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jack cotton is a sellout


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New Member
Oct 11, 2002
i went to jack cotton a while ago just asking him a question about a problem with my 84 gn, some one told me that he was the guy to see when i asked him this question he didnt give me the time of day he told me to bring the car to him and he would fix it for me i buy all my parts from either cottons or poston so i thought it was realy rude to blow me off like that im so glad i live in agawam were his shop is located so i didnt have to go all that way to be dissapointed like that

what ever happened to sharing a little freindly info between mechanics i could see if we were drag racing aganist each other.and its not like i dont give him buisness since then i havent bought a part from him:mad:
Are you sure he's a sellout? I've only met Jack once and I didn't get that impression. At BG he was helping people alot as well as trying to race his car. It threatened hail there one day and after we had all left the tent for the night, he stored his car in there. When we arrived the next morning, it was there and all our tables were moved around. Mere moments later he zipped into his adjacent vendor area, then he and his crew came over apologizing like crazy for using the space without asking. It was understandable and no one had a problem with it. I think he even added a part or two to the raffle due to that incident.

Maybe he just was having a bad day or was busy at the time of your encounter. I've had plenty and inadvertently slighted people looking back. Did he give you a price for repairs? He might have done it for cheap or free and given you a little tutoring along the way. I don't know your situation but even baseball gives guys 3 strikes before they're out. Was it that bad? I'd hate to see someone's reputation tainted over a misunderstanding.
Why would you ever post something like that!:mad: Did you ever think that he couldn't diagnose your car without seeing it or hearing it run? He's a mechanic not some type of god. At least he's being honest by telling you to bring the car there for him to look at. It's better to have it there and have it fixed right than to throw a bunch of parts and $$ at it and not fix the problem. I've been bringing my car to Jack for 3 years and have never been unhappy with anything he's done for me. He's a great mechanic and a great guy who tries to help anyone and everyone.


P.S. You might want to reconsider your thoughts and possibly delete this thread.
I agree, Jack is the farthest thing from a sellout. Allways willing to help out. And why is this in the kill section??:rolleyes:
You'll get nowhere with this thread. Might want to go to a few Buick events to get to know people before posting, since I see you are new on the board. I hate to mention this, but the biograpghy in your profile states "young and stupid". What more can I say?:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Kevin Turch
I agree, Jack is the farthest thing from a sellout. Allways willing to help out. And why is this in the kill section??:rolleyes:
Someone just killed their credibility, and it wasn't Jack :) My advice, if you want to start listening, is to delete the thread, rethink, regroup, and continue on posting more maturely.
84ttypescreamer is clueless. What does he mean by selling out trying to run a good business. Do you call supercuts and pull the same crap with them, " I bought some hair spray from you last week, now tell me how to cut and style my hair". What a foolish thread ! What kind of "mechanic" are you? The kids that change oil at jiffy lube are not the same caliber "mechanic" as a master tech or a shade tree guy with 15 + years of experience. It's not too late to grow up, be a big boy and delete this thread :cool: the TR family will most likely forgive your immaturity at that point. Your looking like a Troll right now though!
Jack Cotton has always been a very involved contributing member to the Turbo Buick community. If you have/had a problem with him pick up the phone and talk to him.

As stated vendor bashing is NOT Tolerated, and it should be dealt with off the board.
Jack Cotton = Honest/Helpful/One of the Very Best

The archives are full of unsolicited & ongoing complimentary posts/threads regarding Jack, both as a great human being, & also as a top-notch tuner, builder, & vendor.

If quality, honesty, reliabilty, integrity, and character
mean anything to you, Jack's the man.

He goes the "extra-mile" every day.

And, there's too darn few like him.


You guys tell 84ttypescreamer not to bash Jack, but here you guys are bashing him/her. He/shes allowed to be upset at whomever they want. Maybe Jack was rude to them. You guys dont know the whole story so take it easy on him/her. Be like Herb, settle it off the board.

I have never dealt with with Jack and never will, i have had friends who had problems with him. But that is my choice and thats all there is to that. So relax and take it easy, someone needed to vent. Just like alot of others do on this board.

Not the Jack Cotton I know. It is incredible the guy can make money with the time he spends helping everybody out.
Jacks a great guy. You just have to be patient with him sometimes. He is a very busy guy. When I have been out there he is constantly on the phone, shipping stuff or recieving stuff, breaking stuff, tuning stuff, and barely has the time to shoot the breeze. He cant afford to give you 100% undivided attention, but dont take that personally.
I wish I lived closer. 3 hours of driving is rough, but worth it. Dont forget, everyone has their bad days, even Jack is human. With all the good that is posted about him..dont you think he deserves a chance?
listen im not trying to bash the guy it was justi was haveing a bad day he must have been haveingone too it seemed like he didnt want to give me the time of day maybe he just soesn show young people respect heck maybe he just didnt have a clue.

if anyone else does see my other forum in hot air cars titled(my 84 wont run)_ i greatly apoligize to jack and any one aplhiliated with him im just haveing a tough time with this car right now an i have to much pride to just give it to him to fix not to meantion the money:)

Calm down dude I guess chuck and I got a kick reading this useless post:p Good luck getting your car fixed..:)
Well, I've seen it all now. I saw one post slamming Bruce Tolle (sp?) at performance trans and now one about Jack Cotton. Sorry, but these are the people I aspire to be like when I retire from the Navy. Jack spends more time with other people's cars at the track than his own, and will let you try out different parts at the track. And if he doesn't think your car is up to it's potential at the track, he get's more frustrated trying to figure out the problems than the owner. One STAND-UP guy. And Bruce Tolle I don't even want to get into the awesome experiences I've had in dealing with him.

If what you say really did happen, I would say he was either having a bad day/busy, or most likely just unable to tell you what's wrong with the car with it not even being there. I used to live in Agawam as well, before Jack had his business. I would LOVE to be there now-a-days. :) Geez, maybe I could even get a second job there just for discounted parts. Hint, Hint Jack!! :)

84Ttypesceamer, have you ever smacked a nest of Hornets? This is what you have effectively done. As you can see we are a tight knit community that rely on speciality vendor support(as does this site). Jack Cotton provides this support/service and we utilize his services for parts and/or repairs. Your are entitled to your own opinion. However, vendor bashing is not tolerated. If your having a problem with the way you felt you were treated take it up with Jack Cotton. Don't come to the BB expecting us to "let slip the dogs of war" just because your feelings were hurt, those dogs won't hunt.

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