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ISAC alcohol controller and boost controller - latest software and updates


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Resident mad scientist
Staff member
May 24, 2001
This thread is only for the latest software and update information.

The ISAC PC software is called ICC (ISAC Control Console), it is used to tune the unit, make logfiles, and reflash the ISAC. There is no 'installation' or drivers required, just make an ISAC folder in "My Documents" (in some versions of Windows its just called "Documents") and put the ICC.exe file there. You can then create a shortcut for this file and drag it to the start menu or onto the desktop.

ISAC basic screen.jpg

I will cover reflashing the ISAC in another post.


The firmware that runs in the ISAC unit can be reflashed using ICC, drivers need to be installed as part of the process. The current firmware is version 1.91 Note that the firmware and ICC software version numbers are not matched.

When you click the reflash button on the help page, ICC will tell the ISAC to enter reflash mode, Windows should then ask for drivers. Direct the driver installation wizard to the folder containing the reflash drivers. Once the drivers are loaded, the reflash should proceed. You can trigger the driver installation process manually by holding the test button pressed when powering on the ISAC. You can do this with the key off, or the unit out of the car, as it will be powered by the USB port.


most of the changes going from 1.80 to now are related to the boost control stuff (spool to run mode switchpoint and stuff like that)

If you are happy with how it performs now, there is most likely no real reason to change. The parameter scaling is different now, so you would have to retune it.

Never run the car with the ISAC on it. Motor rebuilt went south before I tried it out
First track runs with the ISAC this weekend. It is awesome, I really think more people should look into this. It just works, and nothing else on the market can touch the features of this box.
Hey Bob I switched over to XFI fast System. but I still want to use my Isac to control my alcohol .I'm hooking up my RPM, map, TPS and I would also like to hook up my wideband. they use NTK wideband (which you have the option to pick in the configuration tab) Can i splice in the signal wire and the ground wire. will I have any problems. The fast tech-support said if I spicing into the signal wire it will change the signal what do you think and if I can,which wires do I tap into
well, here is the deal. (WARNING!!!!! Nerdy details below)

The measurement method on these new-fangled wideband sensors is based on the current flowing thru the "ion pump cell" portion of the sensor. This current flows one way with the sensor is richer than 14.7 and the reverse when leaner. The voltage measured at the pump cell wires will vary both with the air/fuel ratio and the temperature of the sensor element.

The Innovate stuff uses a PWM-mode (they are calling it a PLL, but I don't think it really is) control scheme which would make it even tougher.

(end Nerdy details......)

But, the bottom line is that you cannot monitor the AFR by logging the voltages on any of the wires.


true, but most guys use the XFI to control the fuel based on the wideband. But having a wideband display you can see when running is worth the extra $ to install it.
