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Jay - Turbomotion


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Don't mean to beat a dead horse here, but I would rather have a kit than a refund. I am sure that a few others feel the same way. I am in limbo with my car and don't want to go back together without the parts I have been setting up my combo around. I am willing to wait a little longer if it means getting a V2 kit. Unless this whole situation has discouraged him from running his own business I would think Jay would rather produce the parts and keep our cash. Maybe he no longer has the equipment to work with, but if he does wouldn't you rather have a hot-air with a kit than your money back?:confused:
I would really like the kit too, I have been planning on putting it on the car.
The Kit

The last time I talked to Jay I explained to him that I would really like the kit instead of the money back unless it was going to be a long time. He said I would have it in two weeks, it has been 5 weeks now and he had alerady been broken into when I talked to him. With all the problems Jay has had I think he may just be burn out. I think the world of Jay, he is a great guy and helped me out with the S&S problems some. The problems that he is having can really get a guy down. Just wish he would contact us and fill us in with the info.

I have invested alot into this intake kit project, Ported heads,ATR SS hot air headers,ATR Billet roller cam, and a custom John Craig turbo for this kit.
John Craig himself looked at the Kit on the net and designed a custom turbine wheel for this set up in early 2001 for me. Cost me $1200.00

Bristol is just two months away and my long block is on the stand waiting for an intake. And who knows how much tuning it will take to get the car to run.

If I go with an 86/87 set up I will need new headers, brackets, pullys, intake,and lord knows what else.

Sorry for venting but maybe I am just getting burn out.

Jim Willett

My understanding from speaking with Jay is that he WAS planning to get his business back on track but without proper shop insurance and his tools and equipment - he just cant do it.

This is what he tells me.

With that in mind - it sounds like unless his stuff gets recovered - he will be doing refunds for everyone and not building any more kits 'cause he doesnt have the means.

In the menatime we all need to keep an eye and ear for any of Jay's stolen V2 kits or tools / heads / other GN parts......

Stay tuned guys....

Does anyone live near him ????
Donations for phone?
I've got several extra working phones I could send Jay for free,
or we could send 10-12 bucks so he could get a new one from K-Mart...if that's the only thing keeping him from communicating with his friends & customers

My offer still stands. Still no phone in/out?

Hmmmmmmmm---------sounds strangely familiar.

Should someone contact John Walsh?
Contacting Jay


I will be calling Jay today to see what the update is.

WILL get back to you....
Confirmed burglary

I have confirmed that in fact Jay reported and filed a Burglary report with the police.

A detective is currently assigned to the case and it WILL be followed-up.

This appears at this point to be a legit incident guys - and I think it only fair to treat it as such until we learn different.

That still doesn't get us our money back though yet does it !!!

Calling Jay today - stay tuned......
I am glad to see that someone took the initiative to check into it. I was about to go down there this weekend myself to talk to Jay. I can't help it, but I still trust the guy. MAybe I'm just an idiot, but he seems like a good guy to me.

I spoke to Jay today for about 45 mins. He has just finished the insurance paperwork and he was told ALL the stolen parts WILL be covered by his insurance.

Jay tells me that he cannot go into business anymore and to let everyone know that he is sorry. He cannot get into it again because his insurance will not cover his stolen tools - only the stolen parts. Jay has no remaining parts or kits to sell to anyone - I already asked.

I need to know who is owed money by him and how much.

I need each guys address and phone number along with the amount owed.

I will be calling Jay when I get this info so he can refund us our cash.
I know some of the names are Mike Hardman and Mike Sitka....
Wow.....just read all of this. And that is to bad that more bad crap is happening to Jay. However when you offer a service or product you have a responsibility, a responsibility to deliver that service or product. And if you can't, then you say why you can't to each and everyone you promised that service or product to. That is what I was always taught. Sick, stolen, or have to that is the bottom line.

I had much $$$$$$ colected to give to Jay, about 5 total down payments to start 5 kits. This was last year, and when a month went by that I could not reach him I pulled out, more for money reason's than him. But now I have a nice Spearco IC setup in my bad the car doesn't run for other reasons :rolleyes: ............. I hope he does go back in business cause he always seemed like a nice guy with a good product, that I just couldn't wait a year for...............

Hot Six, thanks for taking the initiative for looking into the matter for everyone. I appreciate your efforts.

No problem Dr. D

I guess Jay had all our numbers in his cell or written somewhere....but lost or stolen in the burglary. calls to us.

It took me some real diggin' and lookin' into to get his (unlisted) home number...or his dads number that is.

Bottom line - it looks as though we are getting refunds.

well since he is not gonna be making the kits anymore he should let us know how to make them. Like give us the plans,instructions. Cause I know a few guys that are talented machinist that can construct a v2 or v3 kit. And we have waited a long time and worked hard to get the money for a kit and now we get hornswaggled out of reaching or goals to make are hot air cars faster. What are we suppose to do just sit here and wait till someone else comes up with something better. When we had something good and we knew it worked. why not pass it on. Keep the v2 and v3's alive. So if yall talk to jay tell him to let it live on.

It's not just a simple matter of machining the intakes...They need to be welded(Tig'd), flowed to balance the runners, machined again, reflowed, machined again, etc...There was an extreme amount of work done on those intakes which took him a lot of R&D time to get to where he was at with them...

Maybe he will be able to do them in the future at some point...I sure hope he gets back into doing this again, because he is really talented at what he does...
I don't mean to sound too terribly cold here, buy Jay's not obligated to GIVE anyone his design. If it's not patented, people can copy it, but I don't see where he SHOULD let everyone know how he modifies these intakes.

Maybe one day, one year, ten years, Jay will get back on his feet and manufacture more kits. Time is sort of on his side, unless some similar talent comes in and provides the same service. If he GIVES the design away, that's less opportunity for himself in the future. The only thing I see him being obligated to give, is deposited money on the kits.

I suspect Sam Walton had some setbacks at some point in his entrepreneurial life, but I'll bet he didn't consider giving his idea of a WalMart Supercenter and SamsClub away the first time he fell to his knees.

Just my biased take on the above situation.
No fear.

I can get my hands on any welding equipment I need,flow tables what not. light duty to heavy duty tools is not a problem for me. Other than my dad designs welding equipment and makes it and sells it. But all I want is ito figure out how jay did it. I could start production on limited amounts of intakes if I can just figure out how he did it. I know really talented machinist.
A few years ago I tried getting in touch with these guys. They were barely starting to talk about this particular setup. Back then, this was going on at GNT.
They had the most terrible customer service in the world. No emails answered, no phone calls returned. I even tried posting messages to those guys from this board. They never replied. They were too busy for customers. Supposedly, Dave was sick at that time. I attempted to purchase their intake setup and other performance parts, when I did get my phone call answered, I was told that my $2500+ order I attempted to make from them would not be sold to me because the guy working there didnt know how to work a credit card machine. B*llSh!t I thought, these guys are just lazy saps.
I still admired the page they had up, it had a pic by pic type page showing them making the intake. I went to my shop that night, and with a die grinder, some speedecut wheels, flapper wheels, sharpie marker, a 12inx 12in sheet of 1/4 inch aluminum. and a ballpeen hammer. I made an intake that looked pretty damn close to what he did in about 8 hours(beer drinking included.) The only difference was that mine cost $20 for the spare intake to cut up, and a few extra bucks for my materials and beer. Heck I couldve purchased a new grinder, and made about 25 intakes for the price of one of theirs . A few people asked for pix of my intake and asked how I did it. I told them I looked at the page GNT had and tried to copy what they did. In no way did I try to take credit for his design or sell my ideas in any way.
Within a day I had threatening emails from Daves cronies saying that I bettter quit helping others, and even dave made some real stupid comments me not being a "real buick guy" like he was. He showed 0 class, a lack of business savvy and his true colors.
Since that time my posts have been virtually none existent. I hadnt checked up on this site for almost a year until the last few nights, what do ya know. S&S treated their customers the same as GNT.
They dont care at all. The stories are great and almost similar, they involve the hardships of the business owners, too sick to work or too busy to explain to a customer how they ripped you off. Its always the same "I was sick" or " there was a fire in my shop" , "I mean, I was robbed"," Im gonna start a new business and take care of everyone" , "oh no my insurance is not gonna pay for the loss". Why turn off their phone? Why not call and explain to the customer? Its simple. The customer is the victim.
Good luck guys, this is gonna be better than the Jason Dale fiasco.

B.T.W. I dont believe there was ever a patent. Was there?