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Most popular calibers??


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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2005
I am curious to what are the most popular hand gun calibers and most common rifle calibers? Thanks in advance guys and gals.
I would say 9mm for handguns cheap ammo and plenty to find everywhere, rifles 223 (ar-15)
why are you curious , looking to buy , do you own a firearm?
I am from Canada and we have a monkey running our country . They are passing laws to make our guns illegal. I have recently got back into shooting and joined a club etc. My thoughts are to buy popular guns that ammo will be easy to get if only criminals have guns. Thanks for the information.
The suggested calibers is exactly what I was thinking. I really like the little club I belong to and shooting is a great way to spend an afternoon.
7.62x39 is a cheap, abundant, great intermediate round that'll leave said criminals laying where they're standing on their assholes and elbows.

For this round, you can pick up cheap surplus SKS's that are a ton of fun to shoot. I like the Yugo M59/66 from the world famous Zastava Arms factory with its rifle grenade attachment. The Russian SKS from the Tula Arms plant is another good choice and the original version. Also for cheap, you can opt for a Ruger Mini 30 or even an AK 47; if you're allowed to have one. Any of these guns are simple and reliable. Making them perfect for a trip to the range or for defense.

For .22, you've got to get a Ruger 10/22. That rifle is cheap, a ton of fun to shoot, accurate, and has got a huge aftermarket of parts/upgrades to customize it how and for whatever.

By the way, if you're from The Great White North, you may reconsider 9mm as a defense round. That round doesn't like barriers, ie layers of clothes. Especially hollow point rounds, which get plugged up and fail to mushroom. Maybe consider 40 S&W for defense? Whichever caliber you do pick, just make sure you choose Hornady Critical Defense ammo for your protection round. That ammo is loaded with flex tip expanding bullets. Those bullets with their polymer tips will punch through heavy layers, penetrate deep, and mushroom perfectly. Shoot the cheap shit at the range.

One last note, Yukon Jack and firearms are the perfect mix.

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I really like the Hornady Critical Defense rounds. I have them for all of my self defense guns from 22 mag. to 357 mag. Many people say the 22 mag. is not a good defense caliber. My response is, can I shoot you with one to see how it works?
unless their on pcp then you'll need the gauge LOL .22 right in the eye ball LOL
The Hornady Critical Defense ammo is what we have loaded in all our handguns , That is the best , IMO , you can have loaded .
dang Keith hate to run into you walking around the cabin with that lank
wrist breaker LOL
7.62x39 is a cheap, abundant, great intermediate round that'll leave said criminals laying where they're standing on their assholes and elbows.

For this round, you can pick up cheap surplus SKS's that are a ton of fun to shoot. I like the Yugo M59/66 from the world famous Zastava Arms factory with its rifle grenade attachment. The Russian SKS from the Tula Arms plant is another good choice and the original version. Also for cheap, you can opt for a Ruger Mini 30 or even an AK 47; if you're allowed to have one. Any of these guns are simple and reliable. Making them perfect for a trip to the range or for defense.

For .22, you've got to get a Ruger 10/22. That rifle is cheap, a ton of fun to shoot, accurate, and has got a huge aftermarket of parts/upgrades to customize it how and for whatever.

By the way, if you're from The Great White North, you may reconsider 9mm as a defense round. That round doesn't like barriers, ie layers of clothes. Especially hollow point rounds, which get plugged up and fail to mushroom. Maybe consider 40 S&W for defense? Whichever caliber you do pick, just make sure you choose Hornady Critical Defense ammo for your protection round. That ammo is loaded with flex tip expanding bullets. Those bullets with their polymer tips will punch through heavy layers, penetrate deep, and mushroom perfectly. Shoot the cheap shit at the range.

One last note, Yukon Jack and firearms are the perfect mix.

I really like the Hornady Critical Defense rounds. I have them for all of my self defense guns from 22 mag. to 357 mag. Many people say the 22 mag. is not a good defense caliber. My response is, can I shoot you with one to see how it works?
The Hornady Critical Defense ammo is what we have loaded in all our handguns , That is the best , IMO , you can have loaded .
I had no idea about this ammo. I need to look into this for my Beretta M9.

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