Man...Did Artest....


Silent but Violent
Oct 9, 2003
Drop that Fan on the Court like a Bag of Dirt or What? poom.. poom he was down. Hilarious.
Those three Indiana players are in some deep sheeit. They clearly were caught on video assaulting fans in the stands and on the court. I expect to see the three of them charged with assault & battery. Then the civil lawsuits will be filed. Actually, I expect those suits to come this week. If you were in the stands and punched repeatedly by an NBA player because of what some other numb-nut did I'd sue too.
Hey I agree with you guys..but ya' don't get to see 2 clean shots like that to often.

Artest, Jackson and O'Neal are all a bunch of thugs. They deserved what they got and in my view, should have been kicked out for good.

However, the fans that threw stuff at the players should have their season tickets revoked (if they have them) or at the least banned from enterring the stadium the rest of the season.

It's one thing to cheer, boo, jeer, deride and heckle - but NO one should be permitted to throw ANYthing. Period.

Now, innocent fans that got decked is something else. But those that were throwing stuff before the brawl started should get their hineys kicked out too. Buying a ticket permits you to cheer or boo, not throw stuff.'re gonna see some fans charged with assault & battery as well. If they find the assclown fan who threw the chair you'll see him get charged with felonious assault (4 yr felony).

I don't understand why Ben Wallace has been suspended indefinitely too. So he shoved an Indiana player for a cheap foul. That happens all too often in the NBA without players being suspended indefinitely. :confused:
What did they do to the whinin a$$ that started it ben wallace ,if he could take a foul none of that would happen . Artest should hit him ,but he went and lay down and a fan threw beer on him . I agree with you guys artest should be gone for good ,but the wallace boys should get there fair share also since they started the mess in the 1st place .

just my .02

Local (Indy) news reported Wallace got a 6 game suspension.

Personally, I agree that several of them out to be gone for good, and maybe some criminal charges would be appropriate too.

Originally posted by RobsIron
Drop that Fan on the Court like a Bag of Dirt or What? poom.. poom he was down. Hilarious.

It didn't even look like that was the guy that threw it? Yea, it takes a real tough guy to grab the smallest dude you can find, and throw him to the ground. :rolleyes:
The guy that got dropped doesn't look that small especially next to a Basketball player.
The point is you usually need pay per view to get that kind of action...gettn' played over and over.
That guy had plenty of time to get out of the way if he wanted to.
Originally posted by RobsIron
Drop that Fan on the Court like a Bag of Dirt or What? poom.. poom he was down. Hilarious.

I think that Artest shouldn't have gone into the stands in the first place, but the guy who ran onto the court to start a fight with them deserved to get clocked. Artest got a couple good punches in on him, then Jackson? flat laid him out.
Originally posted by RobsIron
The guy that got dropped doesn't look that small especially next to a Basketball player.
The point is you usually need pay per view to get that kind of action...gettn' played over and over.
That guy had plenty of time to get out of the way if he wanted to.

hmmm, he wasn't such a tough guy when Wallace shoved him halfway across the court. And the other guy, Jackson? (I'm not up on basketball), another tough guy. I always love the run in from the side, and throw a punch in technique. If you can't tell, I found this whole thing ridiculous. These people get paid WAY too much to act like that. I also agree the fans involved should get some type of punishment. I might not like it, but I'd put up with a beer cup in the face for that much money!
Personally I think Ben Wallace should get a medal for decking Ron Artest.

He has been an idiot for years now.

He has no respect for the game, his team, his coach or the fans.

He should be kicked out of the league.

Notice how quick he disappeared when Big Ben was ready to rumble. BW would have absolutely flat laid him out and I personally would have applauded it.
If I was that fan up in the stands that first got attacked I would have stood there smiling knowing that my wallet is rapidly getting bigger and bigger with that assclowns money.
The kid that Artest went up into the stands and attacked wasn't even the person that threw the drink on him! That's the funniest part about the whole thing. That kid deserves a little of Ron Artest's money.
Stephen Jackson did what I would imagine most other players would do. So I find it hard to hold that against him. But he's a dope and was wrong for doing it. I guess it just shows the thug mentality that has taken over the NBA. These guys all think they're hard asses. :rolleyes:
Now when Artest threw the punch at the guy in the Pistons jersey that walked onto the court...that shouldn't be held against him. If you step onto the court, you're in his world and he has every right to defend himself and the other players and coaches from a potentially "psychotic" fan. You never know who is going to run on the court, so should you do you deserve what you get.
Same for the sliding punch (impressive!) that Jermaine O'Neal threw. The guy he attacked was on the court and deserved what he got.
As far as I remember, Artest and Stephen Jackson were the only 2 players that went up into the stands and attacked fans, so they should be suspended for that and that only. Wallace should get a couple of games for his response to Artests' foul, and any of the players that left their bench should get 1 game.
Not one of those guys should be held responsible for what happened to any fan that came onto the court.
So let me get this right ,if you were in line gettin beer and a guy threw beer on you ,you wouldn't whopp his ass or at least try .

One thing I will agree with artest should be gone he is not right for the game ,but I disagree with the actions against ben wallace couldn't take a foul and was mad because they were losin at home started the whole thing and the other wallace eggit on which is BS .

The fans acted like a bunch animals I take my kids to games and i would be ashamed ,if one of our local college games went that crazy .

Finally I believe if oneal is gone for 25 games the same for wallace because oneal did not leave the court he defend himself ,so wallace was swingin on the court ,so the same for him what do you guys think?

Just average NBA thugs, that have ruined Pro ball with egos and conduct. Most have no concept of team ball. It looks more like a pick-up game of these days. Look at how good the NBA did in the Olympics. I wonder, what players like Magic Johnson and Larry Bird think about the NBA of today?
The fans need better conduct, too.
Glad to see the NBA trying to send a message to the players and management.