LS1 SS vs VR6 VW! 1500 bucks against 500 bucks and his GF for a night

I read that stroy from the other thread, but it's great!
"He's gonna smoke you, he just got a new exhaust!"
I have one concern.

That video was shot at Houston Raceway Park. These guys claim to be from Washington. So, that is my only concern over the story.
Why cant I run across dudes like this? Are there really kids that stupid out there? Never mind I know the answer
Hell yes

I work with a kid that dumb!
He just got out of the Va. Beach Jail yesterday!
Wrecked his turbo Jetta at 100mph, lucky to be alive!
Before I took him for a ride he wanted some of the buick
"it's only a low tec V6 that weighs 800lbs more than my JET.....
I ain't scared of that tank!"
He changed his tune after a trip down I564. ..and his shorts!
Mitchell Davidson ain't got nothing on this A-clown

What a mo-roon! Must be a nice area those folks live in, I've been in places, ah, - you fellow gutter minds might be able to guess at what I'm thinking...
That story is funny as hell.It is proably true, because after F&F came out, the kids got real stupid.He is older and puts some historical perspective about how "old school" everyone had big block cars or hot small blocks.400 horse was normal with just a carb.Generation "Y" goes out a buys a 150 horse import and puts a 75 shot on it with a fart can and try to challenge John Force.I mean, they are lined up ready to run and buttplug has his stereo blasting, what a dumb@ss!I am not carpet bashing the younger generation as a whole, but most ricers have little knowledge of racing.It is all about image, 4" fart can tailpipe, 20" wheels with rubberband tires, and a $5000 stereo.
Haha... that was a great story. The poster is a good writer as well :)

Oh man that is some good stuff. where is the link for the video??
I think they're in competition with each other to see who can look the fastest. Maybe that's why they flip you the bird when you spank them...

Hey! We're not really supposed to race!! My car looks faster so I win by default! Who do you think you are by blowing my doors off? Oh well, I still look faster!! :mad:
Story made up and embellished greatly.

The guy who posted it has been proven, and then admitted to be a fraud. The car in the video is NOT his. He first tried to say that the video was done by MTI, which is in Houston.

Although, the story is great :)
brian, i didnt know you hang out on this site.....little bit of GNenvy? HAHA....

hey, i look forward to hanging out with you guys again when i get back off deployment...
lol, sup man.

No GN Envy here. We bought a 98 Trans Am with a Yank 4L70 (200r4) in it, and having some issues. We figured who knows the 200r4 better than the TR guys. Lonnie @ Extreme Automatics has been a great help.

Let us know when you get back :)