i like alot of lunati cams but from what i see off the spech sheet is that there is no reserch in designing a cam like this not saying it wont run good but heres my theory:
lets just say you have a set of heads that flow 200 cfm on the intake side and 150 cfm on the ext.
plus naturally you have a bigger valve on the intake side so not only do the max flow #'s way out do the ext but the(under the curve) flow #'s at low lifts or say as the valve is opening and closing are way better with the bigger valve.
so why would you take the exact same lobe pattern as the intake and use it as an ext. lobe??
then if you really want to toss in a real kicker add 20 # of boost shoving the intake charge in and go figure nothing to help the used up charge to get out other than the piston coming back up forcing it out...you'll with me?
so if you have that much more coming in then why shouldnt you have a lobe on the ext. designed to open the valve quicker and keep it at max lift longer to take work off the motor having to fight to get it all out?
one more thing to consiter is that the more force it takes to push the ext out is horsepower taken from another cyl. that is fighting the resistance of the worked to death piston...
you'll have fun with this one...
id like to here other opinions on this subject..
also did you'll know that some of the most powerfull turbo motors are revese flowed meening that the ext. port becomes an intake port and the int. port becomes an ext. port..