told me that i was one of the few people out of the 100 or so lots that actually paid my lot rent on time so he never got to charge me for it..
he got fired from his position as manager of the trailer court a couple of years after i sold my trailer and moved out after the owner found out about the "late fees" that he never approved...

the guy never got charged with any kind of crimes for either burning down his house or bilking probably hundreds of thousands of dollars out of the tenants of the trailer court over the 10 years or so he was the manager.. i heard he had a massive heart attack and died immediately about 10 years ago.. i didn't shed a tear.
I could make that happen Chuck! We have a reheat furnace at work that holds 43 steel blooms that weigh 6 tons a piece. It heats the blooms to 2100 degrees. I would like to chain them down to a bloom and charge it into the furnace. They would last about one minute!

If needed we could just drop them into a ladle of molten steel but they would die too fast. I guess my demented side is starting to show.
Did anybody here the talk of the government did this and it was a drone attack. I have a very anti-government friend on facebook and I am looking forward to queationing him about this now haha
There was all kinds of rumors at first but after a day or so everyone was thinking that the home owner did it. A lot of the information about the homeowner came out a day or two after the explosion.
Thanks for sharing this....I heard about it here in Houston, and since I grew up in Indy I was curious what had happened. Now we can pick up their cable TV, internet, education, medical, food and housing bills for them since they are too lazy to live within their means and work for it.

Oldsracer...thanks for the drone comment as well...cracked me up!
This was right across from my kid's school and I heard and felt the blast. There's a special place in hell for these three. Greedy b@stards.
The first failed attempt should have been a sign not to try again. Ooops.

I'm from the North side of Indy and when this happened I actually thought it was a guided missile or something, given the debris path and how much damage it did. Not in a million years did I believe that natural gas could do that much damage or cause that much of a energy field. Seismic devices picked up the blast as if it was an small magnitude earthquake!!! I am now a believer.

This should be a lesson to anyone who thinks that what they are about to do ONLY AFFECTS THEMSELVES. They killed two innocent people with their insane attempt at collecting money.

These 3 should be blown up in a house somewhere out in the boonies as punishment. An eye for an eye baby.........
I agree they should not sit in jail but I dont want their life to end to quickly, maybe use them for medical testing or body armor tester. haha

Yeah, maybe. I just see no value in keeping scum like this around. If they're not here any longer.........they can't do any more damage to the rest of us. :)