Injector Guru Needed


May 23, 2002
I was wanting to get a strip chip for my car and I'm unsure of what injectors I have. I got them from Postons over a year ago. When I called them up they were unsure also. When I ordered them, I ordered the 36lbers with the 93 chip. If anyone can ID them I would greatly appreciate it.

To help you ID them, they have RP stamped on them, the bottems are gray with black tops and the number on them is 17090304.

Here is your guru...

Get ahold of Chuck Leeper on this board. He will direct you.


Put up a post asking for him. He is around....

Tell him the "left coaster" sent ya! :D

Originally posted by getchasum
I was wanting to get a strip chip for my car and I'm unsure of what injectors I have. I got them from Postons over a year ago. When I called them up they were unsure also. When I ordered them, I ordered the 36lbers with the 93 chip. If anyone can ID them I would greatly appreciate it.

To help you ID them, they have RP stamped on them, the bottems are gray with black tops and the number on them is 17090304.


Delphi 37#.
hhmm interesting.. I have a set that I had cleaned and flowed at caspers theya re delphi #37 17105898 as I was told.. black and grey..