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May 26, 2001
Man, I hate to be bugging ya'll on this propain setup, but I want to do it right the first time...

  1. Why would you NOT put the nozzle between the compressor inlet and the MAF? It seems to me that the pressure differential would be more favorable, that location never seeing positive pressure. Say...100# bottle vs. 0# (or vacuum) as opposed to 100# bottle vs. 25# boost pressure.
  2. Does the bottle stay at a relatively even pressure, then fall off suddenly when it's about out of gas?
  3. What is the normal pressure of a full bottle?
  4. With so much pressure available, does it really matter at all, where the nozzle is located?

There's another thread about injecting the propane before the turbo with some good info, search for it. Bottom line is that the propane distorts the characteristics of the air and the turbo don't like it.

I'm curious why the kit recommends the hose for the nozzle and not the up pipe.
The hose is recommended so you can remove the Pro-Pain kit and move it to another vehicle and not have to buy a new up pipe. Just another option aside from drilling the up-pipe. Plus this gives more chance to hide the injection point if you want to go stealth with your setup and not let the competition know what you're doing.
Is there a down side to installing on the hose? I'm thinking hose integrity.
WakkoSS, Let's put it this way: It is usually harder to find or fix a silicone hose. However, any exhaust shop can make you an new up pipe... or you can weld up the hole.
