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Install questions for DIY


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You've gotta try this!
Sep 2, 2001
I’m rounding up the last of my homework for my super zoomy, $150 DIY alky kit. I needed some ideas about a few last things before I start my quest.

Question 1: The pump… I’m probably going to go with the Shurflo pump. This seems to be the best for my needs, and what everyone likes. I wanted to know how loud is this pump and does it seem to be liveable? I know it’s not running all the time, but I just want to get a gauge of how loud it is, and has anybody come up with a good place to keep it quiet?

Question 2: Solenoid… Once again, I’m trying to get an idea for placement. I am aiming towards making my kit stealthy as possible so I don’t want a solenoid yelling out “HERE I AM!!” from under the hood. Where has everybody been mounting there’s with good results?

Question 3: Long term storage… There is a possibility that the car will not be driven for a long period of time or that the alcohol system may be disengaged for a long time and boost levels brought back down to normal. When leaving the system dormant, is there any possibility of damage to components of the system (pump, lines, sol, etc.)

Question 4: Vacuum pump… I read somewhere that the mighty vac pumps that you can buy at the parts store aren’t that good at building pressure. True? False?? Others I may consider?

OK, enough of the questions. I’m really excited about putting this kit together. I guess this is the rare occasion where people strive to be alcoholics. J Thanks in advance for the help.
Hey Chris, first of all the pump is not loud. You really can't hear it at all. My pump is located under the cold air kit pipe where the charcoal cannister used to be. If I painted the pump black, it would be pretty hard to notice. I'm not worried about stealth because nobody knows what they're looking at anyway. This isn't a chevy, afterall.

Perhaps by solenoid, you mean the hobbs switch. No problem to conceal it but I doubt anyone would notice it or know what it was. No solenoid is necessary with a single stage kit. Don't have a mity mac so have no info.

If you don't use your car for a long time, there really isn't any problem. The pump isn't submerged in alcohol as with other kits plus you can use any type of alcohol you want. Isopropyl and water works great. I'm using methanol & water at the present time. You could purge the Sureflo pump if you wanted to be safe. I'm sure you can find more info to help you on your install at Stevemon diy site. ;)
Chris where did you get the parts list for the kit? Is there a kink?

Adjusting the Hobbs switch will only take a little time. With mine for example one turn in (down) ='s 3 psi. Once you establish a starting point, and the amount of turns needed it's quick to dial in..

Is this to be single stage, double? Usally the solenoid is used to release the second stage, after the second hobbs reaches the activation setting..
Sorry.. meant hobbs switch. I haven't really decided on single or dual. Probably like everyone else, I'll try single if that isn't enough, I'll go dual. I'm thinking single will suit my needs just fine.

I've been looking at several sites to get a good idea how I'd like to set mine up. I'll look at all my printed out information. (not at home now)

Thanks for the responses.
Thanks John.

I have a whole page of my GN site devoted to the system I made based on Steve Monroe's DIY kit. Used to spend a lot of time here back when I was first starting to install the kit on my GN but have been pretty busy lately so I pretty much just hit the tech and lounge sections.
Well, you'd be surprised at how many people are unaware of the diy kit. New people coming in and old guys deciding they'll finally try to get their cars to run at more than 15lbs. of boost. Take a look every now and then.........lazy, hazy, summer days right now, so it's a little slow.
Mark, looking at your link to the photo, what is that silver looking item off the 90 deg fitting? Check valve, filter? Thanks
