Midwesterners please read for meet info


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2004
Anybody that lives around the Iowa/Illinois or within driving distance, please go to the Regional section and read the info about a meet that a few of us are trying to organize. We are trying to get as many people as possible together to meet at a local park for the day. If we do it Scott Co. Park in Eldridge, Iowa there will be plenty of activities available for your whole family also. There are trails, swimming pools, a golf course, etc. Most Importantly, it would give us guys a chance to meet each other, grill some food and have a few beer while we BS about our cars a little. Also, we are planning to have it on a Saturday before one of the local Sunday shows so if anyone is interested, they could join in and enter the show. Last year we had 7 GN's at one of the shows, this year would be neat to have a lot more and really steal the show. I will get hotel info for anyone who may need it. If you would like to just join in on the Saturday meet, thats great too!! Please read the Regional section for more info!! Thanks -----Jeremy

P.S. ---- not sure on any dates yet but when we have a few more people, I will start to get definate info!!
Ok guys, sorry for the long delay but there is some new info for a meet here in the quad cities in the MidWest section. Go there and let me know you'd like to attend!! Thanks ----Jeremy
Very easy to find from Iowa City. About 45min! I need you guys to shoot me an e-mail to let me know for sure if you can make it!!!! jdpolzin@yahoo.com I just need a headcount!! Go to the Midwest section for more info. Planning on 10am and ending up at the cruise night. This will be one sweet day!!!!!!!!! :D
Ok guys we have 13, we gotta hit that 20 mark so please tell as many people about it as possible!!!!
You set the time and date and I'll be there!! I actually may be going there sometime soon because I found a GN that I might be interested in!!! :)

Want me to look at it for you,,,I AM PARTICULAR and could give you a fair evaluation ;) :D
Really appreciate the offer!! That is very very kind of you. Unfortunately I was mistaken and the car is in Alabama. Although, I should be selling my car next week and will be looking for a less expensive one. I will keep my eyes open and if there is one in Kentucky, I will let you know. If it is fairly close to you, that would be great if you could check it out. Thanks for the offer!!! _------Jeremy