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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2001
I finished the car late Friday night and had only about 45 minutes to tune on it before loading it on the trailer to go to the Mississippi gulf coast for Crusin the Coast. Arrived late Saturday evening so it would be Sunday before the car was unloaded. Cruised several gathering places Sunday looking for other GN's. Only saw one but he was going the opposite way. Wednesday was the first real day of Cruisin. Traffic was bumper to bumper and everyone was in high spirits. I was rolling with traffic when I noticed a new Cobra Mustang hanging back. The traffic cleared ahead and I thought "let's get a closer look at this thing". He slowed to 20 or 25 and as I pulled up next to him he nailed it. Boy this thing sounded awesome. I had the alky turned on and being the obliging type of guy I am I proceeded to floor it. He got out about a car on me when the 70mm kicked in and I passed him like he was using his brakes. Guy's eyes were as big as saucers. As traffic was thick in front I got out of it soon. He came up beside me still looking a bit shook and said " It got loose on me back there" .. Of course. He then said " you've got a really nice car there though". The rest of the trip the local leo's were thick so no more of that. Wonder what this thing will do with a good tune. :)
Yup fatten up that tune just a little...not too much....just a little... until you have a chance to tune it nice.

Way to show that Cobra what's what.:D
I finished the car late Friday night and had only about 45 minutes to tune on it before loading it on the trailer to go to the Mississippi gulf coast for Crusin the Coast. Arrived late Saturday evening so it would be Sunday before the car was unloaded. Cruised several gathering places Sunday looking for other GN's. Only saw one but he was going the opposite way. Wednesday was the first real day of Cruisin. Traffic was bumper to bumper and everyone was in high spirits. I was rolling with traffic when I noticed a new Cobra Mustang hanging back. The traffic cleared ahead and I thought "let's get a closer look at this thing". He slowed to 20 or 25 and as I pulled up next to him he nailed it. Boy this thing sounded awesome. I had the alky turned on and being the obliging type of guy I am I proceeded to floor it. He got out about a car on me when the 70mm kicked in and I passed him like he was using his brakes. Guy's eyes were as big as saucers. As traffic was thick in front I got out of it soon. He came up beside me still looking a bit shook and said " It got loose on me back there" .. Of course. He then said " you've got a really nice car there though". The rest of the trip the local leo's were thick so no more of that. Wonder what this thing will do with a good tune. :)
wasnt red by any chance was it?
He came up beside me still looking a bit shook and said " It got loose on me back there" .. Of course. He then said " you've got a really nice car there though". :)

Good kill man.
No one likes to admit they have $40+K in a car and then get spanked that bad. LOL I'm actually surprised he said anything at all.
