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Intermittent failed alkycontrol box?


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Active Member
Sep 11, 2010
Hi all, went to the track friday and after a pass on the way back to the pits my car went full rich and started sputtering- xfi showed a code for "map voltage" and the alky turnon light was flickering red, afr bottomed out at 9 something and wouldnt stay running. Im running a 3.5 bar AEM map sensor thats only a few months old, wiring from xfi to map is straight from xfi box to a deutsch connector to the sensor and is brand new wire, wrapped in split loom and very carefully routed (im anal about wiring). The green map signal wire is tee'd in just before the map sensor, soldered and heat shrinked. I confirmed car still ran bad then snipped that green wire when i got home and the car started and ran normally. Ive had this problem before intermittently a few times which is why i went from the suspected bad gm 3 bar to the aem map sensor. I was previously running sd2 and scrapped that whole setup last year for xfi because i thought it was a glitch in the chip. I'm leaning toward a problem with the alky wiring or the alky control box itself, both were on the car when i bought it in 08 so i dont 100% trust the install. Any tips on how to diagnose without hucking parts at it? I'm fine with replacing the control box if need be.
I had an issue like this when I was installing my kit.. can't remember what I did to fix it though. I was able to diagnose it by recording a data log on start up. I noticed my MAP sensor was reading 30.4 psi and MAP V was pegged close to 5v. Because of this, tons of fuel and alky was being dumped in making the a/f obviously rich to the point where the car wouldn't idle. I'll try to remember what I did to fix it and get back to you tonight. hope this helps get the wheels turning

edit: here's the thread I made when I had my issues. check the fuse from your power source to the PAC

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There's not much to the wiring for alky control. The map and green wire as you've already looked at. There is power and ground to the box, a turn on light, a low fuel level light. the major parts are the green wire, the pump, the box and the map sensor.
I see you have updated your times.(y) I can tell you the new alky controler is wired way different than older systems. Mine was from 07 I believe. The new system is cleaner and more heavy duty. BTW. how old is the pump? It may be time for that too. Call Julio, he'll give you the best advice.
Ive installed several alky kits, just not mine hahaha. When i first got the car there were a bunch of scotch locks on the wiring, most of which have been found and replaced. I will pull mine out and see if there is any obvious hackery that needs addressing. Im really not looking forward to contorting under the dash for an afternoon...
I hear ya. I did mine this spring. At least you'll know you've got the latest and greatest. LOL.
Pump is 2 seasons old, will probably get replaced for spring. If only i knew a guy with a tester...
The granny: i havent been able to catch it in a log since its very intermittent (maybe 8 times in the past 4 years). I was lucky it didnt "fix itself" on the trailer ride home, and cutting out the alky signal wire made it run normally. Something is either wonky in the control box or the signal wire is shorting to ground/power in the harness. Since im replacing the pump in the spring maybe i'll just pop for a new kit so everything will be fresh. I was toying with tigging up a stainless tank for the trunk and moving the pump out back, maybe this failure will accelerate the process... i hate how stuff snowballs
Yessiree, it always does. You can try out the tester anytime.
Two things.
1) Bad ground on controller will allow green wire to back feed.
2) Controller is failing. Typically when electronics go bad, they go bad. But being its 10+ years old, maybe its easier and money better spent simply upgrading the controller. I always say who knows how long electronics are to last in a automotive environment .. like a laptop.. you wouldnt do your books on a laptop from 2006 :)
Thanks, i was hoping you'd have time to chime in! Is the controller actually different from my pre-2008 one? My car is at the level where an alky failure would be catastrophic so i'm fine with replacing hardware for insurance. Should i piece together what i need or just order a new kit?
Thanks, i was hoping you'd have time to chime in! Is the controller actually different from my pre-2008 one? My car is at the level where an alky failure would be catastrophic so i'm fine with replacing hardware for insurance. Should i piece together what i need or just order a new kit?
Understood. I would do a new controller and throw in a new pump cable. That updates all the electronics. And yes.. better than the Pre2008
Awesome, i'm getting married in a couple weeks, once the dust settles and the bank account gets replentished i'll hit you up. Thanks for the quick replies!