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Looking For Previous Owner


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Want my GN to go 11's one day
Feb 11, 2007
I Purchased A 1987 T-type Back In 2006 In Southern Maryland From A Divorcee She Also Had Another Clean 87 For Sale At The Same Time Also So If Anybody Lost Your Cars You Will Know This Car. Car Was In Really Rough Shape Cosmeticly But Ran Good If Anyone Knows About This Car Please Contact Me And Give Me Some History If You Can. Ps I Have Brought This Car Back From The Dead The Way You Were Planning To Do So I Guess
Good luck. It's going to be a long shot finding the original owner.
No offense, but why do you capitalize every word? That makes your posts hard to read. :) Seems like a lot of extra work.
You can ask the DMV there if they'll tell you who formerly owned the car, via VIN. Depending on if they have privacy laws or not.