Don't want to be a whiner,but I think when you post parts for sale,you should be prepared to follow thru with the deal.On June 16/07 This guy announced his car was too rotted,and decided he was gonna part it out.I was the first to post a reply.He ageed to sell me all 4 fender trim pieces.I paid him immediately,including shipping thru PayPal.He says give him a few days to get them off his car,box them up,and ship them out.About a month later,on July 7/07,I get an email from PayPal informing me he had refunded my money.At that time a thread was started by a few other guys who he had made deals with,who also had their money refunded.I emailed Jeff,and told him that I was sending the money back,and he should honour the deal we had.He says he's been busy,and couldnt find the time to box them up,and ship them out.He said in the next couple of weeks he would find a box and ship them.Another month goes by,nothing.I emailed him and told him.Look, it doesnt take 2 months to ship an item.He said they were buried out in his garage out of site,out of mind. At that time I said that as long as I had the parts by Oct 1/07 It would be ok.You know the rest...Oct 2 I email him ask for the parts.He gets upset and refunds my money.So I wait 3 1/2 for nothing.I'm sure guys get burnt for thousands of dollars every day on this site.This was my first time being jerked around.It was inevitable.At least I got most of my money back.This guy sold a lot of parts.Maybe you were lucky enough to recieve them.Good for you.All I'm trying to say is my books this guy sucks Where I come from a deal is a deal.Maybe if someone had posted something negative about him before I made a deal with him,I wouldn't have.So,if you like to waste your time ,and money buying parts from this guy beware.Thanks for nothing Jeff