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Modern turbo buick chip question for the experts


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Am I assuming you utilize it's signals for timing? I ask because my coolant temps are kinda wacky at times. Tell me this then, if during medium acceleration if the signal coming from the temp sensor is starting to do funny shit, will the timing follow along with its silliness?
The coolant temperature is used to determine open and closed loop so if you're losing the signal the chip is probably switching between open and closed. Eric can tell you what that does to the commanded timing.
I ask because my sensor isn't as smooth anymore. It used to show like 170 or so all the time, and when under heavy acceleration and deceleration, the temp would go up a little, then eventuall settle back down again as it cooled. Now it's kind of weird. One moment it's 167, and under no real load, just normal driving, in 15 seconds it'll be 175, then gradually go down to say 170, then 167, then 171 after a few seconds. It's not only not as gradual any more, but it shows odd temperatures when it shouldnt. I have a ton of data logged in my head for coolant temps, because I'm obsessed with coolant temps, and I know these temps are not at the right times. It's like the sensor reads 15 seconds slow or something. When it should be hot, it's 167, and when it should be 167-170, it's like 180. It's the exact opposite of when it should be happening. I thought I'd ask because even though the numbers are only about 10 degrees off at times, it's still not right, so I had to check. I'm going to re-do my S hose, thermostat housing water pump, and coolant sensor. We'll see what that does.
That temperature range there won't affect the calibration much. I thought you meant huge variations like 50 degrees or something.
Oh ok. Ah well, had to check anyways. Also, have you ever seen where a dirty LS maf wire screwed up the car's tune really bad?
Buy can of MAF cleaner and give it a try if your worried about it being dirty. Worst case you replace the MAF.
Yea, I ran out of maf cleaner apparently this winter. Buying some today after work. Just wanting to see what other people's experiences have been.