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My Best friend Just Passed Away


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Aug 2, 2001
He was a wonderful person and friend! he was a member on here his screen name was my86turbot he passed away Jan 10th 3:20 am a time i will never forget! thats the funeral home link his name was Larry Jones. I grew up as a kid with him rode bikes with him motorcycles and then to cars. he was the owner of Preformance Auto in Charleston Wv cars was his passion. Him and his wife wanted kids forever but never could have them so they became foster parents to 2 little boys that were abused,they fell in love with them and wanted to adopt them so they got the ball rolling on the adoption in the meantime Kelly his wife got ill and suddenly passed away! only at 31 years old leaving Larry alone to try to adopt 2 kids. he stayed true to those kids and went ahead with the adoption what an awsome guy!! 6 months Later he met his new Partner and they went out a few times a year later she moved in with him and this was who they considered mommy now!! another year went by and they had a child of there own Larry Jones the III (LJ) he devoted his whole life to those kids they was everything to him they called him the Great One! and he surely was,we did a lot of things together like going to race at Pinks All Out Bristol that was the highlight of his life.i will never forget all of those good times, this is where it gets hard he had no will no insurance nothing! so now its up to Vicky his partner to try to supply for these kids. Larrys biological mother left him when he was a baby never to talk to him again she had the nerve to show up at the wake and steal pictures!! while the funeral was taking place she went to the courthouse and filed for custody for those 2 kids,only one reason for that is the checks that come with them, so now Vicky has to fight for those kids because Larry would never want those kids to go to his mother!!!!only one problem she has no money she had to borrow money just to bury him now she cant borrow no more. She needs money for a lawyer House payment bills and grocries and i was wondering if this would be a good place to try to raise some money for them if anyone has some answers let me know. I have posession of his T and it will be maintained by me till LJ gets in his 20,s if i live that long! then it will be given to him sorry for the long post im just crushed and this makes me feel some butter thanks Sam
Well it would be great to keep the car for his kids but if she is in need of money maybe auction off the car? Just an idea.

Sorry to hear about the loss, sounds like a good guy considering he adopted those kids on his own.
words cant describe him! he never met a stranger the bad thing is:( his littlest one one the phone with me yesterday asked me if Daddy was at Pinks he thinks that is where he is at, just so sad!
all that i can say is live right be ready! because you never know it gave me a wakeup call for sure i have 15 month old twins and i couldnt imagine my wife alone trying to raise them
Sorry for your lost, and his family. Dont know him, but i dont have to to help a little. In my eyes, if i help someone, and they miss use it, they must answer to God for that, not that you would. Post a address, and name, and ill see what i can come up with.
To take on two kids knowing it was just going to be him raising them says a lot. That man had a heart of gold. I dont know anybody that would do that including myself. He was way to young. I am sorry for your loss. god bless
how should i go about this as far as setting up a fund for them im new to this and dont have a clue any help would be appreciated
This is heartbreaking, may God bless his family.
RIP Larry

Id guess go and setup separate account at your bank for paypal Id be more then happy to donate what I can.

I am sorry to hear of your and his loved one's loss. He and his loved ones will be in my prayers. Such a great guy and a tragic loss to his loved ones.
i am going to the bank today to see if i can set up an account will they do it with paypal im clueless
Sorry about your loss, as previously suggested, it might be best to sell the car if money is an issue.
there is a snag on the car we really dont know whats going to happen because there was no will and she was is girlfriend of 7 years he wouldnt get married again because he lost his first wife,but anyway the car is in his name only so it cant be sold right now thats the problem!!
i kinda know the deal that your talking about you will have to set a a bank account with your name and their names on it too. my mom is doing this with my cousins to save them some money for their college and what not
i figured i would get more responses on this and maybe some help i am trying to set up an account for her might take a couple of days and help would be appreciated thanks Sam