Keeping XFI logging armed when key is off?


Maryland MAGNA Rep
Staff member
Jan 3, 2012
Maybe this is a dumb question and it's just me being uncordinated. When your in the staging lanes and have to shut the car off, then restart and move foward, shut car off again, wait, repeat. Every time you turn the key off you have to set up the logger all over again. My first time at the track I was nervous as hell and had a track official yelling at me cause I was screwing with my laptop. Out of 6 runs I only managed to get one log. Kind of defeats the purpose of logging software if it takes to long too setup. Is there any way to keep the logger armed with all of the settings intacted for X amount of time with the key off? So when your ready to go for real all that would have to happen is the computer connect to the XFI and go right back to the logging screen where you left off with all of your settings intact, hit the space bar and your off.
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Maybe this is a dumb question and it's just me being uncordinated. When your in the staging lanes and have to shut the car off, then restart and move foward, shut car off again, wait, repeat. Every time you turn the key off you have to set up the logger all over again. My first time at the track I was nervous as hell and had a track official yelling at me cause I was screwing with my laptop. Out of 6 runs I only managed to get one log. Kind of defeats the purpose of logging software if it takes to long too setup. Is there any way to keep the logger armed with all of the settings intacted for X amount of time with the key off? So when your ready to go for real all that would have to happen is the computer connect to the XFI and go right back to the logging screen where you left off with all of your settings intact, hit the space bar and your off.

Your best solution is to get the internal data logger option.
I ordered it with that option :confused:. I do have the edash now but haven't had time to try it out. Can that control the internal logger?
I ordered it with that option :confused:. I do have the edash now but haven't had time to try it out. Can that control the internal logger?
Don't know about the E-dash controlling the internal data logger but you will have to download the data log after each run or it will over right the memory. You will need to follow the instructions for configuring and arming the data logger. Once you wire the PA enable pink wire(B19) to 12 volts switch, this can be used to enable the data logger. I usually turn this on after the burn-out. I configure the data logger to automatically start data logging at a high TPS setting but anything can be selected to start the data logging process.
Once your run is complete, you return to the pits and hook up the laptop and download the log.
hit f2 (connect ) and then F8 (arm logging) ... just before you roll to beams hit spacebar

i put shoe polish by the f2 and F8 keys so they are easy to locate

you also need to goto your laptop power settings and set it up so the hard drive doesnt turn off when closing lid or when laptop sleeps , i turn off screen savers too
I did try that on the one pass that I did get a log. Last time I used it I had it armed then after I did a burnout I looked down and it said connection lost.
I did try that on the one pass that I did get a log. Last time I used it I had it armed then after I did a burnout I looked down and it said connection lost.
That's not the same as logging with the internal data logger. Your logging through the serial port that way and is slow and cumbersome.
Allan G.
hit f2 (connect ) and then F8 (arm logging) ... just before you roll to beams hit spacebar

This will work, but another quicker solution might be to get connected [F2] and not have any tables open. You can then turn the car on and off as much as you want and it won't lose connection. Once you start it for the last time, Hit [F8] while still in the staging lanes and go do your burnout. Then hit [Enter] after the burnout and trigger off the TPS.
If the OP purchased the xfi from us, I have pre-programmed the internal logger, you just need to connect the pink wire. I prefer it to the transbrake if you have one. If not either a toggle switch (armed after the burnout) or the footbrake will work.

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Yes. The same method will work, except no internal logger

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
In my case, I was thinking of adding a toggle switch close and jumping the 12v that goes to the ECM Harness. And at the end of the day turn the switch off!!
Are you using an external logger? I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do. You don't want to leave the fast powered up all day. The O2 heater could give you problems, etc..

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Right.. I did not think of that. Just want to keep the FAST on when staging in the lane. Like undercover87t's a pain when in line to run and you turn the key off and have to reboot when it's your time to run. The Jerks at the tracks are not patient.
The method I gave in post #8 will also work with the Classic FAST

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