Misc For Sale

Wait a minute?

I sold you that computer around a year ago or so give or take, and to my knowledge that was a pitbull chip in there. I'm only buying the one here for a spare in case mine goes out. And for your information I had to give my old computer to poston enterprises for a core exchange one that I spent over 280 to 300 dollars on and that one went out and got a free exchange from them since they had a bad batch of chips and computers. So I bought one computer from them and got a free one from them since the first one was defective. The computer I sold you to my knowledge was not bad and that chip was a pitbull if memory serves me correctly (but can't say for sure). But as I stated at the top that was a year ago or so when I sold you that. So why has it been so long since I shipped it to you that it is my fault?:confused: :mad:
I dont have a stock upper but I do have a real nice hemco,if your interested 130.00 shipped,thanks...