My dad can beat up your dad

Talkin' smack is part of the car culture in the US. I would go so far as to say that back in the 1800's two dudes were sitting at a bar in the old west saying "My horse is faster than yours...." of course there was probably some ricer in a donkey who thought he was the fastest...... :D
Re: Re: I really like how you call me kid. Makes you sound very intelligent.

Actually no, Im dating the hottest DUDE in school, and I do car stereo. My school doesnt have band.

Sounds about right^
Originally posted by marleyskater420
I know Im new, and I know this is stupid.

Than why continue?

But see, Im in highschool right now(senior) and reading all these stang vs. GN threads, its like you guys are the little junior highers I see round campus.

To get an idea of actual ages, and not speculation, see this thread: Because, we're not "like little junior highers".

Why do you guys fight so much to see whos faster?

Why, not?

If you race proffessionally I can understand. But most of us arent.

Never heard of a hobby?

Its pretty much who has more money and who pays better, not who can actually use their car daily and go fast.


So why do you diss each other like 13yr olds do. And yes, my brother is 13,and he seems more mature than some of you guys who just go "well I have a v6 so im cool", or "well im a v8 so im cool even more" Its go to junior high and do this... you 20-40 yrs old..and you argue like little kids..

No further comment necessary...

Did you ever see what teenager who hated his parents looked like, and then realized you did the same thing, and realized it was completely stupid and immature?

Didn't see that movie!

I mean Im trying to make my car go fast,I wanted to run 10's, but then I realized "hey thats incredibly stupid because in the real world who would want a gas guzzling,****ty street driving GN"So I decided to just do little mods and keep mine a good street car.

See second post of this so-called thread.

You know, Ill prolly get flamed for this. I really. dont care. I just want to know why you guys go back and forth so much like it is the end of the world.

I think you're reading into some of the "anger-filled" posts a bit too much.

I mean I argue with my friends all the time, yet everyday we still hangout with each other.


Seems to work for me and I'm 17,why can't it work for you and you are in your 30's? Aren't you supposed to be the more "mature" ones?

PM me with your secrets :rolleyes: .

I know I told myself to stay away from this silly thread, but boredom brought me to it! :D

Why should anyone on this board listen to this ad hominest-filled, sanctimonious-moral-dribble (which could've used a spelling and grammar check) while you sport the username: marleyskater420?

I just wasted 5 minutes of my life. :(
Re: Re: My dad can beat up your dad

Originally posted by nero
Than why continue?

To get an idea of actual ages, and to avoid meaningless speculation, see this thread: Because, we're not "like little junior highers".

Why, not?

Never heard of a hobby?


No further comment necessary...

Didn't see that movie!

See second post of this so-called thread.

I think you're reading into some of the "anger-filled" posts a bit too much.


PM me with your secrets :rolleyes: .

I know I told myself to stay away from this silly thread, but boredom brought me to it! :D

Why should anyone on this board listen to this ad hominest-filled, sanctimonious-moral-dribble (which could've used a spelling and grammar check) while you sport the username: marleyskater420?

I just wasted 5 minutes of my life. :(

Are you trying to tell us that you drive a Grand National to your "high school" and you've never once talked about how fast it is?

Or there hasn't been a single person ask you about your car or how fast it is? And if they never talk your car up or dazzle them with kill stories?

And no one at your "school" tells you that you need to race so-and-so because that dude has a 5.0?

.....give us an effing break!

I am beginning to wonder if you even have a GN!

I really don't talk about how fast my car is, unless it is brought up. We all joke that I drive a Buick and its AT.

People ask me how fast my car is, and Ill tell them who I've raced, I dont make it seem like it is the greatest thing since sliced bread though.

Intercooled-I dont get the 5.0 part.

I think you all misunderstood this whole thing. It could have been answered with a simple "Well its life, and it goes like this" I mean it was an honest question. You really think I made this thread to ****ing change something? I really don't care who argues with who, I just wanted to know why the 5.0 and GN guys go at it so much, and that question was answered. That was about it. DaveGN answered it, and I didnt have anymore questions.

THEN you got into "Oh well he's 17 so he's stupid." You can go **** yourself. Damn dude, you're shooting me down because I asked a question.Wow. "Hey he's younger than us and he's questioning how things work, lets make fun of him!"

Oh-for the record, my name has always been marleyskater420 on any board. I stopped smoking, and I plan on it that way, so don't give me crap about drugs. They're stupid.
Your Problem In A Nutshell

Let me break this down for you "dude".....

You are getting reaction because of the way you posed the subject and/or question.

What you should've done was this:

Hey guys-

Why is there such an ongoing battle between Turbo Buicks and Mustangs? I wonder why there really isn't any other make or model in this rivalry? Just wondering.:D


You decide to attack the basis of this rivalry by saying that we all act like children or 13 year olds.

People take offense to that. Especially when you want to compare us with your 13 year old little brother, who you say, "seems more mature than some of you guys."


Why is your school better than the other one across town?..........Because you go there, right?

Why is a GN cooler than this other guy's Mustang?.........Because you drive a GN.

Why will Buicks always rule, no matter what?........Because we all have them.

Learn it, Live it, Love it:cool:
Re: Your Problem In A Nutshell

Well then, I am wrong, and I do apoligize. You are right, I did phrase it wrong, and I see now that I started off on the wrong foot, and should have put it in other words.

I apologize to all who I offended, I did not mean to, I just have the tendency to put things down,and not think over them twice.

I'm wrong, I should've posted it in a different way. Live and learn.
Re: Re: Your Problem In A Nutshell

Originally posted by marleyskater420
Well then, I am wrong, and I do apoligize. You are right, I did phrase it wrong, and I see now that I started off on the wrong foot, and should have put it in other words.

I apologize to all who I offended, I did not mean to, I just have the tendency to put things down,and not think over them twice.

I'm wrong, I should've posted it in a different way. Live and learn.

It's all part of being young and maturation! And you admitting and recognizing your fault here displays a crucial step in maturing that most never get to accomplish, CHEERS! :) :cool:
Yo Marley...I give you props for steppn' up...remember you're...Just starting to know whats what.
Originally posted by RobsIron
Yo Marley...I give you props for steppn' up...remember you're...Just starting to know whats what.

Thanks for the props. I do apologize for coming off as an ass. It's my fault.

And you're right, I am just starting to know whats what.