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Lexus SC and Ricer in one shot.


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Oct 26, 2007
I was on my way home from cruise nite in Amarillo heading north on 287. As you come through Amarillo heading north the highway splits going through downtown then merges back together on the north side heading to Dumas. As I was merging with the other road I find myself next to a red Lexus SC hardtop convertible, he had his top down and immediatley began eyeing my car, as I was his, they are a sharp looking car. :cool: I wasn't really planning on running the guy but he kept looking and gunning his throttle next to me smiling the whole time.

Then I notice in my rearview mirror a huge whale fin with headlights coming up behind me. He pulls up to the right side of me (I'm now in the middle on a three land highway) and we find ourselves rolling about 50mph lined up to go.;) So I figure what the heck lets do it. The ricer gives the distinct sound of his coffee can muffler that he's jumped first and he's about half a length on us when me and the Lexus hit it.;) Immediately we blow by Shamu and I pull out on the Lexus about 3 car lengths by the time I hit 90. I let off and the older gentlemen in the Lexus pulls along side and still has his ear to ear grin and gives me a thumbs up. Next thing we notice was the sound of a bumble bee passing us after we've slowed to 65, so the Lexus decides to give chase and lay some more smack-down on him.

Not much of a kill, although my car is totally stock, but my boy was smiling for the next 50 miles :D (it was his first time to feel what it like to show people the dark side). And after doing some research, I found out Lexus spent $400,000,000.00 in R&D on the V8's in those SC's:eek: And they run a 14.3 qtr. according to A classy can of Whoop-Azz was opened up on that fart-can toting Honda.
That's cool!! It's not everday your on a three lane highway and you get to race a car on either side of you!! I haven't been able to get a race all summer other than my turbo buick buddies. People look and it's as if they either don't think your car should be racing or they know better!!
That's great, everyone around hear fears GNs, the last race i had i lost to a trailered cutlass, but this new 4.1 im putting together will fix that.
It's funny to see the younger guys (teens and lower 20's) around here look at my car when I pull up. Most of them have only seen grandma driving a car shaped like this or it's a low rider that's had all the bondo knocked out of it by hydraulics. They never know what to think, you pull up, they look over and have a puzzled look on their face. They don't know about the GN legacy, and are usually game if I decide to challenge. Poor unsuspecting ricers.
i know what you mean about not getting any races today early in the morning i had a cobra next to me at several signal lights and he would not bite i guess he knew better:biggrin: but i think as soon as the new fast and the furious is out all this young guns will know about the dark side:biggrin:
i know what you mean about not getting any races today early in the morning i had a cobra next to me at several signal lights and he would not bite i guess he knew better:biggrin: but i think as soon as the new fast and the furious is out all this young guns will know about the dark side:biggrin:

I'm actually hoping that is the case with this movie:D Then maybe I will get some action:biggrin: I had a young guy in a cobra next to me only 2 cars in the area at the time get right up next to him look over and he pretented i didn't exist:eek:
Yeah, but then we are gonna get the "if that thing had a v8 in it like Vin's it would fly.

That movie will do more damage than good....and I'm willing to take bets.

Theft - up
Misunderstanding - you put that v6 in there...they came with big blocks.
Sales explosion of black NASCAR ralleye wheels.
Explosion of GN's with black NASCAR ralleye wheels
More headaches dealing with explaining things.

I'm just going to agree with whatever anyone says and go about drinking my beer.
ya i do agree...i have a silver t-type and most people dont know about them.. they say how did you but a gn motor in a regal >:-/ but people that do know say nice just maks my dad mad cause he has two 68GS's and they say nice G.T.O. or somethin like that... :D
Man i hope not cause my gn had black nascar wheels on it when i bought it yuk!!! I put the stock ones back on it not im thinkin bout some american racing torque lites 18s with drag radials now tho....
my GN buddy and i are already getting our plans ready for the night new F&F comes out. We are planning on making it an "ultimate ricer smackdown," because we know they will be out in droves that night. We are going to just sit there in the movie theatre parking lot and wait for em. I remember it was just f*ckin pathetic when the second movie came out... i think every grapefruit launcher-equipped civic in town turned out. they were all cruising around after the movie, making their little one-tire fires in parking lots, and all that too. How many ricers do you think we can school before the cops show up or they all go home to cry? i'm goin for at least 15 or 20. :D
Yeah, but then we are gonna get the "if that thing had a v8 in it like Vin's it would fly.

That movie will do more damage than good....and I'm willing to take bets.

Theft - up
Misunderstanding - you put that v6 in there...they came with big blocks.
Sales explosion of black NASCAR ralleye wheels.
Explosion of GN's with black NASCAR ralleye wheels
More headaches dealing with explaining things.

I'm just going to agree with whatever anyone says and go about drinking my beer.

I totally agree, my wife and I have been together for 8 years and I've had my gn for almost 10 years. She still gets them confused with montes':mad:
I totally agree, my wife and I have been together for 8 years and I've had my gn for almost 10 years. She still gets them confused with montes':mad:


I'll try to correct people once. If they want to continue to argue something their cousin's brother's plumber's friend told them with the owner of the vehicle then so be it. I just say, 'of course you're right, I don't know what I was thinking'.

I think it will be cool when the movie comes out. Might actually get some races. I can't get them around here anymore.

i'll just stick to my story of how its just and old v6 buick regal from the 80s, and thats all i know... i have no idea why its so fast!
I had a guy at the part store tell me that I owned a supercharged monte carlo.......... when I had the hood popped and was working on it..... I pointed at the turbo and ask "is that was that thingy is? :eek: Grandpa did say he put something in the car to help the gas mileage. LOL