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Active Member
Jun 2, 2002
Took the TT out of storage early & I was driving A lovely country road thru Litchfield NH to burn off winter gas. The speed limit is 40/45 & the cops are buzzards for traffic tickets cause they virtually have no industry & 1 gas station.

Apparently a guy behind me in a foriegn job with a bra on his rig did not like the fact I was going the speed limit and enjoying my ride looking at all the homes & cornfields.

When the 1/4 mile of passing strech of straight road came up I saw him make a move to pass :eek:
I depressed the pedal to quickly speed up for a short blast.. It downshifted & shot forward. I see him way behind in the other lane and all pissed off as he fell back in line way back behind me. :D

GOOD boy! Now you do the speed limit like me and have RESPECT for your dad's BUICK!. :biggrin:

I love being the PRICK sometimes. :tongue:
What kinda foriegn jobber??

Please tell us it was a BMW, Audi, or something of that variety.

I think I enjoy hearing about some bigshot (or wanna-be bigshot) with a look at me, I have a tiny dinky & a $50,000 European sports car, getting beat down more than I like hearing about a ricer kid in his Vtec Honda getting a whipping.:biggrin:
I pulled a move like that to a guy in a C3 Vette, then he gestured I was #1:biggrin:. Its always fun bitch slappin slower cars.
On a similar note I was in the left hand of a two lane highway doing about 15 over the speed limit in a early 90's Buick Century when someone ran up my a$$ in a late 90's Buick Regal. The right hand lane opened up and he went to pass so i got on it and watched as he tried to pass doing 90 before realizing there was a car in front of him and he locked them up. The nose damn near hit the asphalt as he was s'ing all over the road. Was i the a$$hole for that move or him for trying to pass in the right hand lane when i was already well over the speed limit and givin no time to move over and let him pass?