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Mazda boost vs Buick boost


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Say ello to my lil friend
Oct 31, 2003
Happend today about 2:00pm. I am out on Motorcycle RD(cool name) It is a gently rolling but straight 1/4 mile of asphalt near Raleigh NC.....about the only straight unpopulated road around.
I am taking some runs in my 86 T-Type messing with fuel pressure trying to get my o2's up. Well I am Getting ready to launch when I see a white 1988ish RX-7 come up the road the other way so I wait for him to pass before I go. He see's what I am doing and stops to watch. At the end of my pass I take a look at my Turbo Link and turn the fuel up a little....I look over my shoulder and RX-7 guy is sitting there and looks at me straight face and says I can take ya....want to race....What else could I say.......sure.....Well he does a doughnut and takes off to the start line and waits for me.......I pull up next to him and I say go when ever you want........he looks suprised and says you giving me the jump??????????....I say sure........well he brings the R's up and dumps it..I am on 225 radials so I gradualy ease into it....he is 3 car lenths ahead....As soon as my turbo makes boost I am frying tires.....spinning through first and second......I still catch him quick and by the time I am in 3rd I have 4 car lenths on him. I put my blinker on and pull in front of him and stop......All this in maybe a 1/8 mile run. Teach him to pick a fight with a TR
Just the basics for know.....Feeling my way as I go. See sig for mods and thanks.
It's going to be a habit lol

you think it's fun educating a Mazda Now? heheheh, the latest thing now happens to be right next door in High Point's home to a growing rave of turbo powered MP3's MP5's and something called Mazdaspeeds. So don't be at all suprised if you come across one of these lil' Gems at a light and find they're Oblivious to what a BEAST the TR is! Good Hunting!