More Stupid Democrat Criticisms

Red Regal T

Senior Member
May 24, 2001
They couldn't stand when the Commander in Chief, formerly a pilot, landed on the aircraft carrier. Just as bad was having Thanksgiving dinner with the troops in Iraq. Now, he participated in a joke about not being able to find WMDs. ;) Oh!........the tregedy of it all. :rolleyes:

Democrats............GET A LIFE !!!
The stupidest Democrat critism I've heard this week was the condemnation of the White house releasing the "Richard Clarke background interview" in which he contradicts most of the anti Bush stuff he said in his book.

"that was Off the record" they cried. a "hatchet job". The white house shouldn't be exposing its "sources for background infomation".

Oh... you mean like releasing all the personal letter's Kathleen Willey wrote to Clinton.

CNN has has a website dedicated to those.

Where is Richard Clarke's inconsistancy website, CNN?

We are waiting....
Originally posted by Red Regal T
More Stupid Democrat Criticisms

I like how you say this as if you expected some OTHER type of type of criticism coming from the democrat camp. :D
I've never seen a bigger bunch of babies or hypocrite's than the republicans on this board. “Now, he participated in a joke about not being able to find WMDs. Oh!........the tragedy of it all.” (I see you’re obviously a student of the George W school of grammar and spelling – a similar IQ maybe? The word is spelled tragedy.) That’s funny that when republicans lie, it’s all a big joke. Haha, it’s so funny that 600 Americans and 6,000 innocent Iraqi’s are dead. How comical. And I guess, in your mind, those of us who were against the war (and were right about trusting the UN inspection team’s assessments of Iraq’s WMD capabilities) are still considered unpatriotic and “against the troops,” even though our approach would almost certainly have saved many of our troop’s lives and almost 200 billion (so far) of the taxpayer’s money. Do you realize how little sense this makes?

Maybe instead of writing posts that are pointless and ignorant you should open your ears, close your mouth and listen to everyone - not just your war loving social group. Bush is not a good president, period! (This is not arguable. He is not a good president, so don’t even try.) And, remind me, why can’t we complain about the poor leadership of our current administration? Isn’t the ability to speak out about your government one of the most important and cherished American freedoms (that is, if the so-called Patriot Act doesn’t destroy this freedom along with all the others it’s destroying)? Oh yeah, I forgot - we can’t complain because you, the almighty “red regal T” said so. Take your own advice and get a life. Or better yet, go join the army and then let your hero George W decide how you spend your life. Good luck!

Sick of this crap,

P.S. I will not post on this thread again for I feel there is no reason to waste my time arguing with you. And, in case you didn’t know, that turkey that Bush was carrying to “feed” the troops WASN’T EVEN REAL. Kind of like the WMD’s…
Hey Brian, you wouldn't be French would you? :D I think you're right though, we should have yelled at Saddam louder to make him comply with the cease fire agreement he signed with us in 1991. Oh excuse me, perhaps you weren't around then?
I'm independent,and I find most demo(sore loosers)crats take on things- way out of wak.I wonder how many plants Kerry's family has overseas?What are they worth?700 hundred million or so. He could probably fork up the money so Florida residents would have state of the art voting booths.They can really be stupid. I did'nt say dumb out of respect for Helen Keller.
Its funny how the republicans all say Clarke out to make a buck and dump on Bush. Ift seems to me He is the only person so far that has admited some blame to 9/11. Bush and fellows just pointed the finger and the CIA or whoever else,thats "leadership". Its also funny how no one knocking Clinton for 9/11 after the investigation. Also funny how Bush himself or his top advisers will not talk to the investigators. I wonder if they will have an ivestigation on WMD? I wonder how that will go? I sure it will be a no comment type of ordeal, maybe Bush could muster up the nuts to blame someone else with his great leadership ways. Imsure the the parade,UNGN ,Red regal T,and silver six wil be able to to put a great Bush ending to the story but most know better.
It seems like more people are starting to agree with Brian's take on things it's starting to appear like most of us were wrong!
Carl Ciaffone

You missed todays Fox coverage and it did address Clintons lack of pursuit in terrorist activity and he DID NOT pass on anything to the Bush administration in this area either. Clinton did not escape this 9/11 fiasco as you might think.
To our new Demo board members. Did you ever think of how fast Sadaam could move and bury evidence in a minutes notice. Iraq is a huge country of rock and sand. Along with Sadaams neighbors Syria & Iran possible storage areas. I wouldn't judge Bush so soon on not having found any WMD yet. Our country's military does not have the resource in numbers to find something that is probably hidden in a short period of time. It will take quite a while aided by local intel to help in the effort.
Face it guys we are having a battle of wits with unarmed people.Just ignore the Dummycrats and don't bother.There are none so blind as those who cannot see.
I don't care if there are no WMD's and I never did. 16 of the 19 Hijackers on 9/11 were SAUDI. Saddam needed to go before the leadership of Saudi Arabia goes. Libya is done, Iran is next.

We went into Kosovo because of "Mass Graves" and "Ethnic Cleansing" (and we are still there). The Mass graves and ethnic cleasing that has occurred in Iraq under Saddam are 100X what happened in Kosovo.

The 9/11 panel seems to universally agree we needed to "act Pre-emptively" against Osama. That Bush and Clinton "should have done more". Bush is the first President to act preemptively against a "KNOW STATE SPONSOR OF TERRORISM" and he's called a "Betrayer" by the Democrat's playing politics.

It's bad that 400 service people have lost there lives in battle in Iraq (and almost 200 in accidents), but Compared to the death rate of African American's males between 16-25 in any major metro area in the US, it's pretty low. But you don't hear many Democrats complaining about that...hmmmm.

Having a military that is unwilling to suffer casualties is asking countries trying to prove something to walk all over you.

Faced with a choice, I would rather live in a country that did the walking on.
The truth and facts will only confuse democrats. And they get bored. Throw some emotion in there, and some lies, and some personal attacks............oh and some pole numbers. Let them lick their finger and stick it up in the air to test "public opinion". Tell them you believe in something, then change your mind. Present yourself as a war hero, then accuse U.S. military personel of rape and murder. Say you support our troops in Iraq, and then say you don't. It shows that you're sensitive and diverse. See, if you stand firm on an issue, then you're close minded. A good democrat must bend, and flex, and flip, and flop. It's all about lowering standards. Let's face it, when a democrat lies, it's because he or she has reconsidered their position, or has grown, and learned. It's expected of them. "Is" used to be "will be" and then becomes "was". The folks on here that use logic and reason to debate have to learn to relax a little. Intellectually, we are showing up to a knife fight with a gun.
i dont' get into politics at all, i don't care wether someone is republican or democrat, butthe democrats really are making theirselvs look bad.

i'm not saying bush is a great president, but hes not doing all that bad of a job. and for everyoen who complains just think about what would be happening if gore was elected.

and so what if we didnt' find any wmd in iraq, we got sadam, the guy who kills his own people because he can. he IS a weapon of mass destruction, or terror.

I heard there blaming bush for not finding bin laden, but he isn't over there looking, he isn't gathering intelegence, sure a little falls back on him, but he wants bin laden and thats about all he, or any other president can do.

I'll vote for him.
After reading someones post it reminded me--- were still in Yugoslavia. Go figure. :rolleyes:
I'm sorry I thought we should've nailed Iraq,Iran and North Korea just for the way they treat(torture,murder) there people. People who carry the big banner for peace now are basically talkers. THEY SAY THAT THEY STAND for peace love and demonstrations. I would think they would be the first in line to take up arms to save peoples lives??? They have to know the living conditions are terrible.Or at least hold demonstations for doing something asap for these millions of people,even if it means us going back to the draft to go to war. Why are'nt the dems holding ralleys for the poor people of the world.WHY,WHY,WHY, it's because of the statous quo. Republicans do things for the money,and so do democrates. People who don't see this or care is because they've become part of the machine. Problem is the machine is running backwards like a switched diesel.:mad:

All I can say is don't get so tak'in with a certain party that you have no resoning power left. In all honesty people following the democratic party are the worst.Buy a mirror and friggin look in it!!:(

"He is the only person so far that has admited some blame to 9/11."

How VERY liberal of you. If someone would just apologize to me, I would feel SO much better.


How very liberal of you. Don't like the message so ATTACK the person and question his mental capacity. He just can NOT be smart enough to be in this discussion. So he should step aside so the SMART people can decide for him. I seemed to have missed the part where the intelectual elite governs the rest of our socialist masses. They know best.

"even though our approach would almost certainly have saved many of our troop’s lives and almost 200 billion (so far) of the taxpayer’s money"

The standard Democratic approach had beocme to sit at home and lob cruise missiles. Send the bombers. If soldiers are hurt, withdraw them. The terrorists came to believe we were cowards, afraid to fight. And those 60,000,000 people would not be free today. Elections would not be in the works. Women still not going to school, much less vote. Terrorists still in the good graces in Saudi. Sadam still paying for kids to blow up those nasty Jews. Sadam just happened to have been killing his own citizens at a much higher rate than they have died in the last year, the war included. Lybia still building the WMD. Pakistan still selling WMD to the highest bidder. That portion of the terrorist leadership still alive and at work.

Freedom must cost to much today.

"and were right about trusting the UN"

And just please give me even a short list of when the UN just stood their ground on the ground. Where in the world are the places the UN didn't just run away from a fight? Where are the places where the UN has brought human rights to the citizens?

"P.S. I will not post on this thread again for I feel there is no reason to waste my time arguing with you"

Liberal, socialist, snob. I know a few names myself.
Bush f$%^ed up.

He was too busy ****ing around with Iraq when he could have had Osamas head sitting in the White House Rose Garden.

It pisses me off to think that W had 9 months to decide how to deal with Al Qaida???? WTF is that. Even if he acted in true Texas redneck form he could have bombed the ****ers first and asked questions later but he did not even do that.

Kerry has it right for one reason. Iraq will become a Vietnam very fast unless we fix it and get the hell out of there.

Whatever problems I think I have pales in comparison to men who are fighting that war for us.

Any US service man that reads this, you need something let me know and I will try and help you any way I can.
LOL, I love it when guys like Silver 6 post inane nonsense, and then say they aren't going to reply anymore because they don't feel the need to "waste time....." Whenever anyone says that, it means they know they're full of it and don't have anything intelligent to say..... The war we're in is a disaster and a complete waste of resources. We went in on false pretences and now we're stuck. Say what you will, but I wasn't losing any sleep at night worrying that Saddam was going to attack us during the night.... The current administration is a disaster, I can only hope we vote Bush out of office before it's truly too late. I never thought that anyone could do as much damage as he has in a scant 4 years. He's one of the worst Presidents ever and an all around despicable guy. I wished I believed in Hell so I could believe he's going there...
P.S. Saudi Arabia is the real terrorist haven, but we don't go after them because Bush is Buttbuddies with the the ruling family. It's just like how Ken Lay never got in trouble because he's tight with Bush. Bush is a liar and a coward. He's not half as rightious as he pretends to be.