Huh..go figure.
I am going to do just that.
I think I might even bust for one of those scope cameras - just for the hey of it.
I think they can prove valuable for all sorts of poking and proding in other places.
Home Despot has a Porter/Cable version cordless type for $199, but I'll have to invesitgate and see what other brands and the price points.
Thanks for the valve spring info - I shall be looking closely at that.
I ran out of time and did not get to change the oil with fresh VR1 and a new filter yet.
Some of my buddies are convinced it might be as simple as that.
One thing leads to another
Take valve cover off..
Hmmm..look at all that dirt on the firewall..
Wipe, rub, polish, spray paint..
Take wire harness bracket off..
Blast and repaint the nasty looking and rusted bracket...
Modify it to accept that 2nd plastic main harness retainer properly rather than the harness retainer dangling by a single screw..(Really Buick - one screw? No slot at the bottom like the other one to hold it in place on both ends? Amatuer hour in Fint?) - then Repaint
Oh, look at those nasty spark plug wire hold down brackets..we certainly have to blast and repaint those
Clean and repaint the valve cover bolts - Can't put rusty bolts on nice new valve covers
You don't say, that Wastegate solenoid is turned 180 degrees?
Well now, because the last guy in here ran the harness too short down under the air idle adaptor
Oh, and the plastic sheathing is all torn up so we'll replace that..and retape the ends.
Ahh..can't say I like the length of the blue silicone tubing they used on the wastegate Y..let's fix that
Fix those nasty looking heater hoses..with the Pep Boys style hose clamps that are too damned big and gruesome looking
Replace heater control valve since - since - oh hell - look how crusty it is..
Oh my - look at the corrosion under the spark plug wires at the coil pack...clean, grease, wipe, clean again
That danged AC blower relay...let's chrome paint that...while we're here
And that's just all in that 2 foot area at the passenger side valve cover
And this WE4 is pretty clean compared to most
Oh yeah - I almost forgot - I started this to find a ticking
Ugghhhh - these cars can really suck some serious time out of me