I'm open to suggestions as all this is new to me. I have a Champion race intake and an external Aeromotive reg. I will be running a stock location TR6. Thanks
I think a poll thread is going to be started to see who is interested and where they would like things routed. Just keep a eye out in the New Product request forum.
I took my tank down this weekend because i had to fix my sending unit, so I got you some pics when the tank was down
As you can see the lines coming off of the tank are zip tied together. Then they go over the plate near the top of the floor. The lines are run right between the frame and floor in the corner.
The lines follow the corner of the frame and floor, and exit at the bottom of wheel well on the frame. The return line just follows the frame to the front and enters the engine compartment right by the drivers side wheel welland runs up near the master cylinder. The feed comes out at the beginning of the wheel notch in the frame to the Fram filter.
The Fram filter is bolted to the reinforcement part of the floor near the stock placement for the fuel filter.
Then the feed line follows the return line to the engine compartment.
I was able to make it to the track over the weekend, the track prep was garbage so I couldn't get a decent sixty foot to improve on any et's, BUT, I did get some data I think that you guys would find quite interesting. Last year when I ran 154mph with my old fuel system I saw that my injector duty cycle was maxed out. In 3rd gear it hit 105% duty cycle and settled back to 96%. With my new Racetronix double pumper I was able to at least get some data from my log that I was very happy with. At 1 psi less boost then what I ran last year with my old system, I was at 66 to 68% duty cycle. That in itself tells me that I have a lot of room for improvement, that doesn't require anything to do with my fuel system. Video and time slip below.
Traction was a huge problem. The car instantly unloaded the tires, I got off the throttle when that happened and pinned it again, shifted 1 to 2 early, shifted 3rd and ran out of gear before the et line and got out of it.
Even though i didnt get the dbl pump hanger, (only lines) its good to know when i do, Ill have plenty and not ever have to worry about fuel again! Thanks for sharing the vid too!!