I have a different view on oil filters, and especially in the area of boosted engines.
The web site listed above has lots of info about filter construction and "quality", but nothing about real world use and experience. His info has changed little since it was first published years ago.
My first comment is that type of oil is more important than the filter, especially the use of synthetics in our engines. It is a waste of $$$ using synthetic oil as there is NO benefit since the oil should be changed every 2-3000 miles. Also, it is very thin when at operating temps and gives less oil pressure and film strength for the larger bearing clearances in a performance engine.
Nick- which oil filter do you recommend? this link says 40 micron is not for street use.
And another characteristic I really dislike about it is that in 2 or 3 days it will drain off bearing surfaces and cylinder walls, which is not good when the engine is started.
As far as oil filters, the only brand we have had problems with is the Mobil I/K&N. The filter media is way too fine as it restricts oil flow. These have actually restricted flow so oil pressure was only 1-2#'s at idle. On engines with modified oil pumps and very good flow and pressure, we have seen the filter media crushed when cutting them open, which we do on a regular basis.
The Wix/NAPA performance filters have flow because they have a less dense media, about 3 times the Mobil I. The denser media also leads to "tracking" through the media. This means to oil will take the path of least resistance, and many times will create its own large track instead of being forced to pass through a very fine media. This happens in all media filters to some extent.
We did some testing and found that using a 40 micron filter with no bypass would give a 5-10 HP increase and a 5-10 PSI pressure increase over a Wix performance filter.
I also need to make this comment, the advertising agencies are paid to SELL product, oil and filters, and present test results and BS statements to make you believe their product is superior and YOU should buy it. This does NOT make it the best product for your specific use.