I badly need to switch to a fixed antenna because the other one has failed and or fallen victim to vandalism several times.
I would very much appreciate if either Brian Weaver or Mike McCoy write me to my mail donpato@imaginativa.cl to buy them the right parts including the lower bracket thingy with the cable on it.
If someone gives me their mails that would be nice also.
Best Regards
Originally posted by salvageV6
Check with Brian Weaver or Mike McCoy for the right parts to make it work.
Need the lower bracket thingy with the cable on it.
Mike had them and the new mast when I was looking a couple of years ago.
Have to install it someday too.
I badly need to switch to a fixed antenna because the other one has failed and or fallen victim to vandalism several times.
I would very much appreciate if either Brian Weaver or Mike McCoy write me to my mail donpato@imaginativa.cl to buy them the right parts including the lower bracket thingy with the cable on it.
If someone gives me their mails that would be nice also.
Best Regards
Originally posted by salvageV6
Check with Brian Weaver or Mike McCoy for the right parts to make it work.
Need the lower bracket thingy with the cable on it.
Mike had them and the new mast when I was looking a couple of years ago.
Have to install it someday too.