Jul 29, 2007 #1 J Jeff Rand Well-Known Member Joined Sep 17, 2001 Messages 1,714 Another quarter mile track bites the dust. Yesterday was the final race at LACR. Not my favorite track by it still holds a lot of good memories. Jeff
Another quarter mile track bites the dust. Yesterday was the final race at LACR. Not my favorite track by it still holds a lot of good memories. Jeff
Jul 29, 2007 #2 G Gary Wells White turbo Buick trailer park trash Joined Mar 2, 2002 Messages 9,778 Not my favorite track either, Jeff, but for me too, as with you, it also holds some good memories. We are shorly becoming: The few, The proud, the remaining turbo Buick crowd.
Not my favorite track either, Jeff, but for me too, as with you, it also holds some good memories. We are shorly becoming: The few, The proud, the remaining turbo Buick crowd.