Mike Price says thanks for all the help


9sec 17MPG Street Car
Staff member
Sep 24, 2001

Just want to up date everyone on the dead SS from TT4. It was the Optispark distributor. When I opened it up the guts all fell out! Surprised it even made it to Woodburn! I replaced the Opti, the water pump (the two go hand and hand on the LT1s), added in a new GM Ignition module just for a warm fuzzy, and $100 worth of new plugs. Also have an MSD coil and wires, a scan tool that will work on both OBDI, OBDII, and on a I in a II car as I have, and a Scanbastard on the way. I do not ever want to be caught like that again, if I can help it! Want to get it on the Dyno again this week (attn. Bill!), then hopefully take it to the Club Drags at Mission if they will let me run tha weekend. I think I learned my lesson bringing a Chev to a Buick event! The Buick Gods made me pay, big time! lol

Anyhow, I want to thank everyone that helped try to get the pig going again. First there was Gurtz for giving me a ride from the end of the track, and Rod and Ken B. who spent almost as much time on it as I did. And Ken for the ride to the parts store. Then Adam and Kurt for their help, and the use of their tools (who would have thought a low 14 sec (although I was hoping for a 13.999) car would have needed tools! How stupid of me!). And speaking of tools, Dennis and Scott Hogan for the use of theirs, and Dennis for being my taxi driver between the hotel and track, and for the long ride home. Then there was Walley who was kind enough to lend out his scan tool, and Kurt and his cute wife for running around looking for, and picking up the spark plugs. And of coarse Frank for rubbing the throttle body and making it start one last time! And last but not least, Pat and Wanda Brooks for towing the big boat home. Poor Wanda had to drive the Cyclone home all alone, and if you hadn't heard it didn't quite make it. It had to be towed as well, but some asshole had parked an Impala SS in their nice new enclosed trailer!

I am sure I missed somebody and I apologize if I did. I am old as dirt, and I am usually sleep walking at these events because during the day is when usually (try to) sleep! Thanks again and it was nice meeting the people I hadn't met before like Dan Powell who is always nipping at my heals in his super fast stock long block/bolt on car. The Bastard! lol And I better not forget Dave L (and his wife) for putting on the event, and Gene for his usual hospitality, and posting this for me.

Mike Price
:eek: You know what, Mike...... Pat and I would do it again, that's what friends do! It was no trouble at all, and be nice to yourself LOL It towed great, too, by the way.. no problems at all. I hope to go to another race with you sometime so I can see your SS run, that would be cool. The trucks no biggies, it'll be fixed in no time. I'm glad the truck did its thing when Pat was behind me, at least. It wasn't even 5 seconds after I waived 'bye' out the window to Gene and Robin when we made the cutoff to go on 405.. Those little Motorola talk-about radios come in handy.
Let me know when you are all going racing again, so I can take my truck out after it's done. We can't make the one this weekend, :( because we have a points meet back up at Woodburn. Pat had a great time at TTIV, because usually, he's waiting to make his Stock runs all weekend, and this time he got the weekend off and could play. You know what he said this weekend too? I actually heard him tell someone that he wanted a Buick!! Ahahahahaaaa... my evil plan is working ;)
It was good to meet & talk to ya Mike!! :cool:

Sounds like a PITA with the Chevy, hope ya get it ironed out. :(
Glad to hear it is running again. Anytime you need my parking space again just holler. ;) Me and my wife felt really bad for you and wished there was something more we could have done.
Always willing to help anyone who needs it.:) Billknows;) I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I need the favor returned. Only wish I could have been more help. Randy (MAITAI) and I are going to make a trip to Pacific Raceways this friday night hopefully. We'll see.
Mike good to hear you got the chebby running finally even though I didn't help with it, I did feel for you and your friends leaning over the fender in that hot sun while the rest of us tried to find some shade. Hope to see you in the "good" car next year! :)

Pat and Wanda it was really nice meeting you two! You are obviously hard core/true blue drag racers and I respect that. I'm trying to get a hall pass so I can go down this weekend for the Divisional. I'll look for that wagon!
Adam is da man! He would climb out of bed in his PJ's to help wrench on your car!!! :D :D :D