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Just a thought about siphoning problems


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Jun 3, 2001
The old setups that used a vaccum hose at the top of the alky tank for pressurizing the system may actually be a smart idea for keeping the alky in the tank aswell. The same way that the boost pressurizes the tank, when not under boost wouldnt there be a vaccum created that would make the alky stay put? Whatcha think??
Originally posted by stevemon
There's too much surface area on top of the liquid for that little hose to creat a vacuum I believe. (maybe in a perfectly sealed container you could get some effect but not in this case.)
I was thinking the same thing (about the rad overflow container). I think with the sealed metal container that I was using (from the old BGC kit) it might actually work. However, I needed a larger tank, and something more inconspicious wasnt a bad thing either, so I switched to the rad overflow. Guess you gotta give up something to get something. Kind of sucks though. This siphoning thing seems like such a stupid reason to not be able to use your alky system.
