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Let's see how honest people can be..........or not


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TR Custom Parts

Mark Hueffman - Owner
May 25, 2001
Went out for some pizza a beer with some friends, wife took the son to karate and then to Friendlys restaurant. Son has his DS game case with all his games and he is playing a game while waiting for a table to open up.

My wife and son go their table and he forgets his case with about 10-15 games in it on the bench INSIDE the restaurant. He realizes it a bit later and goes to where he left it and it is gone! Needless to say it obviously was someone who came in after them and was waiting for a table as well so I am sure they were still in the restaurant. My wife only went to the manager to tell them it was missing and could they call if it is turned in. Wish I was there as I would have went to every booth with snotty nosed kids and just plain asked if they found it.:mad:

He had his name and phone number in it but no calls yet, happened about an hour ago. Hopefully some parent would notice their kid with a bunch of new games and question where they came from. Not many teens hang out here more of a family place. Just pissed that the wife didn't pursue it better since whoever took it was more than likely still there and maybe even sitting next to them!!! Now I got a hysterical kid with a good chunk of change invested in his games, (well, my chunk of change)
I would have made that manager notify the wait staff to keep an eye out for another kid with a ton of games!!! I know how expensive those things get...and there just aren't as many honest people in the world these days. You figure, why would they even both taking it home to call the number? They should have turned it in at the restaurant. I would be willing to bet you'll be RE-investing in those games. :rolleyes:
No TV video games in my house.
But I just recently broke down and got my little ones a DS for each.
When we leave the house the game can got to the car. When we get to our destination the game IS NOT TO LEAVE THE CAR.
To avoid exactly what you are going thru
Plus I also have block out days no video games at all all day long. Just so that they don't became so dependent of them.

Good luck Dude.
Now that I think about it maybe one of the "waitstaff" grabbed it. Yeah, I am betting I will be "investing" in getting more of these freaking things. He is going to learn a lesson for a while though. Punishing him by taking him to Fenway Park tomorrow for Red Sox vs Yankees. Luxury suites no less so he is really punished.:eek: :rolleyes:
Think my wife should be tasered, she should have made a stink about it. Oh that's OK,my husband will just have to sell more Buick stuff to replace the games.:rolleyes:
Now that I think about it maybe one of the "waitstaff" grabbed it. Yeah, I am betting I will be "investing" in getting more of these freaking things. He is going to learn a lesson for a while though. Punishing him by taking him to Fenway Park tomorrow for Red Sox vs Yankees. Luxury suites no less so he is really punished.:eek: :rolleyes:

Watching the Yankees is punishment enough! :rolleyes:

My son has his all over the house. The dog decided to use them as chewies.
People suck and are thieves. Wife had her cell phone stolen IN COURT while testifying. Court cops wouldn't even search the only person setting beside her, and convienently left shortly after "questioning". If you "lose" something in a public place, consider it gone and move on. One more reason I am a misanthrope.
Hopefully someone will return still it.

A few weeks ago, my daughter found a diamond ring in CVS.:eek: At first, her initial reaction was to turn it in to the cashier but then her "street smarts" kicked in. Instead, she told the cashier she found the ring and gave the cashier her cel phone # in case someone came in to claim it. A few hours later, a man called my daughter and said "his girlfriend lost her ring at CVS....." My daughter asked him to describe the ring and he could not!!! Obviously one of the cashiers at CVS tried to pull off a scam to steal that ring!

Later that day, she got a call from a lady who described the ring in detail so my daughter met her and it was returned to her. She said it had huge sentimental value so my daughter was very happy about that.

Maybe someone honest found your son's games and will call your son and return his games.
Why do you assume someone coming in grabbed it? Maybe it was someone leaving. Don't get made at the boy. I'm a teacher and a dad and I'll tell you it's what kids do - lose things.
My wife did the same thing. We lost a bag of games too. She thinks she knows who did it but I just can't accuse someone out of the blue. Bad as I want to confront this person I just can't...

I did ask as many other people as possible about it. Nothing wrong with asking if anything unusual is happened:biggrin:

It is was a mistake for leaving it where it was so... Now if I ever find out:eek: :mad:
way things are these days, a parent could possible tell a kid to take them so they dont hafta put out extra money for games, horrible thing to do, but theres people out there, ive seen it with my own eyes.......
Bad as it seems, there are honest people out there yet. Around here a lot of people (but definitely not all) would chase you down if they saw your wallet fall out of your pocket. My wife is pretty clumsy and loses things everywhere. So far we've had one instance where she left her purse in a shopping cart in a parking lot and it was never returned. Had an older digital camera in it but no other valuables. The only reason her cell phone wasn't in there was because she forgot it earlier at a relative's house. Love her to death but she will cost us a lot of money someday.

There's still hope that someone will do the right thing.
The dishonesty these days is getting out of hand. Just about everybody feels they deserve to keep what they find even if there is a way to return it.

I'm not one of those people and neither are my kids. I just want to interject here someone stole my son's homework off the teachers desk twice this semester and now my son is facing a D for that part of the biology curiculum. The teacher wouldn't listen to anything my son had to say even though someone found one of the assignments in a classroom he does not go into. He is a 3.5 GPA student and had a B in the class before this. The teacher says "you can't prove you turned it in". My son says "you can't prove I didn't because you don't collect it you just tell everyone to leave it on your desk". Now my son hands all his work into each teacher personaly wether they want it or not. I asked the teacher to look at the history of my son's work with all his A's and B's but he just says that's too bad.
I just want to backhand him.

The dishonesty these days is getting out of hand. Just about everybody feels they deserve to keep what they find even if there is a way to return it.

I'm not one of those people and neither are my kids. I just want to interject here someone stole my son's homework off the teachers desk twice this semester and now my son is facing a D for that part of the biology curiculum. The teacher wouldn't listen to anything my son had to say even though someone found one of the assignments in a classroom he does not go into. He is a 3.5 GPA student and had a B in the class before this. The teacher says "you can't prove you turned it in". My son says "you can't prove I didn't because you don't collect it you just tell everyone to leave it on your desk". Now my son hands all his work into each teacher personaly wether they want it or not. I asked the teacher to look at the history of my son's work with all his A's and B's but he just says that's too bad.
I just want to backhand him.


I would be raising MAJOR hell with the school over that. Its obvious there just letting the kids do whatever in the classrooms. How the hell does a kid get enough time to goto a teachers desk find his your son's paper without getting caught :mad: its getting ridiculous how many people are totally irresponsible anymore
When my son was young he would loose stuff and we would go all over the place looking for his toys. Now as an adult he still misplaces stuff occassionally. It's part of his ADD. My boss has ADD and does the same thing. We learned not to let him bring toys into a store or restaruant. That helped.
Good luck with finding the games.
Well, if you're a Red Sox fan you saw a good game....