Main bearing seal and new site....

Freddie's Buick

Hell No! I'm not a junior
Jan 3, 2002
After beating myself to death with the split-lip main bearing seal foolish gizmo, I am begining to wonder why did I ever go with this neoprene seal? It was'nt the end seals that leaked. It was the seal itself. Now I have two neoprene seals, (useless as they are), decorating my tool box.

Even the Fel-Pro instructions hint that it may be a crap-shoot.

Quote: If this alternative method results in unsatisfactory performance then the rope packing seal must be installed..... It also goes on to say that the stock rope pack is desiged to accomodate a wider range of tolerances then the split-lip design.

On some cars they work fine and there may be others that the OEM seal works better. Mine might be in the 'others' catagory.

Too bad this happened....Darn thing runs GRREEAATT! Oh well...:rolleyes:, back to the old drawing board. I'll just rip the engine out again. Don't let anyone tell you the rope is for dopes....One should'nt take any chances and its better to be safe then sorry.....USE THE OEM PACKING ROPE!!!

Oh yeah......check out the site I'm working on.....:cool:
That is just what I was going to say...use the rope. Just don't smoke it.
Nice site too :D
Hey Fred;

(I like the name by the way :) )

When you installed the two piece seal did you do with the crank in the car ?

My present engine & the last engine had a two piece I never had a problem. I did try the rope seal on my present engine durning the rebuild , But I felt it had way too much drag (I could bearly move the crank by hand when the rope seal was in place).

Yes , Fel-pro admit's it may not work in every applicaction. But when I did my the crank was out of the engine(s).

Just a though .
Yep....the crank and engine were out when I installed the neoprene seal. After I put it back on the car and ran it for a few it started to leak. I thought perhaps I had installed it wrong. But after, I removed and re-installed it three different times suspecting that I bungled the job. Each time I pulled the cap the end seal area was bone dry, (how it supposed to be).

It's funny though....most of the guys at the 'tech arena' said that the neoprene seal worked for them. In fact all of them did. What's funny is that they all have turbo engines like you. Perhaps there is more of a differance in the crank then what's been mentioned here?

For example, on my N/A crank there is a pattern of ridges on the crank were the seal meets the crank. This is also pictured on my Buick manual. Do the turbo cranks have the same? :confused:

Oh yeah....I like that name too.....:rolleyes: It's cool!:D
You don't suppose it is leaking around the main cap. where those little rubber strip's go?
Yes, the 4.1/3.8 turbo cranks all have those same slash marks on the rear main's sealing surface. I've never used the rope seal...always the neoprene one from Enginetech. Did you have it facing the right way? GB
Whasup Greg....

Yep, the seal's lips were facing the front of the engine. I'm baffeled too. What else could leak back there? When I rip out the engine I'll find out.

I didn't check the oil gallery plugs......

I just noticed in my service manual a rear block view photo to identify the gallery plugs. There is a cap on the rear of the cam? I don't remember seeing that, (looks just like the core plugs). Just the cam's rear.......could this be the problem? :confused:
Could be.

There are also two oil galley plugs back there where the oil galleys run for the lifter's. check those also.

Here's the deal..... I farmed out the block to be boiled, bored, aligned honed and the cam bearings replaced. Well, they forgot to put the rear cam cap. When I pulled the engine it was clear as can be.......oil dripping from the cam rear. :eek:

Fellas, this is the first time I ever rebuilt an engine completely....I am now beating myself for missing this one! AARRRHHHGGG!!:mad:

I don't blame the guys who machined it I can't control their mistakes. But me, on the other hand to of missed this.....major

I don't know if anyone out there will go as far as I have in doing this, ( I like's fun! :D ), but if someone does..... READ THIS!!

Thanks guys for helping's always comforting in having your support! :cool:

Oh, Rich, you too....were ever you are!:D
Whatsup Pete....:)

Yep....Digicam.....very practical and cost convenient, (coming from the prince of 'El Cheapo'). :D
Originally posted by Freddie's Buick
Whatsup Pete....:)

Yep....Digicam.....very practical and cost convenient, (coming from the prince of 'El Cheapo'). :D
You are not the only 'El Cheapo' a round, I won't pay for new rims, havn't gotten a Digcam..expect the one on my computer(friend gave it to me) most of my computer stuff is hand me downs. I hate to buy new cloths, only get sneakers at 50% off...yad,yad,yad....Now my kids are a nother story...their rooms look like Toys R Us.

The new site is coming along very nice...:D

Glad you found the problem, I need to call and check on mine :( work has been so busy I haven't gotten a chance to call.