Jul 15, 2007 #1 M mybuick intercooled engines rule! Joined Jul 21, 2002 Messages 1,502 i have new ones and the old ones are stapled in. what stapler do i need to replace these sweeps?
Jul 16, 2007 #2 K kh440 Jo Bu needs a refill! Joined Feb 14, 2002 Messages 3,968 To pry the old staples out a thin flat screwdriver and a pair of cutting pliers works best. To install the new ones I use a stainless #6x1/4 sheet metal screws with the appropriate size drill bit.
To pry the old staples out a thin flat screwdriver and a pair of cutting pliers works best. To install the new ones I use a stainless #6x1/4 sheet metal screws with the appropriate size drill bit.