Front bumper (needs repainted and rub strip)--make offer
Trunk lid (stock) minus lock and spoiler. Good paint but hail damage---make offer.
Stock fuel hanger, good condition--125
Speaker box with 2 10' Memphis subs (great condition) make offer
Note book laptop only used for Direct scan (real compact) make offer
Stock heads with the big valves and 100 com cam springs--make offer
Turbonetics T72 with 83 exhaust (20 miles after rebuild, no play)--reasonable offer
Precision 62 with 82 exhaust (side to side play-no in and out)--reasonable offer
340 Walbro fuel pump--make offer
Braided turbo oil return line--make offer
Stock crank pulley--make offer
Two 4x15 prostars front runners (used) with standard backspacing (no tires) look great when polished.--make reasonable offer
Tac signal booster (Caspers) -make offer
Two BFGoodrigh GForce Dragradials 325/50 R15 and 4" backspacing along with the Crager 10x15 Star rims (tires and rims two months old) ---reasonable offer
Max Effort 16 Pos Engine Management system (8 months old) with chip for screenless MAF 18-26 (new dual timing) degrees of timing, 83 lb injectors (chip 4 weeks old).---reasonable offer.
Trunk lid (stock) minus lock and spoiler. Good paint but hail damage---make offer.
Stock fuel hanger, good condition--125
Speaker box with 2 10' Memphis subs (great condition) make offer
Note book laptop only used for Direct scan (real compact) make offer
Stock heads with the big valves and 100 com cam springs--make offer
Turbonetics T72 with 83 exhaust (20 miles after rebuild, no play)--reasonable offer
Precision 62 with 82 exhaust (side to side play-no in and out)--reasonable offer
340 Walbro fuel pump--make offer
Braided turbo oil return line--make offer
Stock crank pulley--make offer
Two 4x15 prostars front runners (used) with standard backspacing (no tires) look great when polished.--make reasonable offer
Tac signal booster (Caspers) -make offer
Two BFGoodrigh GForce Dragradials 325/50 R15 and 4" backspacing along with the Crager 10x15 Star rims (tires and rims two months old) ---reasonable offer
Max Effort 16 Pos Engine Management system (8 months old) with chip for screenless MAF 18-26 (new dual timing) degrees of timing, 83 lb injectors (chip 4 weeks old).---reasonable offer.