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Mustang Kill


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Raymond Bunch

"Turbo Enthusiast"
Mar 20, 2002
Fellow Buick Enthusiast

This is my first post to this Awesome board, so in saying this, please bare with me. Hear we gooooooooooooo.....

Coming back from San Marcos friday night and while coming into Oceanside, I stopped at the local Circle K on Coast Hwy across the street from the 76 gas station to get a cup of coffee.

Upon exiting the store and getting into my car and fixing to go north on Coast Hwy, I see a very nice mustang go by and it was awvious he had some mods done to it, I mean this thing sounded sweet.
With no intentions of racing this fella, I end up next to him at a light at the inter section of Coast Hwy and Oceanside Blvd. I look over at him and his girl friend sitting next to him and with a stoned face he looks back at me, I knew he wanted to race.

Well like i said, at the time had no intentions of racing this fella.

Well, the light turns green and we both left the light and a normal rate of speed and no traffic to our front. As we are building speed I notice he isn't shifting into second and I'm about a half car length back and all of the sudden he floors it pulls near a full car lenght on me. At that time Just out of reaction, I floor it and instantly catch him and started pulling hard on him. By the time it's said and done, I had an easy two and a half to three car lengths on him before just letting off. Anyway.....

While approaching Mission and parked at the light fixing to turn left, I waited for this fella to pull up to give him a thumbs up, he never came up next to the GN, instead he was about a half a car back and checking out mine. I leaned over and gave him a thumbs up and said good run. He had nothing to say, he was just looking at the GN like what the heck just happend, while his girl friend was looking at me smiling.

Needles to say, I was running 110 octane and 21 psi. :)
Nice Kill!! Reminds me one time when I was cruzing and see this Mustang hot dogging it. I figured I teach him about Buick. I pull up next to him, trying to make lets drag sounds. The SOB looks over and starts laughing.:mad: So I power boost it and just destroyed him. Needless to say, I whiped that smile off of his face quick. He later asks me what kind of motor I have in the car. I told him it's just a 6 cylinder!:D
Originally posted by Raymond Bunch
Fellow Buick Enthusiast

This is my first post to this Awesome board, so in saying this, please bare with me. Hear we gooooooooooooo.....

Coming back from San Marcos friday night and while coming into Oceanside, I stopped at the local Circle K on Coast Hwy across the street from the 76 gas station to get a cup of coffee.

Upon exiting the store and getting into my car and fixing to go north on Coast Hwy, I see a very nice mustang go by and it was awvious he had some mods done to it, I mean this thing sounded sweet.
With no intentions of racing this fella, I end up next to him at a light at the inter section of Coast Hwy and Oceanside Blvd. I look over at him and his girl friend sitting next to him and with a stoned face he looks back at me, I knew he wanted to race.

Well like i said, at the time had no intentions of racing this fella.

Well, the light turns green and we both left the light and a normal rate of speed and no traffic to our front. As we are building speed I notice he isn't shifting into second and I'm about a half car length back and all of the sudden he floors it pulls near a full car lenght on me. At that time Just out of reaction, I floor it and instantly catch him and started pulling hard on him. By the time it's said and done, I had an easy two and a half to three car lengths on him before just letting off. Anyway.....

While approaching Mission and parked at the light fixing to turn left, I waited for this fella to pull up to give him a thumbs up, he never came up next to the GN, instead he was about a half a car back and checking out mine. I leaned over and gave him a thumbs up and said good run. He had nothing to say, he was just looking at the GN like what the heck just happend, while his girl friend was looking at me smiling.

Needles to say, I was running 110 octane and 21 psi. :)

As I've stated in other threads in the kill section, some guys just can't get it through their heads that their cars are not extensions of their penises. It's ok to lose sometimes without getting insulted. Getting the thumbs up from the guy that just beat you is very cool. Giving a thumbs up back to the guy that beat you is even cooler. But you don't see that much because these yo yo's don't know how to be good sports. I can just picture his dopey stare in my head. It's kind of funny. :)

Good story and good kill. Did you blow his girlfriend a kiss? :p
Originally posted by forzfed
Nice Kill!! Reminds me one time when I was cruzing and see this Mustang hot dogging it. I figured I teach him about Buick. I pull up next to him, trying to make lets drag sounds. The SOB looks over and starts laughing.:mad: So I power boost it and just destroyed him. Needless to say, I whiped that smile off of his face quick. He later asks me what kind of motor I have in the car. I told him it's just a 6 cylinder!:D

What's even funnier is that you had to tell him what motor is in the car. By now you would think the whole world would know about the Turbo 6 Buick. There are still many lessons to be taught. Kids. :rolleyes:
Many MANY lessons to be taught, and thank goodness, otherwise, we might only have these cars just to drive for our own pleasure.. and well, that's only HALF the fun.. ;)
Re: Good Kill

Originally posted by NCC1701
If you see another GN running around Oceanside, it's me:)


Happy to hear theres another GN running around in O-side, I'll be looking out for you. Maybe we could meet up sometime in the near future and do a cruise or something? Do you ever race your car? Well, I plan on going to Qualcom Stadium this Friday to run the GN in the 1/8, I don't have a clue of what she will do, but I will soon find out. Thanks for the reply and keep in touch.
Originally posted by forzfed
Nice Kill!! Reminds me one time when I was cruzing and see this Mustang hot dogging it. I figured I teach him about Buick. I pull up next to him, trying to make lets drag sounds. The SOB looks over and starts laughing.:mad: So I power boost it and just destroyed him. Needless to say, I whiped that smile off of his face quick. He later asks me what kind of motor I have in the car. I told him it's just a 6 cylinder!:D


I know what you mean, most of these people don't have a clue of what makes are car's tick. I use to work on the turn pike in East Brunswick, NJ with a friend of mine at Sweeny's Gulf station. Well, he owned one of the most rare GN's, an 87 GNX to be exact. I had the previlage to drive his car and man, I tell you, I was hooked from the get go!
Every since that beautiful day, I wanted one....But could never aford it. Until about a year ago, I got a lucky break. I ran into an individual who blew a head gasket on his GN, well to put a long story short, I asked him if he wanted to trade for my 89 Mustang coupe. At that time he wasn't sure if he wanted to or not, but a couple of day's later, the trade was made. And a dream came true!
Originally posted by Raymond Bunch

Well like i said, at the time had no intentions of racing this fella.

Needles to say, I was running 110 octane and 21 psi. :)

Riiiggghhhht. :rolleyes:

I drive around with 110 octane and 21 psi with no intentions to race either.

Nevertheless, very good kill. Mustang Boy was prolly telling his G/F he didn't want to floor it all the way.
I know what you mean Raymond. I've had people tell me there brand new Chevy truck could beat my T.:rolleyes: I always like to chat with the people in the vechiles that I kill. Haven't got beaten yet. But I always look at the back tires the car is running as well as any fancy 4 link suspension. If they just have crappy street tires, I'm not worried.

And Ken, a man's worth is measured by the car he drives!:D Definitely nothing worst than poor sportsmanship. We all can't have the fastest vehicle on the street. I got beat once by a mid 12s Suburban in my 78 Sport Coupe. I was amazed and definitely talked to the guy and complimented him.

As for the GNX, I drove GNX112. We had 3 GNX's here in our city of 600 000 people which is pretty amazing. GNX 538 was sold to a guy in Alberta in the spring and now he wants to sell it. :(

I drive around with 110 octane and 21 psi with no intentions to race either.


I know how it sounds.....But really, I didn't have any intentions on racing the guy;) HA! HA! Needless to say, it was fun.


I totally agree with you, I also look at the rear tires of the individual I'll be racing. After all, traction is pertinant to most victories. Although, I did race an LS-1 Z28 at the track one time and he was using slicks and lost. I was running him on 275-60-15 BFG with 20psi in them, they seem to grip pretty good. My goal as of right now is to get the car running 12.80 as a daily driver.
hey Ray

It's funny, I'm in Oceanside right now, at the wife's aunt and uncle's place. Watching the World Series, and checking out the web site. I drove the T-Type up from San Diego Saturday. Take Care, Ben:cool: :cool:
hey Ray

It's funny, I'm in Oceanside right now, at the wife's aunt and uncle's place. Watching the World Series, and checking out the web site. I drove the T-Type up from San Diego Saturday. Take Care, Ben:cool: :cool:
Hi Ben!



It was good seeing you friday night at the track, hopefully we can arrange a time to get together soon. Next time your down this way, give me a call and we'll meet up. Are you going to Qualcom again any time soon? Let me know...:p I'm hoping to go again on this Friday. ;)